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About jakeskillman

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  1. This really looks incredible, can't wait! I love the logo as well. How "Fur Ro Dah" hasn't been used before is beyond me!
  2. Yeah, I have a 780 Ti SC with only 3.1gbs of VRAM and I have ran much beefier textures w/ NLA ENB and have never seen anything like this.
  3. The problem lies within your initialization file Total video memory of available you have 3714 In there right now Based on your system and never should be much higher. ExpandSystemMemoryX64=trueReduceSystemMemoryUsage=trueDisableDriverMemoryManager=falseDisablePreloadToVRAM=falseEnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=falseReservedMemorySizeMb=256VideoMemorySizeMb=3714EnableCompression=trueAutodetectVideoMemorySize=false If you go to ENB.Dev and use the tool that Boris has posted and use that number. It will probably be twice that amount of memory That is the max amount of memory you can enter in enblocal when using windows 10, which I was using at the time of the OP. I have since changed it. I will upload my current settings and modlist after my recent clean install of windows 7 and skyrim
  4. Alright, so I did a few things. I started a brand new character for the 485895849th time and went into the game, and deactivated the enb, and played for a while. Same thing. Seemingly random CTD. I am now beginning the process of elimination and deactivating all mods, then slowly adding them back in. I tried to just prune the likely culprits, but the random CTDs persisted. I also ran the memory diagnostic tool for about two hours with no errors detected. and I am getting no other signs of a memory issue. Other games are running just fine. I will attempt to find the smallest load order I can that still CTDs. I will then post the modlist and load order here. I am so frustrated right now. :(
  5. Welp, it has to be my mods. I did a fresh clean install of Windows 7. Got everything I needed. Downloaded about 2/3 of my intended mods, and the crash is back. Still nowhere near the limit for my GPU's memory, or the overall cap. Temps are fine. I just don't understand. This is the craziest thing I have ever dealt with. Any other ideas?
  6. I think you may be right, after pouring over some forum posts, I have found that I am certainly not the only person who has had issues (with a number of mods) and windows 10. I guess it's time to setup a dual install, or just fully revery back to windows 7 for modding.
  7. Upgrade to Windows 10 on a fresh windows 7 install. Kept zero files or programs, removed windows.old, as close to a fresh install as you can get without the disc or an image. Fresh install of skyrim, using MO. I think I said it in the OP but I've been using NLA and it's variants (mostly Natural Realism, AMAZING preset) for a long time. I played for 25 hours with no issues. Now even on brand new saves I eventually ctd.
  8. Alrighty, I am having the most insanely frustrating issue with my current build of skyrim. I've been here for years, and you guys are the best, so I am hoping I can find a solution. In the past I have had stable builds with over 400 mods, recently, I upgraded to Windows 10 and decided to retire my old profiles and start from scratch with a pretty basic (for me) setup. I installed the same mods I usually do, omitting many from previous build that I deemed unnecessary to just have fun. I played until level 14 with no issues with NLA 2.0 before deciding I did not like ELFX in combination with it, so I removed the mod and it's patches, following the clean save procedure, and, in all honesty, figured it would cause issues, and then I started getting random crashes, both inside and outside. Common sense told me that this was due to removing ELFX. So I decided to make a completely new character, double and triple check my mods, remove all saves, and start fresh. Well, I did so. starting off as a patron in a local pub in solitude (I use Alternate Start and selected surprise me). I always do a couple things to test a build's stability right off the bat, and that is usually turning on god mode and running in third person around the world, well I did this, and began getting CTDs In random locations. The first was at night outside of whiterun, the next was at night running to morthal, I think I may have had one during the day, but the next one was running west from windhelm and preparing to fight wolves. and then I had one in Faldar's tooth. Just random CTDs with no error whatsoever. My basic specs: i7-4770k@ 4.6ghz - 40% usage max while playing skyrim, and never above 50c EVGA 780 Ti 3gb SC - 90-95% usage never gets above 71c 16gb Corsair Vengeance Pro Windows 10 So far, I have used skyrim performance monitor and have noticed that often the crashes take place when my GPU is nowhere near the memory cap. My usage is around 90-95% (which