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  1. Plenty of people are introduced to games years after release or change genres that they're interested in or read threads about what peoples all time faves are etc and decide to try them out.
  2. Micko

    Hi everyone

    Come play Everquest Bob, we've got some Perth people, guild raids 3 nights a week. Bertoxx Server. Wreckers is guild name, Aussie based. Message Quiverr, Fnyanna, Biliy, Jarinu, Soniella, or Melodionxxx and we'll get you sorted.
  3. Everquest, it's still running after 18 years and 23 editions. Responsible for more lost work hours than influenza! Come and have a go if you've never tried it, you can play a massive amount of content for free to get the feel of it before spending anything if you want to get serious and raid, the first 21 editions are free to play now. I'm on the Bertoxxulous/Saryrn server, Quiverr is char name if you need some help getting going.
  4. Pagan Min and Paul in Far Cry 4 are both rather well done.
  5. Everquest - been playing for 17 years Gothic series Elder Scrolls COD1 and UO BF2 KOTOR's Vamp Masq Bloodlines Baldur's Gate series Dragon Age series Fallout series Stalker Crysis Farcry4
  6. Interesting, thanks, we'll give India a miss then.
  7. That's totally Roadrunner and Coyote, I vote you as threadwinner so far.
  8. You'd probably need to set ownership of the horses you added to the knights faction or maybe individual npc's. Checking the existing ones out would help there I suppose and you'd want similar horse AI as the existing ones have so they return to the priory hopefully if they get lost. You can make a mod pretty easily where you make some extremely healthy zero weight weapons and armor stashed in a container and reverse pickpocket stuff into the knights inventories or add it directly to them in the mod. I gave my guys rings with uber hitpoints and regen, bit of magic resist I think and water breathing, they barely get injured now.
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Dragon-Age-Origins-...=item5d2770ccc5 We get overcharged for most things in Australia so I look for games I'd like to buy on ebay usually. A month ago the cheapest you'd find DAO from local ebayers was about $80, there's one selling it for about $40 now but they still can't compete with India who've been offering it for $20 even a month ago. Just interested in some opinions on whether the linked copy is genuine, I don't want to support the imitators but I don't want to pay through the nose. Where I'm from it's kind of a too good to be true situation.
  10. Happends all the time. When they are more and you are in trouble, they use thier bows and they hit each other. Funny to watch :D That's about the worst thing in the game for me. I agree it can be amusing but I also find it very immersion breaking. "oops I hit you with an arrow, bit of both our fault, I was aiming at the badguy, you kinda moved." "die, dog!"
  11. I'm not worried in the slightest, bring on the fresh new world. I've played Oblivion to death as far as I'm concerned, no gameplay mod you can think of in your wildest dreams will change that fact for me now, it's gone stale. I bring it out every so often for a trip down memory lane but it's no longer my daily bread. A quest mod with interesting storytelling is good, like Tears of the Fiend, but they still don't make me want to go out and play them over and over and over.
  12. It was a part of Everquest I liked, but then I was a Ranger so I rarely ran out of food and never had to buy it if I did run out, just click forage every few minutes and you'd soon have enough to last a real time week, well maybe, depends how often your bard friend would run out of food and ask for yours.
  13. If they haven't used a mod like the one above they might have used the Construction Set to originally place the items there. The mod above would be useful for placing items you find ingame most certainly. How are you trying to place things at the moment? Using the grab key or telekinesis spells?
  14. My dude is like this prisoner that has amnesia.
  15. My companions don't loot anything but I still have to remove arrows from them from time to time after a battle. Seems they get shot and the arrows end up in their inventory.
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