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About raithpayne

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  1. In a nutshell; there are a few mods on the Nexus that allow the player to increase their SPECIALs and Skills past their vanilla limits during Level Up, but there are no mods that keep the vanilla limit, but allow for the various temporary ways to increase your Attributes and Skills. In other words the mod would: Make no changes to the level up process, the characters permanent base SPECIALs and skills Vanilla limits of 10 and 100 respectively would be kept as is.SPECIALs and Skill bonuses from armor and wearables (Like +STR from power armor) would be added to a characters SPECIAL of 10.Consumables that increase SPECIAL, or increase Skills (Like magazines) would also be added and compounded with the bonus from armor and wearables.Perks that add SPECIAL or Skills would add to the base number, but any perk that would permanently increase a stat plus 10 should be prevented. (Such as Intense Training).Implants that increase SPECIAL should effectively be considered as permanent temporary buffs and should allow stats to go over 10. (This would be my personal preference and it's arguable that the better balance would be to prevent implants that allow SPECIAL over 10.)Preferably: The mod would be script-based for maximum compatibility with items added by other mods.For those SPECIALs and Skills which do not add an actual benefit after 100 because of scripting limits or game design: SPECIALs would be distributed into their associated skills, Skill bonuses adding greater than 15 past the 100 skill limit would add a SPECIAL point to their associated Attribute. (For example; a skill of Survival boosted by a modifier of +15 from clothing could add an Attribute of 1 Endurance.SPECIALs or Skills bonuses that have no effect or an undesirable effect past 100 or another reasonable limit could be transformed into modifiers for reduced damage, a modifier to Caps gained, or a buff to reputation gains, etc.The WHY? This mod concept has been requested on the pages multiple mods that do similar things, but none of the mod authors are active, nor has anyone picked it up.It's a relatively simple an unobtrusive mod that re-enables a fundamental game design feature back to endgame, or specialized characters with builds who have already surpassed the hard limits imposed by the Vanilla design.This concept could also be ported to Fallout 3 or TTW.This concept could be added as part of an overhaul mod (Although I would prefer it be separate).
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