Sometimes, I think the game " toys" with me instead of the opposite: to play myself with the game. I will explain it: I see a lot of streams of noob people playing. Its impossible to play worse! Rushing and activating new aliens, without points for seek cover, bad tactical choices, bad firing order (holotargeting as last fire of the turn), guys without cover...However, in those games aliens miss all their easy shots or make few damage and the xcom soldiers hit their shity 25% and 30% shots easily! ...amazing! When I play, always advance my squad carefully, all my soldires with points of action for safe responses. Always get heavy cover and chosse places out of range of potential flanking aliens. Always fire with 50+. Most times I ensure 70%, or 80%. But... I MISS A LOT! And the aliens hit me in full cover almost every time, doing heavy damage. I got a ufo recovery mission against Heavy Muttons for first time. I placed everybody in full cover and fired with 60 to 90s%. All misses. The mutton fired and killed the heavy in a single shot. I quit and loaded the game from the base and got the same mission with a new map and a new random seed: Same situation. Impossible to kill the muttons and receive deadly crits in full cover in a single shot. Loading the mission again before the skyranger loadout...and the same situation took place. Finaly, I accepted the kill of one of the guys and kept playing. Suddently, all my shots were hits and the aliens missed all of theirs. The game won that xcom life and I won the mission. Im thinking about this. Is possible that the game has a scripted behavior to aid some “lousy” players and punish the carefully ones? Seems there are some hidden modifiers to aid the aliens with a +20 hit and crit chance, and a -20% for you aim, but they arent permanent ones.When the IA thinks its enough punishiment for you, the odds become even. Or maybe, there are some “dangerous trigered situations”, like the first mission with muttons, or the first mission when invincible sectoids with 100% accuracy raped me in fulll cover again and again. Only when you get a lost or two the chances become fairly. I know there are some positive hidden modifiers in easy and normal if you have few soldiers. I experienced that in the demo. When my first guy died, the remainders turned themselves in Rambos, If you lost three guys, the last one became Chuck Norris. Nobody could hit him. Is possible the same mechanism works favouring the aliens in Classic and Impossible. What do you think? PD:Sorry for my English.