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About ShakaTheZulu

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  1. After messing around with different variables, I have found that it's not possible to increase council mission rewards via the variables in the rcdata. I reverted back to normal settings for money, and I do not suggest anyone alter the way it is currently. I had some buggy issues after reverting, but I finally got it back to normal. For awhile I was getting -43,000 income on a new game. I guess I'll just have to settle with pretending 1 credit in xcom is worth a lot of money, which is the way it was intended. The only work around for this I can think of is unpacking the upk files and altering the council mission rewards, but I'm not really willing to start doing that yet, especially for a purely cosmetic change. However, it is exciting that people are having success with modding the game already since it's only been out for what, two weeks?
  2. I ended up modifying the price on everything I could find. So satellites normally would be $100, and they are now $100,000. All facilities, maintenance, and items that I could find have been increased by x1000. The only thing I couldn't find was specific council mission rewards, however I might try the multiplier idea. Reduce all sources of income (minus the grey market) to normal, and put the multiplier to 1000. That should fix all mission rewards, and essentially make everything look cosmetically better for me. While playtesting what I had done, the only issue that came up was with engineers reducing the cost of building items. A medikit for example, costs $25 normally with 5 engineers. With 9 engineers it would cost I think $21. With everything x1000, it was $25,000 with 5 engineers and around $21,254 with 9 engineers. So you do end up paying a little bit more (the extra $254), but it isn't something that bothers me that much. It would be the equivalent of a few credits/dollars normally over the course of an entire game. Probably around $10. Still, I looked through rcdata 1020/1033 for awhile last night and couldn't find where council missions grab their rewards from. Maybe it is under some strange variable name? Here is the section that has the most promise for what I am trying to do. ; Strategy Game Constants ABDUCTION_REWARD_CASH=200000 (I changed this, normally 200) ABDUCTION_REWARD_SCI=4 ABDUCTION_REWARD_ENG=4 COUNCIL_DAY=20 (Not sure what this does. Maybe how long it takes to complete a council mission? That would be a long time for General Van-whatever to be on a bridge with aliens.) COUNCIL_RAND_DAYS=7 (Not sure what this does either.) COUNCIL_FUNDING_MULTIPLIER_EASY = 1.5f COUNCIL_FUNDING_MULTIPLIER_NORMAL = 1 COUNCIL_FUNDING_MULTIPLIER_HARD = 1 (I could just modify these values. I'll play around with it after work) COUNCIL_FUNDING_MULTIPLIER_CLASSIC= 1
  3. So one of the first things that bugged me about xcom was the money scale. For example, the United States gives you $180 per month to fight an almost losing battle against aliens. I pay more in rent a month than that. So I went into the .exe with resource hacker, and basically added three zeroes to the end of everything involving cash. It does alter the way the economy works slightly when you throw in engineers reducing the cost of things, but it really isn't that big of a deal. Mostly you will be paying slightly extra because you will be paying for a remainder that would normally get dropped. However, I've been looking all over to find out where the council rewards are found. I just got a bomb diffusal mission and the reward was $180, which is nothing in my currently modded game, but I can't seem to find any sort of reference for that reward anywhere. Is it buried in some other .ini file? Come to think of it, I didn't see any references to the somewhat levelled up random soldiers you can get either. Anybody have any ideas?
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