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About CoconutShell

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  1. Hello, I'm currently retexturing the Nuka Cola machine with substance painter. I'm encountering problems in-game however as cubemaps are not applying to the textures. This makes it so that the parts that are supposed to be metal just become black as you can see here : Here are my material files as they are the ones that apply the cubemaps : I've also changed the meshes in a similar way to make them use the default cubemap, but that didn't work either. If anyone is able to help me that would be awesome!
  2. I'm trying to make a patch for VIS-G that restores the vanilla weapon names. I've tried replacing the names in the "FULL - Name" section as you can see in the linked photo. However when I open up my game, I don't see the change on my weapons. Is the "FULL - Name" category not the right one, or is it something else (it might be me not being able to patch correctly, this is my first time making a patch).
  3. Ah yes, thank you very much for clarifying this.
  4. I've been modding for a long time, and have tended to stay away from big texture overhauls since my PC could not handle it before. Now that it can, I was wondering if there would be any compatibility issues with texture overhauls that don't have .esp or .esl files, if two of them for example would replace the same texture.
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