Hello lovely people of the vast nexus, I have recently built my first gaming PC, and was very excited to join the 'master race', especially when it came to Skyrim. I had been playing on the 360 since release, but seeing all the screenshots and awesome mods out there made me feel like I was missing something. So after building my new rig, I was thrilled to boot up Skyrim and see that settings had been set to their highest. However, I immediately noticed issues. At first, I encountered something that perhaps is rather common: distant mountains would flicker as I moved around, and this immediately turned me off to the game. I was hoping for crystal clear graphics and all that goodness, but already had an issue. After posting around, I found one of Gopher's videos (which are just excellent for their level of depth and clarity), which outlined how to address the issue of 'Z-fighting'. After tweaking the .ini files, I found that the flickering mountains were no longer visible! Joy! Hoooowever, there was another problem now... Come to think of it, I noticed this issue beforehand as well, but it seems to have gotten worse after applying the tweaks to address the Z-fighting issues. Generally, the issue I am having is with trees that are somewhat far away. They appear to flicker rapidly, disappearing and reappearing. This tends to stop when I am stationary, but not always. In addition, I am encountering some very noticeable artifacting/tearing when looking around, moreso in the sky than anywhere else. I realize this is somewhat of a loose description, but it's the best I can do. I'd really love to get back into Skyrim, and I've even sunk a few hours in already even with the trees flickering just because I'm THAT desperate. If anyone has any suggestions for a fix, I'd love to hear them. For reference, I am running Skyrim on a i5-3470 3.2GHz processor, with a XFX R7870 2GB GPU. I have tried googling my issue, but only found people with different issues than the one I am encountering. Also, I have been having a peculiar issue where after exiting Skyrim, my computer will frequently freeze up. This seems to happen when I start/close Steam sometimes too, and is equally irritating. If anyone has any ideas regarding that, I'd be very appreciative. Hope this wasn't too much of a wall of text... just really unsure of what to do, especially coming into the Skyrim PC scene this late. THANKS IN ADVANCE!