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Status Updates posted by kogane



  2. Hey Siffreo! Just coming by to wish you a very very Merry Christmas, and may your next year be the greatest one ever! Just as the year after that, and the year after that. XD
  3. Hey cooly! Thank you for your comment! :D I'll send you a PM as soon as I can, I'm spending christmas holidays with family and Eni, so everything's okay ! Hope you're having a good one!
  4. *taints the wall back*

    And Ulf will kick yar tush if ya mess with me !! XD

  5. Well I just moved to another cities, my engeneer studies just started, still a bit complicated but well, it's all right! What about you? :)
  6. GREAT profile photo !
  7. Attend un piti chat, c'est trop meugnon, peux pas tapeeeeer! t'enverrais une photo des miens un jour, héhé
  8. .. Non, de toute facon, j'aime trop les chats, peux pas y toucher, c'est un des rare trucs qui me fait craquer. XD
  9. Ah, me dis pas des trucs gentils comme ca, ca me donne envie de tuer des chats, héhé
  10. Ah tiens, c'est réactivé ca.. Ca l'était plus, si je me rappelle bien, j'avais été frustrée de pas pouvoir écrire une connerie qui m'était passée par la tête. XD

    Bref, pardon, j'te spam, là. ;D

  11. Nonsense Overload
    1. coolystguy


      i like a bit of nonsense, it gives my common sense a break XD
  12. Om nom ! Again ! <3
  13. *pokes pokes*
  14. You're more than welcome to my little corner of the Nexus! And, hey - I like your shots. :)
  15. oh, come one.. you can nom Eni ! But not too much, eh, leave some to me XD
  16. *grabs the spoon and throws it away*

    Don't you nom Eni's face!! Nor mine xD

  17. me, I meant bother me, but I'm obviously unable to write today. XD
  18. Wishing you the best cooly, be sure you can come back and bother as much as you want to. ;)
  19. Nut? So's your face. >< (Thanks for the translation anyway. I keep improving my slang vocabulary. XD)
  20. My french brain just exploded, can you tell me what potty botty means? XD
  21. I don't have a face. I'm a BOT! XD
  22. Nah. I will forever be M. Jack. XD EVAH !
  23. Ahah, finnaly, you switched to a decent avatar. XD I wondered why'd you put that awful fan. T_T
  24. Tossin' you a little bonjour. :)
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