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Posts posted by TankGirl444

  1. In response to post #25781269. #25784194, #25784444, #25785124, #25786704 are all replies on the same post.

    Wallettheif wrote: If fallout 4 isn't developed by Obsidian then I'm honestly not interested. Fallout 3 was awful, awful, awful.
    PotatoeGun wrote: I don't see how it was very different from New Vegas. It lacked an iron sight mechanic and that was about it. They both have an annoying colored haze, boring stories, and can be modded. New Vegas didn't add anything worth mentioning in my opinion and I thought Fallout 3's landscape was better.
    Leedar wrote: FO3 had bad combat mechanics besides the failure to implement iron sights (e.g. OP VATS). While the writing isn't amazing in FNV, it's better than the generic hero story of FO3 and more in tune with the FO universe.

    I get this feeling Bethesda is staying on the eastern US and maybe (just maybe) Obsidian will do more on the west, to allow Bethesda to develop its own sub-universe.
    Me444 wrote: I believe you are over looking the story. The writing is better if you understand the meaning. you see fallout NV's story seems to be trying to prove a point. The whole NV line mirrors the American civil war and old western culture at that time period, and small hints are dropped indicating that if we do not learn from our past we will repeat it, since the past has been destroyed we in the wasteland revert. It's actually brilliant
    PotatoeGun wrote: Kind of. It's easy to overlook something if you don't like it. I didn't like NV's story so I never paid attention. I just don't care much about the story anyway. It's fun the first time around, tolerable the second, and it's outright awful every other time. I tend to focus more on mods because they keep me playing.

    but dose anything in life keep it's appeal when repetition comes to play after a year of anything done over and over it all goes dull. There are many games we can stab at in this instance. However I do to a degree feel as if they could have delivered much more, yet we need to understand the game must appeal to the populous. In that regard its sadly dull strait forward and unintelligent. Example lots of games with possibly the most creative stories I've seen get beaten out by rewashed fps games that require little thought process.
  2. In response to post #25781269. #25784194, #25784444 are all replies on the same post.

    Wallettheif wrote: If fallout 4 isn't developed by Obsidian then I'm honestly not interested. Fallout 3 was awful, awful, awful.
    PotatoeGun wrote: I don't see how it was very different from New Vegas. It lacked an iron sight mechanic and that was about it. They both have an annoying colored haze, boring stories, and can be modded. New Vegas didn't add anything worth mentioning in my opinion and I thought Fallout 3's landscape was better.
    Leedar wrote: FO3 had bad combat mechanics besides the failure to implement iron sights (e.g. OP VATS). While the writing isn't amazing in FNV, it's better than the generic hero story of FO3 and more in tune with the FO universe.

    I get this feeling Bethesda is staying on the eastern US and maybe (just maybe) Obsidian will do more on the west, to allow Bethesda to develop its own sub-universe.

    I believe you are over looking the story. The writing is better if you understand the meaning. you see fallout NV's story seems to be trying to prove a point. The whole NV line mirrors the American civil war and old western culture at that time period, and small hints are dropped indicating that if we do not learn from our past we will repeat it, since the past has been destroyed we in the wasteland revert. It's actually brilliant
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