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  1. In order to have a clean patch 6 version, I will delete xcom and re-download whole game (20 Gb). Maybe some files remained stored from some Mods like toolboks, aditional heads, larger pods,...
  2. The problem is the new EW stuff: MECs, free cloack, def bonus,... Now, you can kill a Sectopd easily with mimetic skin, telecinetic field, Mecs (they can resist several 10 damage hits) and so, without worry about tactics.
  3. I did overall process again from step 3. It doesnt work. Nevermind. Thanks anyway.
  4. Ok. Done. Tx Bertilsson. The problem was the destination folder. Patch aplied succesfully, but the game doesnt start. Xcomgame.exe*32 is running in the background. I have Windows 7 64bit Ultimate I suck :confused:
  5. Hi Bertilsson. Disabling antivirus doesnt fix it ruta de acceso no encontrada=path not found My installation path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComDown I wonder why... EDIT: wait a moment! Did you said common\XComDown? OMG
  6. It doesnt work for me: Made steps 1 to 7 but when run Downgrade.vbs I get an error. This is the error report (in Spanish): Windows Script Host C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComDown Linea: 3 Caracter: 1 Error: ruta de acceso no encontrada Codigo: 800A004C My Version.txt file reads: Date: Monday, November 25, 2013 5:01 PM Changelist: 398179
  7. Im waiting for Toolboks custom mods to disable Gen and Mec labs and remove these new retarded stuff, but keeping the new maps, missions and UI feautures of EW. You mod saves me the job.
  8. Yeah, its another strange thing. It happens mostly when you try to break LOS with someone that is supressing you. The shot pass through walls or big trucks. Dont like it.
  9. The second one. He move out of LoS until reach the same door I was covering. Both were in heavy cover, in opposite sides of the same wall. The concept is pretty clear IMAO: One moves or fires or take different actions. If the enemy moves, I fire at him, and then, the opponent fires or moves again, and after that, I do the same. Maybe a reaction value for everybody can decide who fires first when someone "pop-ups" from a window or corner, like in the original game. Is the same question for defensive fire against firing opponents, but we have the support perk allowing it. Indeed, all guys (xcom and aliens) in the game must have that perk by default. Thus, you can take the initiative firing first or waiting until the opponent fire, exposing himself for a reaction fire (insight: with a reduced cover bonus). ....just a bunch of ideas.
  10. The reaction fire actually works against enemies who move in open terrain. It should works againts enemies who moves In the line of fire, with or without cover. Its absurd to place a watching guy in a apropiate spot (a door), and alien move adjacent to him and shoting him in the face. I wonder Why? Why my overwatching guy dont fire? He is awaiting carefully for that moment.... and suddently, he becomes freezed. Stupid. The soldier-alien who wait for an OPORTUNITY FIRE must gain the iniciative and do an action (to fire to the other who waste her time moving, like the beloved original game). This "feature" ruins the tactical esence of the game, and needs a fix. Someone can do something? Is it too hardcoded? Shall we playing the OG again for a stimulant, realistic and funny tactical simulation? Should we wait for another 20 years?
  11. My modded game doesnt star after the latest patch. :confused:
  12. No. Covering all continents except one doesnt stop abductions. You get abductions in uncovered countries. Indedd, you can "farming" abduction missions (for fun or variety) by covering all globe except a pair of contries in the same continent. You never get the panic penalty because you win a mission in the same continent.
  13. Sometimes, I think the game " toys" with me instead of the opposite: to play myself with the game. I will explain it: I see a lot of streams of noob people playing. Its impossible to play worse! Rushing and activating new aliens, without points for seek cover, bad tactical choices, bad firing order (holotargeting as last fire of the turn), guys without cover...However, in those games aliens miss all their easy shots or make few damage and the xcom soldiers hit their shity 25% and 30% shots easily! ...amazing! When I play, always advance my squad carefully, all my soldires with points of action for safe responses. Always get heavy cover and chosse places out of range of potential flanking aliens. Always fire with 50+. Most times I ensure 70%, or 80%. But... I MISS A LOT! And the aliens hit me in full cover almost every time, doing heavy damage. I got a ufo recovery mission against Heavy Muttons for first time. I placed everybody in full cover and fired with 60 to 90s%. All misses. The mutton fired and killed the heavy in a single shot. I quit and loaded the game from the base and got the same mission with a new map and a new random seed: Same situation. Impossible to kill the muttons and receive deadly crits in full cover in a single shot. Loading the mission again before the skyranger loadout...and the same situation took place. Finaly, I accepted the kill of one of the guys and kept playing. Suddently, all my shots were hits and the aliens missed all of theirs. The game won that xcom life and I won the mission. Im thinking about this. Is possible that the game has a scripted behavior to aid some “lousy” players and punish the carefully ones? Seems there are some hidden modifiers to aid the aliens with a +20 hit and crit chance, and a -20% for you aim, but they arent permanent ones.When the IA thinks its enough punishiment for you, the odds become even. Or maybe, there are some “dangerous trigered situations”, like the first mission with muttons, or the first mission when invincible sectoids with 100% accuracy raped me in fulll cover again and again. Only when you get a lost or two the chances become fairly. I know there are some positive hidden modifiers in easy and normal if you have few soldiers. I experienced that in the demo. When my first guy died, the remainders turned themselves in Rambos, If you lost three guys, the last one became Chuck Norris. Nobody could hit him. Is possible the same mechanism works favouring the aliens in Classic and Impossible. What do you think? PD:Sorry for my English.
  14. When i have a 100% hit (specially with the asault guy) always check the odds with F1. Sometimes you have a 120% (showed as 100%) and then is a sure hit, but a real 100% its not a 100%. Its a 80-90% instead. You can miss a 103% because the game applies a hidden modifier. Maybe a 10 or 20% in Classic. Surery, you miss a lot of showed 80% because they are real 60-70%.
  15. I just tried Marathon mode (classic). I liked the slow pace of the mode. At begginig all was smooth, with some advances in the two first moths (researched scopes and nano fiber and fenix canon) but ...At the first days of the third month I got mutons. Marathon mode is a s***, because aliens progress is the same as in the normal mode but your is not.
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