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  1. Hello, I'm wondering if there is a mod that gives dragons the full spawn rate before you even start the main quest. This is pretty much for roleplaying purposes. I'm tired of dealing with the Greybeards and the Blades every time I make a new character just so I get to see some dragons. I want to experience dragon attacks through the eyes of a normal Skyrim citizen who properly fears dragons for the land-ravaging, village-burning menaces that they are; not as some legendary dragon killer from prophecy who feels it is his destiny to find and murder every single dragon, absorb their souls, and learn how to use Shouts so that he can defeat the World Eater and save Tamriel from destruction. I mean I have no problem with every character I make being Dragonborn. I just want my characters to make a name for themselves as dragonslayers by actually slaying dragons. They can learn all of the Dragonborn stuff along the way IMO. Anyways my question is this: is there a mod that enables Dragons to spawn without starting the main quest? I couldn't find any personally. And if there isn't, how would I go about doing that in the Creation Kit? I tried tinkering around but couldn't figure it out. Thanks in advance.
  2. Back in Oblivion there was a particular outfit that I really liked from the Apachii Goddess Store mod... it was the black and gold China dress with the golden dragon on the front. This is the outfit I wore because it fit my character perfectly--it was modest but still beautiful, and it showed that my character had confidence in her skill alone and had no need for armor. Now my character is back in Skyrim, but I still haven't found an outfit for her that I really like. I'm using the Triss armor for now, which is good but it doesn't really feel right. So basically I'm looking for something similar to the Apachii Goddess Store one, and wondering if anyone here has an interest in designing a model and texture for an outfit like this. If I had it my way then the outfit would be more robe-like than dress-like... what I have in mind is actually something in the spirit of the Swordmaster outfit from the GBA fire emblem games. Something like what Marisa from Sacred Stones wears would be perfect. Here are a few pictures of what I had in mind: http://www.fe-online.co.uk/gallery/albums/userpics/10469/normal_Marisa_Bodyshot.PNG http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/b/b4/Marisa.jpg http://www.feplanet.net/media/sprites/8/battle/sheets/ally/marisa_swordmaster_sword.gif Ideally I'd like to see the outfit close to the color and design of Marisa's (black/red or black/gold... or black/any color really), but I'd really also like it to cover the entire legs, unlike the first and second pictures. We are in Skyrim after all... it's too cold to go running around bare-legged. In other words, basically what I'm requesting is a black/red or black/gold version of the outfit in the sprite, except not revealing her legs--closer to the male version actually. The more modest, the better. Or not, it's your call--I'd be forever grateful either way. At any rate I'd imagine this is would be a relatively simple outfit to design, so I hope someone likes this idea and decides to run with it! I'm not expecting much but hey, might as well try. Or if there is anything similar out there right now, please let me know!
  3. Tony WAS the 5000th reply... just not the 5000th post. Anyways, you guys might want to take it easy and stop freaking out at every little undesirable nuance that you can find... I'm pretty sure they're going to fix the vast majority of these by the time the game comes out. Just enjoy the wait :) Dragging the game down with trivialities will make you realize how high your expectations are, and once the game comes out, you will enjoy it less regardless of whether or not it exceeds your expectations.
  4. Found something that you guys might not like... http://www.ripten.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Skyrim-Dicktits-600x3371.png source: http://www.ripten.com/2011/08/12/this-is-the-character-i-made-in-skyrim/ Any of you who were hoping for flaming swords may not get your wish. Better fire up the ol' Contruction Set...
  5. I'm sure there will be a few perks that affect jumping/actions available while jumping.
  6. I kind of doubt your character will become the high king. How would they refer to you in the lore? "High King Bendu Olo"?
  7. I remember reading an interview that said Todd Howard really liked the soul gem recharging system from Oblivion and intended to implement it in Skyrim as well.
  8. Considering that all of these dragons just woke from several eras of slumber, I don't think they have enough time to amass a large pile of treasure haha.
  9. I doubt that the player can become a Skyrim vampire, because if I remember correctly, the lore says that vampires who live in Cyrodiil were known for being cunning and deceptive, and for being able to blend in perfectly with the townsfolk and easily live among them. That's why the player was able to play as one. The Skyrim vampires, on the other hand, sound more like feral beasts who hide under lakes instead of live in houses. Which may be fun for a while, but I have a feeling it would lose its novelty pretty fast. I'm guessing they'll implement vampires in Skyrim just like they did in Oblivion--meaning that the player can become a Cyrodiil vampire, but not a Skyrim one. It wouldn't surprise me if they add Skyrim vampires as NPCs though, because they sound like terrifying creatures that would be really fun to encounter.
  10. The video is fantastic... since everyone covered all of the positives already though, I think I'll talk about some of the negatives I saw (cue Debbie Downer jingle): - The game looks pretty bad on the console. The environment looks very angular and a lot of the textures look really bleh (such as the fur gloves in 1st person). Hopefully this won't be a problem on the PC. (I must say that the stream in the cave looked fantastic though) - The AI looks kinda stupid... like when he shot one of the bandits and the other just pulled his weapon and stood there. I was hoping for a huuuuge improvement in this area, so that part of the video was kinda disappointing. - I don't think I'd mind the HUD, but I think a lot of people are going to have a problem with it. - The dragons were definitely the most impressive thing in the video; I just didn't like how the giant became a ragdoll after the dragon dropped him from the sky. You'd think he'd be flailing around like a madman during a 500 foot fall. That's just me nitpicking though haha. - I really really want to see more faces... more conversations... more voice acting... more races... yknow, the non-combat aspects of the game. Hopefully we'll see more of it this week.
  11. Both the Orc shown earlier and the Nord (?) in this new screenshot have one blind eye... it seems like this might be pretty common in Skyrim? Also, anyone else notice the bottles that look like Flin/Sujamma/Mazte etc. in the first screenie? Looks like those might be making a return.
  12. If you spend $4000 on a PC then you might as well just fly it to E3.
  13. There is no hard level cap (at least until you run out of skills to raise), but there is a level at which you stop gaining perks. Todd Howard has told us it was level 50, but at least one of the articles said that the soft cap was 25.
  14. I read all of the articles, and one of the things that stood out to me in one of the articles is that the level cap is now supposedly 25 instead of 50? I forget which one, but that means we're looking at getting 50% less perks than we originally thought :(
  15. I think the fact that Bethesda sees fit to leave out a lucrative feature such as Multiplayer because it will make for a "lesser game" speaks volumes about how hard they're working to make the absolute best game possible this time around. The hype for Skyrim is several magnitudes higher than it was for Oblivion. The end product for Oblivion felt a bit rushed, and the result was a somewhat shabby, unbalanced game in many aspects. But since all eyes are upon them now, I don't think Bethesda will release a game that's any less than pristine in their eyes. And they certainly have plenty of time to do so.
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