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Everything posted by Shamyase
Did Skyrim SE just update? Cannot get SKSE 64 to work today.
Shamyase replied to Daelyn's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Hey, So SKSE has been updated for SSE (skse.silverlock.org/beta/skse64_2_00_14.7z). If you still experiment CTDs, check your mods that use SKSE. In my case, "More Informative Console" was making Skyrim crash before the appearance of Bethesda's logo, and using "Death Alternative" & "SkyUI" together would end up in a CTD upon loading a save, or launching a new game. (Using only SkyUI or only DA doesn't result in a CTD) There's a non-exhaustive list of mods using SKSE, on Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/9lpdsr/skse64_plugin_update_status_masterlist/ I think we'll have to wait for updates on these mods. -
Hi there, Last year I've been working on french translations for some Skyrim Vanilla mods. I bought SSE recently, so I kinda came back into modding, but I'm having issues with the new tools. The following is tested with Skyrim.esm only. First, the new CK won't display correctly characters with an accent. For instance, "é" shall be replaced by "é", "ê" by "ê", etc. I didn't have this issue on the Skyrim Vanilla CK. And before anyone asks, yup, I did add this line into the CreationKit.ini : sLanguage=FRENCH. Second, here are my logs when using SSEEdit 4.0.1 : No error here, but I'm not sure on the meaning of these last lines. Is SSEEdit going to use 1252 encoding instead of UTF-8 ? Or the opposite ? When searching for some documentation : "UTF8 encoding for localized strings needs a fallback mechanism if strings are not valid UTF8". At this point, I don't know anymore if my default french strings are using UTF-8, or 1252 (ANSI). Now, let's say I'm modifying a mod, using the CK. First, I write a character with an accent, then I save the .esp and I open it again with the CK ; the character appears correctly. But if I open this very same .esp with SSEEdit, I get an error : "Can't read string: [EEncodingError] No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page". And the string containing this character is replaced by a bunch of numbers and letters. Here is the only "doc" I could find about it. The fix proposed by the author of SSEEdit consists in re-writing everything in SSEEdit. But then again, I would have weird characters displayed in the CK. SSEEdit seems to work just fine as long as I don't write characters with accent in the CK. The CK doesn't seem to use the correct encoding when reading a mod. Or maybe these issues are coming from the .strings files ? NB : In game, characters with accent are displayed just fine, may it be encoded with the CK or with SSEEdit. The real problem appears when I have to modify a lot of texts in the CK, SSEEdit becomes unmanageable. EDIT : SSEEdit and CK are both launched from MO2. Any help is very welcome, Have a good day/night everyone. :smile: ************ ANSWER ************* I finally found the answer after some more researches. "FO4 and SSE CKs do not support utf-8." Only strings in english are using ANSI encoding, any other language uses utf-8, so the SSE CKs can only read english characters (Vanilla CKs was able to read both, that's why I had no issue). There doesn't seem to be any setting to change that. I hope Bethesda will update their CK to make it able to manage utf-8. Hope this could help.
[LE] Apply a permanent magic effect to an NPC?
Shamyase replied to Musjes's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Musjes & foamyesque, nice catch on this workaround, it works quite great for me. My only issue is that i don't want any duplicated reference in the aliases list. So everytime I add an actor reference, I have to check in a "while loop" if it isn't already there (and this loop has to call .GetAlias() and .GetActorReference() for each alias !). Problem is, my quest contains 200 aliases. So it takes like 2 seconds, quite huge. To avoid this issue, I'm creating an "Stored Actors" faction, that stores ID values of these aliases when actors are triggered for the first time. That way I simply have to grab the actor faction rank, instead of using a while loop, to obtain its alias ID next time it is triggered. Sorry for this little speech, I simply think it could help someone who would be confronted to the same issue and who would come on this thread. EDIT : Done. Everything works like a charm now. :3 Last questions : If I understand correctly, actors that are concerned by references of type "Specific Reference" are marked "persistent" permanently, even when the quest is not running (Copy-pasted from the CK wiki : https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Quest_Alias_Tab) Let's say I set up a "Specific Reference" alias, and I let it blank. If it is filled during run time, through a script, will the same rules apply (actor permanently marked as persistent) ? Now, let's say I use "Find Matching Reference" for all aliases, and during run time I add actors to this alias list with the .ForceRefTo() function. Is it still considered as a "Find Matching Reference" (not permanently persistent); or does it become a "Specific Reference" ? -
[LE] Apply a permanent magic effect to an NPC?
