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Everything posted by Mayponce

  1. I agree, I loath it. I don't know if they did it to be 'phone friendly,' justify some corporate f*#@ery, or just the usual 'if it ain't broke, let's break it anyway' online culture, but I definitely won't be spending any more time than necessary on the Nexus going forward.
  2. I need some female legs to complete a simple Picish/Irish type of tunic for my mod V30E. I tried using the vanilla female leather armor mesh, but I couldn't get the trishape to work correctly with the usual add NiAlphaProperty trick (which can be used to make parts of a texture/mesh invisible.) For whatever reason, the female arms clip through the tunic in game--though look fine/are invisible in Outfit Studio and Nifscope. I'm not sure why it hasn't worked--I've used the same technique on dozens of other armors/clothes. Anyway, I found some separated male legs, and if I could find some vanilla female legs I can finish the female meshes for the tunic. All the female meshes I've found have the body and/or arms included. Any help is appreciated.
  3. I need some female legs to complete a simple Picish/Irish type of tunic. I tried using the vanilla female leather armor mesh, but I couldn't get the trishape to work correctly with the usual add NiAlphaProperty trick (which can be used to make parts of a texture/mesh invisible.) For whatever reason, the female arms clip through the tunic in game--though look fine/are invisible in Outfit Studio and Nifscope. I'm not sure why it hasn't worked--I've used the same technique on dozens of other armors/clothes. Anyway, I found some separated male legs, and if I could find some vanilla female legs I can finish the female meshes for the tunic. All the female meshes I've found have the body and/or arms included. Any help is appreciated.
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