Back in Oblivion there was a particular outfit that I really liked from the Apachii Goddess Store mod... it was the black and gold China dress with the golden dragon on the front. This is the outfit I wore because it fit my character perfectly--it was modest but still beautiful, and it showed that my character had confidence in her skill alone and had no need for armor. Now my character is back in Skyrim, but I still haven't found an outfit for her that I really like. I'm using the Triss armor for now, which is good but it doesn't really feel right. So basically I'm looking for something similar to the Apachii Goddess Store one, and wondering if anyone here has an interest in designing a model and texture for an outfit like this. If I had it my way then the outfit would be more robe-like than dress-like... what I have in mind is actually something in the spirit of the Swordmaster outfit from the GBA fire emblem games. Something like what Marisa from Sacred Stones wears would be perfect. Here are a few pictures of what I had in mind: Ideally I'd like to see the outfit close to the color and design of Marisa's (black/red or black/gold... or black/any color really), but I'd really also like it to cover the entire legs, unlike the first and second pictures. We are in Skyrim after all... it's too cold to go running around bare-legged. In other words, basically what I'm requesting is a black/red or black/gold version of the outfit in the sprite, except not revealing her legs--closer to the male version actually. The more modest, the better. Or not, it's your call--I'd be forever grateful either way. At any rate I'd imagine this is would be a relatively simple outfit to design, so I hope someone likes this idea and decides to run with it! I'm not expecting much but hey, might as well try. Or if there is anything similar out there right now, please let me know!