So, I know this sounds pretty nerdy, but I've always loved the look of the people in naruto that basically become the sage of the 6th paths, where they get horn like growths on their bodies, have in human eyes and a third eye on their forehead. This kinda thing is something I'd love to play as in an RPG, so since I have neither the time, nor talent or training to make this, I'd like to ask that someone consider this as a possible idea if you want to make a race mod. It wouldn't need to be very fancy, just a basic race model, like high elf for height and plenty of forehead space for the third eye, then adding a few different horn options. And when I say horns, I wasn't thinking the stock demon horns, I mean like something from world of warcraft's Dranei, like they're bony growths coming from the the guy/girls head, making weird shapes and even framing the hair on the head. I was even thinking of incorporating a few options for beards, like one or more of these growths making a horn goatee. I'm not demanding that this be made as soon as possible, but I'd really love to see this in the game, and I hope I my idea can inspire someone to make something great.