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Posts posted by mistersavory

  1. Now, please don't shout at me if it isn't simple, but anyway. I always liked the centurion armor, it looked cool and had decent protection. However, I couldn't ever really use it because of the cape on the back making any two handed weapons clip horribly through it whenever they're holstered. At the battle of hoover dam, I saw that the centurions attacking me had two handed weapons "Lol, they must look silly when they holster their weapons >Snark Snark<" I thought to myself; but lo and behold, no cape. This must surely mean that there is a texture somewhere in the fallout files which is a capeless version of the armor.

    So basically, I ask for an intrepid modder to explore the files and find that texture, making it available to the world, or someone to remove the cape manually, like how the author of this mod did it with the praetorian armor: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43559/?

    Any response is greatly appreciated :) Thanks!

  2. I know there are plenty of hairstyles for male couriers on the nexus currently, but they are really quite, to put it bluntly, bizarre. They all seem to either have clear anime influences (extremely long, flamboyant), which results in your character looking extremely unrealistic and a bit silly; and then there are one or two which aren't anime, but are just extremely boring, such as receding hairline (No offence to who made that, but it is bland). So I ask for more normal, 21st century hairstyles, like short back and sides, Norman Jayden style slicked back, that sort of thing. I would appreciate any replies very much :smile: Thanks :smile:

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