Hi guys, So I played skyrim last on a potato PC, and now I got a really good PC, and wanted to do another playthrough. There are so many wonderful mods there, but I'm kinda a noob when it comes to installing them properly... I got the special edition of skyrim, and I was hoping if you could recommend me mods, and in which order they should be installed. I'd like to improve the visuals of the game, so all the popular mods that could increase that, or a link please, I'm having a hard time navigating through nexus mods. And I'd like start a new playthrough as a werewolf from the beginning, I did try to install mods, but the game won't launch anymore... I got that new lifes mod, and its extension that makes you able to choose as a werewolf start, but the extension makes the game not work, even though I load it after the first mod. Can anybody share them their mods with me so I can install them? (yeah I did also launch the game through skse) So I need anything that improves graphics, and those 2 mods about alternate start. It would be awesome if you could throw in a mod that you think it's a must have. I know this is a lot to ask, but please try to help me. It doesn't have to be 1 person who compiles the list, if each of you could suggest me at least 2 mods, I'm sure I'll get there in no time. Thanks