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Posts posted by cfoster8

  1. I'm getting an error message when I try to start a game. Basically, it says that skse isn't running and skyui won't work properly as a result. The skse64.log shows a bunch of plugins being registered and has no errors, which rather strongly suggests that, yes it is running. I'm running skyrim se vers 1.6.640.0 from steam. My skse64 version is 2.2.3, which had originally been installed manually but after I ran into difficulties I deleted the files, reinstalled the root directory files manually and added the mod in Vortex. Same result so I switched back to the full manual install, With the hybrid, LOOT was telling me it couldn't find the scripts. No skse errors in loot with the manual install. I also get the error message: morehud:skse not detected when the game is loading. I hadn't played in a month or two and have started experimenting with collections with underwhelming results. Any help will be appreciated. I've uploaded the load order and the skse64 log. Please let me know if there's anything else I can provide that . I'm tinkering with the idea of deleting my local files and reinstalling them. I don't really want to do that but sometimes you have to start over from scratch,.

  2. My request is for a modification to the Railroad radiant quest system. It makes no sense that the Railroad would send you to Far Harbor to clear a path for freed synths before they know about Arcadia. It's a dead end as a travel route. Similarly it would be fool hardy to send them to or thru Nuka World due to the heavy raider presence. So if it's possible to delete those locations from the RR radiant quests, that would be highly desirable.

  3. A tip for anybody that's having trouble summoning the unbound dremora to complete the conjuration ritual and get a sigil stone. I couldn't get the spell to cast until I let it build up to ridiculous levels before releasing the buttons. Hold the buttons until your hands stop waving and reach up. Then release.

  4. Hi. I'm playing on an win7 sysem. According to steam, my skyrim is up to date. It is my understanding that patch/update v1.5 enables the marriage dialog with Lydia. But I'm not getting it when I'm wearing the amulet (Mara's). Any ideas as to what's going on?
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