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Posts posted by Toddemix

  1. As a long time user of the Nexus family of sites, I can honestly say that not once in that entire time has a negative endorsement been of any use to me as a mod user.


    Here are a few examples based on negative ratings I've seen on files I've downloaded over the years:


    "I cannot endorse this file because it imbalances the game" Already this is a nebulous reason to downrate- even moreso when the mod is already placed in the Cheats and God Items category. Yes, this has happened. More than once.


    "Nice work but the game doesn't need more content of this type- so I took the time to rate the mod down so some other mod I've deemed more deserving might gain a foothold in the Top 100 instead." Many thanks for conflating your games "needs" with mine, and attempting to manipulate the ratings, it is appreciated.

    " I don't like anime/race/weapon/insert non-lore catchphrase here mods. This sucks." These downratings are often accompanied with stream-of-consciousness hubristic diatribes about what they think the developer intended and how much of a slap in the face this mod must be to them. Very informative.


    "This house mod is nothing special. Anyone with the Construction Set could do just as well. As a matter of fact, I have, like, ten times over, but I just haven't uploaded anything. Yet." M'kay.


    And then we come to the reason some folks want negative endorsements to make a return: to alert the modder and potential downloaders of serious game breaking issues. " This mod doesn't work and it broke my game". Sometimes, literally hundreds of people (including me) have endorsed this dangerous, game-breaking file. Hundreds of people without googly eyes, or stuck animations. Hundreds of people with correctly updating quest logs, and uncorrupted saves. But one person who cannot be bothered to read the Description page, let alone the readme, has trouble, and who describes their issues in the language of one who is not well versed in the absolute basics of modding their game, and wouldn't know their Data folder from their Recycle Bin, comes to the conclusion that the mod is at fault.


    I've seen texture replacers blamed for broken quests. I've seen hair mods blamed for floating trees in the wilderness. I've seen people install mods that are noted as conflicting directly with one another, and then get mad when they don't work as expected.


    I've seen all of these examples, over and over again, for years. What I have not seen are articulate, reasoned, intelligently formulated and persuasive negative endorsements. It seems simple enough. I mean, all I want to know is if the mod "works", with "it works" being determined by how predictably it performs in at least a somewhat responsibly-managed load order- and that's it. I don't care if it insults your personal beliefs, or if you think it doesn't do justice to the movie that inspired it, or if it doesn't provide enough high resolution eyecandy for your overpriced new system. I don't care if you could do better, especially if you're not even going to upload it and subject it to the same scrutiny you like to dish out. I just want to know if it works.


    Hence, I have ceased taking negative endorsements seriously, at all. I just got tired of wading through the petty BS. My game hasn't broken yet.


    In my experience, the most informative "reviews" have come from the positive endorsements, users who are invested in the success of the mod they are rating because they like it already. They like the mod, they want it to work, so they endorse it, and note incompatibilities or technical issues in the comments section, often with practical workarounds for other downloaders. I've seen modders work with these users to enhance their mods, so I know it works. These commenters are the ones who have helped me create a stable, modded game, and I am grateful to them.


    Frankly, building a better negative endorsement system is just not something I am interested in doing. There are already ways to alert modders and mod users of potentially game-breaking flaws in a modification (hello Comments page, nice to meet you) that don't involve stamping something with a Seal of Disapproval.

  2. I posed a question earlier and id not get a response, I'm really trying to find this mod so if anyone has used it and remembers the name or can even just tell me a bit more about it I'd appreciate it. The bad part is I don't remember a whole lot about it myself. Please, any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Here's my original post.


    Really been looking for this mod for a while. I can't remember a whole lot about it but the gist is that it puts a little girl witch in the abandoned house in Cheydinhall, the one with the dark brotherhood in the basement. She's upstairs and she sells you witch armor and also has some other armor that is similar to the way Isaac Clarke's armor is in Dead Space. Not that it's based on it, but it has the same sort of style. There's also weapons in this mod but I can't remember much about them.


    Something I forgot to mention is that the weapons sort of had a steampunk feel. As did the armor. I know I mentioned it had a dead space type style but it was sort of an "Old" feel to it, as if it was made of bronze or brass, or just rusted over. I also remember that not only did it add this npc and the armors and weapons but it changed the upper stories of the cheydinhal abandoned house to make it feel as if someone was living in it again. Because, well. She was. I can also remember finding some sort of note from the witch's father on what I can only assume was her desk. At the moment though this is all I can remember.

    Your description makes me think of "Koutetsu's Outfits", by Koutetsu (surprise surprise). It had a little witch who sold clothes and armor for a variant of Fantasy Figures living in the Cheydinhal Abandoned House. One of the armor sets was a very distinctive take on the Dwemer armor. But, I could be wrong.

  3. You can always ask Bella about the hair. :thumbsup:

    I'm looking for some Japanese style houses. I can't really find anything. :unsure:


    How about these, Naktis?


