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  1. The manticore armor textures look perfect but the sleeves meshes are just badly made imo, it's like they went for both the loose shirt and tight around the biceps look at the same time, which makes Geralt's arms wayy too big, like a sumo's arms. Would be great if a modder who knows a bit about 3D modelling could thin them out a bit especially around the elbow area, or maybe replace them with the Gryphon armor's arms or the basic shirt ones. If they could keep the armbands, and remove the small leather straps on the shoulders, it would be great as well. It's one of the most iconic armors in the game and it's sad that there are almost no remodels on the nexus. Thanks!
  2. Your load order is fine, my experience is, if it runs, then you're good to go. If there are script conflicts usually the game won't start, and you can just ignore the non-mergeable conflicts.
  3. I think it would be a great addition to the game if you could switch between having your steel sword on your back or on your hip like in Witcher 1. There are some armors that have no belt on the back so the swords kinda float there. When wearing a heavy armor the swords just look silly on the back, the tournament quest included. Would work wonders also with the mod that allows you to put your swords on your horse. If a modder can do a script like that it would be great.
  4. oops forgot to put a title...Well looks like i can't edit it
  5. Would be great if there was a mod that allowed you to remove the bag, which looks goofy on some outfits, or better yet, a script that allows you to show or hide it with a key.
  6. Yes, removing it would be neat, what would also be great is to remove the purse and to put the off hand holster there like Dutch wears his holsters, dunno if it's possible tho. Removing the off hand holster and the bag would be a pretty good start
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