is normal). In fact, they usually take place in the middle of nowhere with very little going on. I've also tried using Natural Realism NLA and the same thing happens. I installed Memory Blocks log and have plenty of room. To test this, I turned on god mode, put on my highest poly armor, and picked a fight with a guard at the windhelm docks and had around 15 people attacking me, and several others cowering. Perfectly Fine. So I know that patch is not being overwritten and is working. Link: http://pastebin.com/j2UgS2rF I have correctly set my enblocal.ini in accordance with how it functions (videomemorysizemb being 4064-350) on Windows 10. Link: http://pastebin.com/rYaa38Di I've monitored all of my temperatures and usage, started completely new saves And again, these are random crashes, mostly at night (though I'm not sure if that's a fluke or not as they have happened in interiors as well) that have no error associated with them, there are no save issues, I have used ALL of these mods in the past, my master files are clean, the dirty files (of which there are two) are meant to be that way, my temps are fine, loot says everything is great, I've used NLA in the past with great results. I just cannot fathom what the issue could possibly be. I have never had issues like this. Especially not since I've learned how to properly and fastidiously mod my game. Any help would be appreciated. I don't want to start over again. My Mods, inis, and loadorder: http://www.modwat.ch/u/TheNatural p.s. In my skyrimprefs.ini The only thing that has changed is under LOD, I increased all values other than sky to 15.
  9. Yes, I did read it. I would say about half of MO users who initially make the switch don't actually go through the process of creating the mod and the SKSE.ini file in the correct place, and commonly don't use the right extension. I don't which combination of mod managers you use, and it's always good to double check. I didn't mean to come off as condescending.
  10. Check your SKSE folder and see if the SKSE.ini file exists, and make sure that: [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 is in there. That is the memory patch for SKSE and should help with crashes and infinite loading screens.
  11. I think E3 will fous on Fallout 4, however, it seems they have been putting a lot of eggs in the TES basket with Online, and with the massive success of Skyrim, I can't imagine them saying nothing about TES VI for another year and a half. TES VI would be more profitable in the long run for Beth, and it would be unwise for them to wait until E3 2016 to say anything.
  12. After reinstalling skyrim on my new PC, gathering up my mods, and starting a brand-new playthrough, everything seems to be working out for me so far, other than one unfortunate bug. After doing my usual thing, gathering money and materials, and just plain exploring, I get to whiterun and begin to craftmyself some new armor. Usually this is great, because as a user of Immersive Armors, I usually have a plethora of choices, even at these early levels. However, I found it quite difficult as it seems I can't see the Armor Rating that is usually along the bottom panel, and not being familiar with all of the Immersive Armor sets base ratings, it was frustrating to have to go back out of the forging process and double-check the rating on the individual armor pieces I was wearing. Has anyone ever seen/experienced anything like this? If I am not mistaken, that armor rating comparison thingy is there from the first time you see that forge in Riverwood, correct? As someone who plays on a high difficulty and changes armor quite a bit, this feels like it could be a deal-breaker, or keep me from one of my favorite aspects of the game. :sad: EDIT: This is NOT a thread about immersive armors, just a bug that seems to affect my smithing as a whole.
  13. My PC specs after a recent upgrade: i7-4770k @ 4.3ghz EVGA GTX 780ti SC 3gb 8GB of 1600 RAM Asus z97-A 250gb SSD My important graphic mods: Realvision ENB (full w/ ELFX) Skyrim HD 2k Textures (All of the full versions including Riften) SMIM A mix of the Vivid Landscape and aMiridianBorn textures Skyrim Flora Overhaul (alpha) Lush Trees and grass Enhanced Blood Textures Skyrim Ultra HD texture packs aMiridianBorn Whiterun Perfect whiterun Indoors I run @60fps Outdoors it's in the 50s most of the time, with an occasional drop into the mid 40s. The most taxing area of the game is whiterun with all of my mods, I would say the average is between 50-55 fps there. The fact is, the multiplier effect of ENBs, Flora, and textures are tough for even high end systems.
  14. Any new reports on whether or not the 1.8 beta build of SKSE is working as intended? I'm at work at the moment and can't go home to test it myself. Sucks about the CK though. Guess that's just going to be a waiting game.
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