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About thefreitas

  1. For Kotor II (and possibly other games, though I only ran into this issue with Kotor II) Kotor II and steam had to be on the same drive for vortex to recognize steam and stuff. A work around though is using a program such as steam mover to move it to another drive if your concerned about space. The steam mover program works, but you will have to move kotor II back to the same drive prior to playing and I believe modding as well (unverified for modding). My issue is my laptop has limited space on my ssd drive, the other are hdd, and one is really slow, but loads of space. As far as the other games, IDK why, but when vortex added my games, it added the wrong folders for where the game launcher is. And with Xcom 2 I had to use the "add tool" feature and made one for Xcom 2 and for WOTC. Actually, the "add tool" feature may work for Kotor 2 and playing on a separate drive while moved to another drive by steam mover, but idk. Vortex is very different from NMM.
  2. Fixed. Had to set each game manually to the games executable file.
  3. Apparently I suck, sooo, here is the issue. All games are through steam. Most games will not launch. If they do launch, there are issues. Games are downloaded on 3 different drives. (C, D, E). The mod folder for each game is on their respective drive under games/mods/(gamename). On my main drive is vortex as well as FO4, skyrim, and Xcom 2 Issues I have ran into. XCom 2 launches a redscreen error message then I have to ctrl alt del force stop the program... or I can stare at a red screen. FO4, syrim, oblivion, FO3, FONV say there are unresolved conflict. Kotor 2 says that the game needs steam, login, retry. - I am logged in. I followed the tutorials to the best of my ability. The only game that has any mods downloaded is kotor 2, as I used NMM and just started using vortex. Kotor 2 is a game I don't care about corrupting. I purged all mods from all other games on my system. uninstalled, wiped clean, reinstalled. The only game that seems to work through vortex is State Of Decay which is on the D drive. I set up each game the same depending on their drive, so idk what I did wrong with the others. On my main drive is FO4, skyrim, and Xcom 2 Did I miss something in the tutorial videos? Also, All games launch properly through steam.
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