    Shoin-Zukuri House


    Amaterasu no Yume


    Yakumo Isle

    Rise of a Samurai in Osyogatsu


    Or Zeo's House in Riverside, which contains a Japanese house add-on: http://zeoblivion.blog11.fc2.com/blog-entry-30.html#more


    There's also "Akaviri Kojima", which is no longer on Nexus, but can be found in a Google search. :)


    I tried that link but it doesnt seem to work something about it doesnt exist or something similiar.... :/ its the only one i have found yet.... is it the one on rembrandt by any chance??



    Try googling tespro.tistory.velvet. It should come up on the first page.

  5. can anyone help me out with this armor......



    this weapon also looks gud .....



    wud really like to own them :)

    Oooh that's a pretty sweet weapon, I'd like to know where it's from too :)


    I recognize the shape. It's a semi-vanilla sword: The Dragonsword of Lainlyn, found in the Battlehorn Castle DLC. But it might be a retexture.. The sword can also be found in SI, as that black blade you get at the Chamber of Reflection.. But the texture's solid black on it.

    Looks like Christian's Claymore.

  6. Really interesting fonction... I was looking for a way to make all fire camp lightable / extingishable in my game... found how ! Thanks to you !

    There's so many possibility now that i know that... I might even try to rescale those lightbeam to make them the real size of the "usual blue one" !



    Yeah, I love "Search and Replace"- it's sooo handy- it's just tucked away in a not-very-helpful place. :D Happy modding!

  7. @greenwarden

    What botton to "Search and Replace" ? such button do'snt exist in CS, unless you have an extension of the CS ? Do You ?


    You don't need the CS Extender for this, nope. Search and replace is a function in the vanilla CS, found at the bottom of the dropdown list that appears when you select "Edit". Select the item you want to replace by clicking it in the render window, then select "Edit -> Search and Replace". A box will pop up containing the name of the item you selected, and there's a window below that which you can use to select any other item in the CS. You can choose to replace just that one item you selected, all items of that type in the current cell, or all items of that type in the gameworld.

  8. I am looking for some stuff


    Hair and race:



    Clothes (I think some of them are several mods)

    http://tesnexus.com/...-1284627206.jpg (are stockings part of this outfit?)







    First one: No clue. Looks like one of a few outfits I've seen before in that style. Maybe a mashup?


    Second: The top looks like it's from "Lady Vamp", which is on a site that can't be linked to here. The skirt thingy- no clue.


    Third: That's one of the outfits from Eyren's Kazai and Phantasm, which was a private release on the Eyecandy forums, last I knew.


    Fourth: RE5 rip.

  9. Thanks again Greenwarden ^^ I think Google translator was the reason it did not work before, since it greyed every possible link out or made them invisible. This blog was the first one I stumbled on on my search and the links I actually COULD click on lead me around in circles. Good times.


    Aye, I never use full page translators when I'm looking for mods for precisely this reason. If there's something I need to read, I just copy paste the sentence/paragraph into a translator. There are dozens of supposedly "rare/obscure" mods out there that are actually only hiding in plain sight because the entire page has been translated.


    Happy hunting. :cool:

  10. Google "sanka226". It was the first hit when I did that to double-check.


    Err... yeah XD And this is exactely the result I got and was talking about when I said "dead end", because that blog is dead as far as I can see and all the possible download links have been removed.


    And here I go again and put a foot in my mouth because HERE, on University computers with ridiculous restrictions, the download works. It never did from my computer at home. INSANITY.


    I wouldn't have posted what I did if I was uncertain


    And you're welcome. . ;)

  11. OK, I have a tough one for you and I doubt anyone has it and I chose this not only because I want it but because I am an evil, evil person.




    These floating scrolls are animated and can even turn into a sword. All I found out is that they are from a mod called HGEC THarmors. I tink the actual file name is HGEC_BBB_ThArmor_v5_06.7z, but I still come up blank. And somehow connected to another mod called SLSC (SpellLikeSpellCard) and argh. One way street. I got nothing.


    Google "sanka226". It was the first hit when I did that to double-check.

  12. I have heard similar reports of regular interval hanging in-game from other ATI users who updated their drivers recently( I am one, myself). Try temporarily disabling the ATI HotKey Poller "service"(Ati2evxx.exe)- it's non-essential, according to every site I've checked- and then play to see if the issue persists. Disabling it did fix it for me, and the other folks I heard from.


    This sounds more like a fix that might work. Where do you disable this?


    I have an option to disable the hotkey features in my catalyst control center, but even with it turned on there is no Ati2evxx.exe running in my processes.

    Kill it in Task Manager to start. If disabling it solves your problem, you can disable it for good using msconfig. Google can talk you through that if you don't know how.



    Edit: if it's not running in Task Manager for you to disable, I really don't know what to tell you.

  13. I have heard similar reports of regular interval hanging in-game from other ATI users who updated their drivers recently( I am one, myself). Try temporarily disabling the ATI HotKey Poller "service"(Ati2evxx.exe)- it's non-essential, according to every site I've checked- and then play to see if the issue persists. Disabling it did fix it for me, and the other folks I heard from.
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