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Everything posted by zuluthedrew

  1. I had to vanilla my game after making some custom patching mistakes, and I deleted my backup vanilla save... DOH!! Level 43, at the point in the game where the institute offers bunker hill, and the BOS offers Tactical Thinking (destroy the railroad). I had done several other things, but if anyone has a backup of their vanilla save (preferably female Nora, but not in a position to be picky) roughly at this point or even a few quests before with each faction, and they uploaded it to nexus. I would be really grateful.
  2. could always leave it and console some resources in, and "pretend" for the time being. IDK. After I did what your describing once, I won't do it again. lol. Now I only scrap broken and in the way things as I go, and cheat. lol. (I played through once, I feel like I can cheat a little the second time.)
  3. I setup a profile in NMM to switch my game to vanilla on the fly, tested it out, and it locks up when disabling my default profile. is this function broken? or am I trying to unload too large of a profile?
  4. So for those not in the know. Managing your load order matters. And to help, I wanted to share my method with ya'll if there is not already a topic about this, and hopefully save some people some head ache. Get FO4Edit Load all your mods Right click in the left hand pane select Apply filter to show conflict losers check each conflict loser the right hand pane will tell you which mod takes priority if you want a mod to have priority move it's esp below the conflicting mod. hope this helps. o/
  5. It just breaks too many quests. Would be great to get rid of this "feature" (frustration)
  6. the target locking system is a bit wonky, and I think it is because the camera locks, if one could find a way to free the camera when locking onto a target that it would be beter
  7. was thinking the alchemy potions oils decoctions and bombs could be removed once owned, and the ingredients should stay, because it might take making multiple of them. and for the armor and weapon crafting menu it would be nice to sell diagrams. or something like that.
  8. some way of marking previously read books, so that one doesn't pick up multiple copies of the same book or accidentally sell one that hasn't been read yet.
  9. In response to post #23702214. not exactly. "Capitalism" = "an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, RATHER THAN THE STATE (aka government)." The great enforcer of fascism. Intellectual property and licencing are examples of statist interventionism.
  10. I'm having the same issue, http://modwat.ch/zuluthedrew#/plugins except that I don't use vivid landscapes. can you share? edit: I solved a very similar issue by installing the expand object LOD patch from Sky Falls and Sky Mills
  11. Also remember to run FNIS through MO.If it is in your skyrim directory just look at the virtual data folder in MO and it will be there under the tools folder. add it as an executable.
  12. Correct. I install FNIS, TesVEdit, Skse, and ENB directly into my steam/steamapps/common/skyrim directory. FNIS and TesVEdit in the Data directory. I use MO for everything else.
  13. I found a solution my problem, which was installing new animations pack by xp32 through mod organizer and running fnis. Through MO the mod wouldn't install correctly using the install.exe, but it did work when I installed each segment manually, each as a new mod. I have FNIS installed in my Data folder, and launch it through MO. Hope this helps. : D
  14. Thanks Steve. Appreciate the work that you've taken to compile this thread, it has been helpful to me on multiple occasions.
  15. Thanks for the suggestions. I've since discovered a few mistakes I made. Thanks ripple and bluegenre for the suggestions. I took your advice, and cleaned the master files, and rearranged several of the unrecognized plugins according to the information I could find. For anyone checking out the post, the above list is mostly stable, but I would recommend taking the advice given by these two. skyfalls and skymills both esps behind the unofficial high resolution esps hothtrooper ecksstra before hothtrooper armor compilation esp and RLO dawnguard weathers behind RLO Dawnguard Interiors Equipping Overhaul, I leave at the end. I'm not sure where it belongs. Also, with the 4.25 alpha of EO and Realistic weapon positions combined there are several bugs like one handed swords showing up on the back and more that make them incompatible. If using the alpha, I recommend not using RWP. The crossbow placement papyrus errors are from RWP.
  16. So loading into a clean save waiting for scripts to spin then quitting to main menu and loading new game seems to work.
  17. realistic weapon positions, but it is a skeleton replacer in case you have any mods dependent on another one, and it also still clips with some stuff. Also could try better shaped weapons and it gives it a scabbard, that looks cooler in my opinion.
  18. I would like to see these two mods inter-operable, where combat is more realistic, and critical hits cause the mutilation. Plus some more mutilations like leg chopping, vertical evisceration, moar violence!. I really like both of these mods, and wish they could work together. They are compatible, but that isn't what i mean. But more than that, I would like to see another mutilation mod that works with any skeleton. I like to use realistic weapon positions which doesnt have DM support as far as I know. If any modders find this interesting I can brainstorm some more ideas, but I am really unsure of where to begin myself. I looked at both mods in tesV edit and the creation kit, and found that DM has unique armors for each mutilation that it swaps on the enemy and causes death. Idk how it works, but I would think that assigning the scripts from locational damage to the DM armor changes might work. Thanks for reading
  19. So I build the bash patch behind the unrecognized plugins and leave them at the end, then add realistic weapon positions according to the instructions on its page.
  20. try the s.t.e.p. manager. im digging it a lot. http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Mod_Organizer http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1334/?
  21. can use the s.t.ep. method to revert back to vanilla game. or you can use the enb uninstaller than remove it, delete your ini, or what it is your trying to revert. then run verify integrity through steam.
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