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About notaconfirmeduser

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  1. Good job! I'd love to see your tutorial and learn how you did it. Sounds like fun.
  2. Try this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/61040
  3. Since about 1986, with the Wargame Construction Set for the Amiga. Followed by the Shoot-'Em-Up Construction Kit in 1987. I created my own levels and art. In about 1994 I went 3d with the original DOOM. Created a few levels and shared them with friends. Modding awakened some weirdly creative parts of my brain that combined math stuff and crazy visualization. Now, after modding Fallout 3, NV, and 4, I'm combining my love for art, music, and storytelling in one platform. I couldn't be happier. It's like my brain and emotions were waiting for someone to invent modding so I could be happy.
  4. Thanks so much greekrage.This is incredibly useful information, and going into my knowledge base immediately.
  5. I had another idea for you, and I should've thought of it earlier. I've used this technique before, so it may work for you. If we're talking about a wall, or a series of walls, I've copied and renamed a nif for a particular wall of interest. Then, using copy and paste, I've patched together a single texture for it from a source I liked. Then I created a new single mat file for the new Nif. Worked pretty good, even though I'm no artist. Might be worth a try. I did it for the interior bay windows, because I didn't like the options. I wanted blue bay windows to match some of the blue wall textures in game. Best regards.
  6. Hello. I'm just an amateur, but I've found some partial workarounds. Here are some options I use: 1. I group similarly named items that share common material swap options, or are neutral to material swaps. Items with NO MAT SWAPS or maybe one or two are most neutral. EXAMPLE: The stairs I like are called MetalIntStairsStr01, and MetalIntStairsStr02. They are neutral to material swaps, and don't really mind being thrown in with other types of items. They don't change. I created a stairwell, and surrounded them with DecoMainA1x1WinC02Full wall pieces. The material swap I used for the walls was DecoKitAtoBrickRed01. I created a SCOL of all those pieces, four floors worth, and then the DecoMain pieces swapped back to their base MAT. No problem. I edited the SCOL, and re-selected DecoKitAtoBrickRed01. Everything went back the way I wanted. The stairs didn't care what I did. In the same manner, I can create several different SCOLS and use the GROUP function to glue them together. 2. Another option: I create an SCOL as normal. I watch the colors go wacky. Then, I find the new SCOL in the object window. Right click. Select "Recreate Static Collection Meshes" Now here's the tough part. While my old SCOL remains, a duplicate SCOL just got a name change and was dumped unceremoniously in a random place on my computer. For me, it goes into my Mod Organizer 2 overwrite>Meshes>SCOL folder, under the name of my mod. In that folder (crossing fingers), I find a weird file with a lot of numbers. When I open it with NIFSKOPE, I find it is my SCOL. I am able to select individual bits of the SCOL and change their textures manually. To do that I need the name of the desired MAT, and its path. The name and path I get from the CK, maybe with some assistance from xEdit. So, I research the names and paths, and then copy them all onto a digital STICKY note app. Then I copy and paste the names and paths into Nifskope. One caveat: Seems like NIFSKOPE will only let you change clumps of SCOL parts that share the same MATS. Maybe there's a work around, but I'm a novice with the app. I'm no teacher, but I hope this helps you at least a tiny bit. Feel free to ask questions.
  7. Wow, looks great! Big fan of your work. I'm stunned that one of the modders I respect would respond to me. Thanks so much. I'll give it a try. Timers were always a bit of a black box to me, but this seems straightforward.
  8. Hi I'd like the player to enter a trigger zone, which would cause an object or NPC to appear, but then the object would fade after several seconds. I'm working on a spooky mod, where objects or NPCs fade in or out like the Dunwich quarries situation. Any way to do this without too much fuss? A timer comes to mind, and a enable/disable self activate trigger, but I don't know how to use the two together. Thanks for any advice.
  9. Good point. From what I understand, porting Fallout 3 meshes to 4 doesn't present any legal issues. FNV presents a problem as it was created by Obsidian. So, I've reached out to an artist on Artstation about creating a few FNV facsimiles from scratch. New meshes, art, etc. 100% new.
  10. Wow, thanks for the great explanation! I guess that answers my question as to why not many people are importing assets. Sounds like a huge undertaking, but since I was going to learn this sort of thing anyway, you've given me a great start on understanding what's involved. Many thanks.
  11. I've been trying to use Fallout 3/NV meshes and textures in Fallout 4 to create a retro look, and I'm getting the red diamond. I'm moderately experienced in using the CK/Geck, and have modded 3, 4, and NV before, but this problem has me stumped. Looks like the FO4 CK doesn't like the 3/NV meshes. I tried using a static item in FO4 as a base, by replacing its NIF, but even though I correctly assigned the textures to the FO3/NV mesh in NIFSKOPE, I get the red diamond in the FO4 CK. Anybody got any quick tips, hints, or tricks? I would love to do a FO3/NV retro interior in FO4. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
  12. You're close to the solution already. Create a suit of armor or clothing that cannot be worn by the PC. Make its resistance to ballistic, energy, and radiation super high. Give it no protection to...I dunno...poison? Fire? Put the suit on your boss. That's the simplest way I can think of to implement your idea.
  13. Do you mean an interior cell? Rooms, items, etc? If so, I can provide a quick tutorial on how to do it with the Fallout 4 CK.
  14. Thanks for your reply! I love your global stash mod! A few quick questions if you don't mind? 1. What property type should I use for the XMarker? I tried "Object Reference" and "Location Reference type." 2. The fragment I tried using is: Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo (NewLocationREF)Is that the correct syntax to use with a XMarker Heading? I'm getting a "no viable alternative at input" error. Thanks again.
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