i recenty published this Mod for Witcher 3:
i´m still working on it and i have the following issue: There are some enemys specifically in the dlc areas (HoS Fallen Knights f.e.) that cannot be killed with finishers, because they have the "disablefinisher" tag. I am endlessly annoyed by this and wish to "fix" this. I have found a workaround thanks to another mod author, by removing the "disablefinisher" tag globally in the damageManagerProcessor.ws. However this causes some enemies to get bugged, like the dwarves in novigrad, because there models don´t support finishers i suppose and they start to levitate for a couple of seconds, when geralt is trying to finish them.
so here is my question:
How can i remove the "disablefinisher" tag for specific enemies or determine how it´s getting applied. I have been unfortunately unsuccessful in finding any way to do this.
Help would be so much appreciated.
Greetings r0ckwolf