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Posts posted by Wylindra

  1. bben46 - Bottom line. Reading a manual probably won't help me now. The update stopped before finishing reinstalling my mods because it couldn't find a file. Now I'm missing mods that I don't know how to identify. I can see what I have left but, unless I manage to remember a mod that I don't see in the list, I don't have any way, that I know of, to discover what was deleted. Furthermore, since the update stopped, I tried the update button in NMM but it indicates that it is updated. I hope that reconstructing the mods is the only thing I'm facing.


    I need help. Any suggestions that might help me repair this would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Anything that I set out to install, I "read the ___ manual." If, in the course of trying to doing something else, such as say, play Skyrim, I am prompted to update the mod manager, I assume that this is intended for the betterment of my gaming experience, and if it might be necessary or advisable for me to read something or do anything else before proceeding, the update notice should warn me of this since it is only reasonable for me to trust that the makers of NMM (or any program) are not going to push a program change that is going to screw up my game.


    I doubt that anything that I read ahead of time would have warned me of the danger of the update not finding a file, then ending without fixing the mess it creates.

  3. bben46 - Honestly, I was just trying to play my game. I didn't know what I was getting into when I clicked "OK" to update the NMM. I didn't set out to update anything so I didn't know what a can of worms I would end up opening, otherwise, I would have researched it as you had suggested. I'll check out your blog.


    BTW, pardon my inexperience but, where can I find the "RTFM"?

  4. I'm just a gamer (no modding experience). I've only played Skyrim so far. My NMM prompted me to update; I proceeded with it. In the process of updating, it deleted mods indicating that it would reinstall them. The update program, at one point, couldn't find a file then stopped. I don't have a list of deleted mods; I don't know what this installer did. I tried entering my game and found that mods are missing.



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