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Posts posted by svinyard

  1. I'm the dragonborn and fight like a man. I want to at least fight like the Barbarian on Diablo 3. I'm requesting a mod that gives players special attacks, preferably some sort of small combo's too (upgradable).


    In almost every action RPG there have increased combat abilities as your progress. These come in the way of fancy combos or special moves and are usually one of the main highlights of the game as you really do a lot of combat. I'm hoping we can get something similar in Skyrim. The only cool perk 2handers get is "sweep" and a decap kill move. Everything else is a lame passive buff.


    Ultimately I'm hoping to see REAL epic, God of War style battles with dragons some day. Right now a blood dragon sits on the ground while I whack at it as I straf around and win with several hits (dwarf armor even). Lame....



    I'd like to see Dragons and other mobs have some special moves as well and improved AI in regards to combat. So far the combat mods have been crude at best, seemingly to only alter statistics in the game. Hoping that future pushes into the Creation kit will change this!!


    Anyone want to do a massive leap attack at a 100ft Mud Crab??? Yeah I do...



    Oh, and no naked dragons. Lets give the SkyPorn a rest for just a minute...just a minute.

  2. Wow, very impressed with a lot of aspects of Skyrim. However one of the biggest things about adventuring around is the combat of course. Now I understand its not going to be perfect but there are definitely a few things that need to be modded. I would love to see something similar to Dark Souls combat. I don't think its that far of a reach either.


    Currently its very floaty and spammy. If some guy whacks me with a great sword it doesn't even seem to phase my character or interrupt whatever he is doing. This is just PISS POOR. A slightly "i got hit" effect is needed here with a camera bump. This would greatly get rid of the spamming combat very quick and force some strategy. Also we need a parry mechanic. The nice thing about this game not being online is that the technical aspects of combat are greatly reduced...hence timing and range and all of those things that make combat a skill instead a button mashing/strafing exercise become a very fun reality. So here is what I'm proposing initially:


    1- Hit effect - This can vary in degree depending on the weapon. Maybe there is a perk that decreases this indicating you are a badass and can take a single swipe without being effected. Need camera bob for this


    2- Parry Mechanic - this is a timing risk/reward move. It allows you to parry your opponents move leaving them open for a devastating counter attack (skill strike?). If you miss, it leaves you open and takes some stamina


    3- Block Mechanic - This just needs updating. I want to see my sword bounced back or something other than just allowing me to not take a % of damage. Needs to feel visceral and have camera effect as well.


    4- Reduce strafing speed - I can dance in circles with a big sword swinging away...this is just silly.


    5- Side-Step evade - Similar to fighting games. Double tap the left key or right key and your guy side steps. Maybe this is available for certain armor types...maybe a perk system is written around this stuff. Rogues can roll or something.


    6 - Basic AI to use some of these for enemies.


    Again, google Dark Souls and look at a quick you tube video on


    Anyways, just some initial thoughts. Hope to see something like this eventually.

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