Hello! I mean for Skyrim Special Edition , I see a lot of info, 'what it is' 'what does it do' 'a brief history lesson' (?) All it says about how to use it, is that it has an: 'Easy-to-talk-to 'Magic-Man-Menu' WHAT IS THAT??!??!?! here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4577/ I :smile: Look at the page with fresh eyes like someone who has no idea about it, a new Sky Rim player,. would be as I am , CLUELESS about how to use a lighting mod,.. ? There is a section called: 'how to use' but it says NOTHING ABOUT 'how to use it'!! HOW TO USE: The HELPER returns with corrected code! I always preferred the HELPER to MCM, personally, since the changes you'd make with him were visible immediately in-game. And so, without MCM in SSE, it seemed only reasonable to resurrect him and put him back into the service of helping you make the most wonderful Skyrim you can - without need of outside tools like RESHADE or ENB... ... and with ZERO performance loss." WHO IS THIS 'HIM'?? WHAT???!?! Right?? Am I nuts here, or does that say nothing to a new user except it is inaccessible and unusable.. If I have to spend hours researching something for a GAME, (MCM? as opposed to "Helpers" and how it relates to 'lighting' with 'Reshade' and 'ENB'??) then I will put that energy towards making MY OWN games at NextWorldVR! :smile: Games should be fun,.. It's not fun to have to post questions like this about things that should be self explanatory! :smile: IT says something about a 'spell' but I have never done that, you don't get spells early in the game! How would I automatically know how o even where to do all that? It should have steps by steps with real info, every Mod I have seen is just like this, 7 pages of 'info' but no real information... UPDATE: i HAVE FIGURED OUT HOW TO ACCESS him (LITERALLY A PERSON THAT STOPOD THERE FOR SOME REASON WHILE i WENT THROUGH THE MENU :) but WHEN i WOULD CHOOSE A lIGHTING pRESET, nothnig changed in the scne (i COULD HAVE GUESSED THAT,.) OOOPS SORRY CASPS, To tired from fighting 'mods' that don't qwrk (for me at least) to retype,. :) Any help is appreciated, I am new to gaming, even though I have ANIMATED CHARACTERS for games for 25 years :)