Shamyase replied to Musjes's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Hey, I have the exact same issue, except that I want to apply a magic effect that lasts a few days (including when the player isn't on the same cell than the npc), so I can't use your solution Seraphim. The NPC casts a spell on himself, that calls the magic effect. I tried using the Spell Duration, and the Taper Duration (from magic effect), but none of them resolved this issue. My spell doesn't need any condition to be applied, nor the magic effect (I use a script to trigger the spell cast), so I'm not sure that the issue comes from conditions. EDIT : After some researches, I think it is due to the persistency of the Actor's reference. NPCs I use have temporary references, meaning they are thrown out of memory when I move out of their cell. There are different types of persistency, listed here : https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4250-skyrim-levels-of-persistence/ And a method to change temporary reference into permanent reference here : https://github.com/xanderdunn/skaar/wiki/Understanding-Forms%2C-Object-References%2C-Reference-Aliases%2C-and-Persistence But before using this method, I'll make a test on Elisif (her reference is persistent in the Blue Palace) to check if our issue is really coming from persistency. Keeping you up ! RE-EDIT : Brrr, whatever, it didn't work. Elisif also looses the magic effect I apply on her, after I leave and re-enter the Blue Palace. -
Constructive part of this post : With Mozilla Firefox, impossible to log in when I ask websites not to track me. When tracking is available => Google Captcha kicks in, and I can log in (with difficulties) When tracking is disable => Alternate Captcha kicks in, and I can't log in (captcha failed, captcha failed, captcha failed, etc.) There's a very well known software, that offers games, modders services, micropayments, and deals with a lot more money than NexusMods. I'm talking about Steam. Steam doesn't use Google Captcha. Steam uses double-authentification. If you want to improve "payments security", fine. Do like Steam. There's a not-very well known mail box, that offers a full crypted mailing service. I'm talking about Protonmail. Some people use Protonmail to send sensitive and valuable informations. Protonmail doesn't use Google Captcha. Protonmail uses double-authentification, depending on the user preferences. Do like Protonmail. Not-constructive part of this post : Funny how the original post presents this feature as an improvement in security, when it is actually not : - It prevents almost everyone to log in - Security for money yeeees, but people's data safety, well who cares ? Not like the GDPR law was voted last year in the EU. Not like there was a lot of concern about the subject because it is almost not reglemented. Not like you guys, making websites, search engines, mail boxes and stuff, are actually the only ones who could work on these services to garanty users safety, because of this lack of reglementation.
[LE] Convert food item into beverage
Shamyase replied to Shamyase's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
First answer = Problem resolved. Thanks a lot ! It was indeed due to the sound setting (I suppose this is the way Skyrim makes a difference between food & beverage). :p Thank you again sir, have a nice day ! -
Hi everyone, I wanna make a patch for a mod I use (this one), and part of my idea is to convert an item considered as food (a milk bottle) into a beverage (not potion nor poison, just a basic beverage). It's mostly for aesthetic purpose (I'm using SkyUI) buuuut it's important in my eyes. So here is my dumb question : How can I do that ? I couldn't find any documentation to figure it out. The Creation Kit doesn't seem able to make a difference between food and beverage, so is it done by SkyUI ? Or does SkyUI use a hidden parameter that I didn't find yet ? Or should I add this item to a specific list ? Thanks for reading, any help is greatly appreciated. :tongue: