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About Omniri

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  1. I would like to see a mod that adds clone trooper armors with feminine female versions, similar to the female trooper armors in the mmo Star Wars: The Old Republic, if not just those armors instead. I am a trans woman who experiences significant Gender Dysphoria and using Sniper9's clone trooper armors that just have the male model when worn by female characters makes me very uncomfortable and kills my ability to enjoy playing with the armor. I know there's only the two female clones in canon, one of which doesn't even have armor, and I know feminine armor isn't realistic, but this isn't a Star Wars game that needs to adhere to canon and any mod author who would or could make this mod could make optional files for realistic and non realistic armors for people who want them. Also the Republic Trooper armors in SWTOR are of the non realistic variety anyway, so if someone made a mod for those, I would be satisfied. They're close enough to Clone Trooper armor to scratch the itch, where Stormtrooper armor is not
  2. I would like a mod for Fallout 4 where I can put weapons and armors into a container, then all leveled lists for settlers and/or a faction of my choice get replaced with its contents. Kinda like the guard chest from Tundra Defense for Skyrim.
  3. Could someone make Power Rangers Megazord themed power armors? Preferably starting with the original, but I'd like pretty much all megazords from MMPR to RPM.
  4. Oh wait this is in FNV, forgot to add that
  5. When I'm in third person and aim down the sights it automatically switches to first person. Does anyone know why?
  6. all i know how to do in the geck so far is modify stats
  7. and there now i have my profile imageness
  8. and do they really get touchy if you dont even upload it? im doing this for personal use. the reason i want to do this is i want to add the steath suit's script to some spartan armor because it would seem like an ai
  9. how do i add that script to armor from a mod that doesnt have owb as one of its masters? if owb needs to be a master how do i add it to the list of masters on an existing esm?
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