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Nexus Mods Profile

About Fidller

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout: New Vegas and Minecraft
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout: New Vegas, Minecraft, Killzone 3

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  1. In response to post #8497757. ..............Dafuq
  2. In response to post #8500382. You guys are wrong......Canadians are very friendly
  3. In response to post #8571454. They stopped.....
  4. Thats sad for her.....i live in the Netherlands and i spoke to 2 Bethesda on Little Big Planet and one of those guys got in trouble for speaking about Skyrim DLC (he almost got fired) a few months ago so it might be better to drop that case....also for Fallout 4 I want atleast more movable things like trains, traincart doors.......more type of ghouls and atleast it needs to be in a city (a big one like D.C.) or atleast a big map and lots of enemies or else we end up with a small NV kind of map......BoS needs to return, metro needs to return and big buildings.......chicago might be the best city and we need all the stuff from FWE and PN like sprint and helmet visors.....also the flashlight mod....they should learn from the mods
  5. Oh damn.....i should start scavenging more mods then!
  6. In response to post #8478274. #8481421, #8481882, #8482170, #8482915 are all replies on the same post. Binmaru He's Snowden..........mabey its Snowden DDos'ing
  7. In response to post #8493673. SdogSteven DDos's :3
  8. In response to post #8481401. #8489595, #8491181, #8493837 are all replies on the same post. Im a Hydra......
  9. In response to post #8478274. You know Santa is not real........(Captain Obvious strike's again!)
  10. For people getting the No ID error....its all the people downloading and the Ddos problems..........and now i want to bang my heads against my wall
  11. Only problems i have is that Nexus site's have been a bit slow and some downloads won't start...
  12. The guy who is going to fix my laptop is a friend so i was thinking giving him my steam account pass and such so he can install New Vegas on the new Hard drive and then move all my file's on the new hard drive......is that a easier way?
  13. So.....like.....2, 3 weeks i got kicked from chat for a picture of a 'bunnyman' (i know.....my humor is weird) so i kept low for a while but it does not say im banned....it says i can't use the chat...is this because the site was down and its not fully functioning for some people in some country's?
  14. tomorrow im getting my laptop repaired and a new hard drive. Now my question come's if its safe to transport all Steam game's without having to reinstall them? And other programs?
  15. Oh god......thanks it was not my laptop.........funny thing is.....i cant acces New Vegas nexus and Far Cry 3 nexus........but Oblivion nexus and skyrim nexus work (not always).......Hope you guys fix everything!
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