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Everything posted by ArcaineSanctuary

  1. Thank you for your suggestion, SunlitEarth helped me out, and for posterities' sake, my problem was that the texture files and the uv files weren't named the same thing i.e. totallyreal.dds and totallyreal_n.dds instead of totallyreal.dds and lol_n.dds Anyway, thanks Pellape!
  2. This is my first time seeking help from the forums by posting a question, please bare with me. About two weeks ago I started an attempt to port a Skyrim armor mod into Oblivion for my personal use, using several different guides and walkthroughs to accomplish this. I tried this in two ways. First, I had exported the armor's .obj files into Blender, and second, I had used that handy Nifskope feature to change the nif's user settings to be in line with Oblivion Nif files before putting that in blender (both needed to be put into T-poses after all). Attempt 1 seemed for a time to work as the armor showed up correctly in Nifskope, though when trying to see it in creation kit and in game, only three parts of the armor and the skin nif (to be used under the upper body) showed up at all. The second attempt yielded the same results. I don't have a missing mesh message pop up in CK, rather the armor shows as the upper body nif and nothing else. The hood I am trying to work with doesn't show up either. When looking up my situation on the internet the most common answer seemed to be missing texture paths, and though have looked into my textures, making sure they have normal maps, are named correctly and are in the correct folders, I am still kind of a noob at modding, so it could be a problem with that I'm not seeing because I lack experience. I could really use some help. Anything you can offer; advice, experiences, videos (because the guides I used refused to give visual aid), I would be most appreciative of. I have attempted to attach a pdf file with images of the armor parts that are struggling, but it's not letting me. I may have to find another way to share images. I am also unsure if naming the mod counts as infringing on the author but if I can say what I am trying to port, I may not need the pictures as much. Big emphasis on the "may" though. I can also go into further detail about my process on both attempts if it will help. Thank you for your time
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