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  1. Anybody know how to move the camera in the z-axis without having to look that way?
  2. Is there no way to move the camera upwards and downwards without having to look up or down? Skyrim allowed this, but I haven't found a way to do this with Fallout 3.
  3. Hi, I am trying to make a Fallout machinima, but my biggest problem is that unlike Skryim, Fallout 3's tfc does not allow me to move the camera vertically on the z-axis. The camera only allows me to move front, back, left, and right, but I also want to move the camera up and down. Would anybody happen to know if there is a way to move the camera up and down? Thanks.
  4. Hello, I am currently in the process of making a Skyrim movie, or Machinimation, as some people like to call it, and I need to make an NPC wear a bow and quiver while equipping a sword. As many of you know, in vanilla Skyrim, weapons "override" each other, meaning players and NPCs can't carry multiple weapons at a time visually. The mod Armed to the Teeth Easy Version, which in reality is just a Skyrim ini edit, offers a solution for player characters. What I need, however, is how to make NPCs wield multiple weapons at a time. Various users of this mod have reported seeing NPCs wearing multiple weapons, a bow and a dagger for example, after installation, but I need to find a way to FORCE an NPC to wear multiple weapons at a time. Would anybody happen to know how to make this possible using Armed to the Teeth Easy Version? How the mod works is that anything "Favorited" will instantly appear equipped and sheathed for the player, so if you favorite a bow and a sword, both will appear sheathed on the player at the same time until the equipped weapon is drawn. What I'm thinking is that forcing NPCs to favorite certain equipment should solve my problem, so does anybody know if there's a way to "Favorite" weapons for followers on NPCs? Or is there any other way in which I can achieve visually equipping NPCs with multiple weapons? Thanks, help much appreciated. PS: Here's a link to the mod I'm using - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26486
  5. Hey guys, I am beginning to realize that when I witness Alduin resurrecting a Dragon, the Dragon bursts out not as a skeleton, but rather already with flesh. The glowing effect in which the dragon's flesh reconstructs appears, but since the body's flesh is already there, it doesn't do much. In other words, usually a dragon bursts out of the mound as a skeleton, and its flesh rebuilds, but in my case, the dragon already pops out with flesh, so his skin reconstruction cannot be witnessed. I know you may say it's not a big deal, but I'm making a movie with this, so I need this scene to play properly with the skeletal dragon's flesh returning. Please let me know if you know the solution to this problem! Oh and I am playing on the PC using mods. Thanks!
  6. Hey guys, Just wanted to share with you guys this fan-made Machinima called Thuumception. It takes the popular Inception trailer and Skyrimfies it. Literally like Skyrim and Inception had a baby: Here's a side by side comparison video.... the similarities are... striking. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlR6mB17JPk&feature=share&list=PLEA52FC166746875D
  7. Hey guys, Just wanted to share with you guys this fan-made Machinima called Thuumception. It takes the popular Inception trailer and Skyrimfies it. Literally like Skyrim and Inception had a baby: Here's a side by side comparison video.... the similarities are... striking. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlR6mB17JPk&feature=share&list=PLEA52FC166746875D
  8. Hey guys, Just wanted to share this video with you guys, it is a cinematic movie made with Skyrim. This particular series covers in two episodes Dovahkiin joining the Dark Brotherhood. This whole thing will seem familiar if you've played the game and the questline, but it's still cool and intense to look at it from such a cinematic perspective!
  9. Hey guys, do any of you know if there is a mod that modifies the dialogue interface? I need it to be completely invisible and I also need the camera to not lock on as soon as the conversation begins. Maybe if there was a mod that you could assign a button to make the dialogue options visible and invisible. I'm working on this film using Skyrim, it's literally taking Skyrim and turning it into a 2 hour movie. That right there is just a sneak peak, still a work in progress. In order to hold conversations cinematically, I can't have dialogue options showing up and I need to find a way to unlock the camera so I can set them in various angles as conversations take place. If there are any mods you could recommend to make this possible, please let me know, that'd be fantastic. If not, if anyone could teach me how to modify it myself in such a way, that'd be great too. Thanks.
  10. OK, for the MBP++ go to the website given above, click on the link above the .90 and then use the ctrl-f and find the word "download" and the link should be there. Will try and see what new stuff it brings. But still curious about the vampire thing... my eyes are all weird now. Any ideas? EDIT: Once again, forget the vampire thing, fixed :)
  11. Sorry for the late answer. Those asking about MBP, the link was given above by DesuChan. Honestly, the key elements to the graphics is MBP and High Rez. Also checking the "imperial textures' in the High Rez install tool. As for the MBP++ I'm not sure if I have that I actually didn't know there was such a thing. I went in your link but everything is in Japanese so I couldn't find the actual download link for ++, would you please direct me to it? EDIT: forget the vampire thing, fixed :)
  12. Ah I see thank you for the explanation. Well, as long as they have clothes that cover their necks, they look fine I guess. One thing about the Moonshadow Elf (or pehaps this is for all races) but I began to notice that all of the sudden my character makes an angry face every time it looks at an NPC. Was this always in Oblivion or was it added through some other mod? I would actually like to remove the weird face my character make at the sight of an NPC, but I do not know if this is just a default feature or something I added by accident. I am assuming it's from the Moonshadow Elf mod because one of the optional files is a "facial expression fix".
  13. OK, female-wise, everything seems to be top notch. However, male wise, there are a lot of inconsistencies. I am using High Rez with MaleBodyReplacerv4. For some reason, the faces of the male NPCs just look average and also don't match the body of the malebodyreplacer at all. Is the High Rez for the player only or for all NPCs? Are there any specific settings with the High Rez install that I need to set or is there any mod that fixes this?
  14. Thanks a lot for the Moonshadow Elves link, they're my new default race now :P. But yeah the neck seams seem to be universal, but oh well, only minor annoyance. But looks like I managed to get the top notch graphics I was looking forward to get. Antialiasing also made a big difference (I did it by using the method described in a previous post, using the graphic card's settings). Thanks a lot guys! Help very much appreciated.
  15. Hello guys, so basically I download Seph's Hand to Hand Animation Replacer, and installed it like any other mod (first time I used OBMM by creating an OMOD and then I tried copying and pasting it like the old way). However, whenever I run the game, the animations don't change at all. The only changes are the stances both in 3rd and 1st person. However, when I do power punches, animations are like vanilla. Any suggestions? Here's my load order btw. Oblivion.esm Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp MidasSpells.esp Beautiful PeopleV22 - MaleReplacerV4.esp Apachii_Goddess_Store.esp Knights.esp DLCShiveringIsles.esp Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp CuteElf11.esp LONGEARSREN.esp 1SB_RavenousEleganceOutfit.esp Telekinetic Mastery.esp EyelashesVannilaRaces.esp Hentai Mania.esp RealisticLeveling.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eye.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Saram Hair.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Pr-ttyCure Hair.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Nec Mystic High Elf Remake.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed HS-Hair.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Cute Elves.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Corean Hair.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Babe Hair.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed AGS Hair.esp EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp
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