So today I got a really weird bug. I just finished running around Blackreach and when I got back to my house and walked inside, it was really bright, much more than normal. I had the indoor lighting with Vivid Weathers set to Dark, and changing it didn't make any difference to the weird brightness. When I change equipment or wait an hour, the brightness jumps back to the correct level. But then if I go outside, it keeps the indoor brightness level and ends up being really dark. So I have to wait or reequip something again for it to reset to the correct level for outdoors. And it's not that it's not remembering my settings, I changed them both to Normal, and the brightness indoors was still extra bright, and if I did the reequip trick to reset it then outdoors was still extra dark. It's like the brightness isn't automatically adjusting for different map lighting. It stays the same between maps until I either wait or reequip something. I disabled Vivid Weathers and didn't have any brightness issues, so it's gotta be something with that mod. I checked LOOT and it shows that Vivid Weathers has 6 ITM records, which I have no idea what to do about. Could the ITMs be the cause? It's just really weird because I've been using Vivid Weathers for a long time and it just started doing this out of the blue today.