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About SoulMasterII

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  1. Try this Mod there are quite a few options available https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14063
  2. I did have a quick look in the CK and I couldn't seem to make any difference despite setting the options to max in the river flow settings?
  3. paycrimegold <0-1> <0-1> <faction ID> Pay the bounty. Pay the bounty for the faction targeted NPC belongs to (the bounty gold will be removed from your inventory). The first 0-1 choice refers to being sent to jail: entering 1 will let you be teleported to the respective faction's jail, entering 0 won't. The second 0-1 choice refers to keeping your stolen items: entering 0 means you do not lose your stolen items, entering 1 means you do. If you don't add any choice you will be sent to jail without losing your stolen items. The faction ID is needed if you can't target an NPC. May also help in case guards attack you on sight. Faction ID's are given below: factionid faction 00028170 Crime Faction Falkreath 000267E3 Crime Faction Eastmarch (Windhelm) 00029DB0 Crime Faction Haafingar (Solitude) 0002816D Crime Faction Hjaalmarch (Morthal) 0002816e Crime Faction The Pale (Dawnstar) 0002816C Crime Faction The Reach (Markarth) 0002816B Crime Faction The Rift (Riften) 000267EA Crime Faction Whiterun 0002816F Crime Faction Winterhold
  4. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30450
  5. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8922
  6. Thank you for the update Dark0ne. It's good to know things will get better in the long run! Keep up the great work. SM
  7. There is a mod out already that uses flame enhanced weapons - available here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23593 Hope that helps? SM
  8. Yes, looking at the photo it would seems to be at the side of Dragonsreach SM
  9. Hi, All ENB's use the same files pretty much it's just how they are tweaked. If you want to get rid of all ENB files and start again then remove the following files: (Note - probably not all files will be installed) enbbloom enbeffect enbeffectprepass ENBInjector enbinjector.ini enbpalette enbseries.dll enbseries.ini ensunsprite enbsunsprite.tga d3d9.dll Hope that helps? SM
  10. Hi, This mod might interest you? It is Dark Brotherhood replacement Armor very latex looking! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27603 http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/27603-1-1354313407.jpg SM
  11. It is an interesting idea. The light would have to detonate almost immediately though to have any effect, as the speed and distance an arrow fired into the air attains, is pretty rapid! SM
  12. Exactly what you are looking for is in this mod..... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29170 SM
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