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Everything posted by Spiritz666

  1. I might be able to do this - i think ive found what to change by accident when looking into a mod update for something different . Is the start distance within 600 ( im assuming the 600 is the max range ) and if so what sort of range are you after ? If i do this then its possible ... the min start distance and max start distance would need to be increased - going by the 600u you stated i would need to set a min value and a max value and the min would have to be a high value as im guessing the game takes a random value between the 2 and if start is too low you always run the chance of it being very close even if max was set to say 1000u. Also im assuming the changes would also affect all the modes rather than just 1 but shouldnt be a problem . Let me know what ranges you are after - a min range and a max range and we can try from there - might even be able to do a few versions of the mod with several ranges available if it works . Oh also bare in mind im new to modding and i dont do survival or permadeath so i may need a tester if you are up for that ?
  2. Im very new to modding and i see trying to do updates etc as a gd way to learn things and i know what you mean with the unknowns , from reading bits and bobs from the github page for MBINcompiler i think the unknowns are via that . Its new code that the creator has yet to setup/discover as ive read quite a few tables had new code added into them which wasnt there before . Also sort of explains why a few tables cant be decompiled at the moment which is really annoying me lol .One thing i do need to learn is the lua scripts as that should be able to make updating mods a lot easier tho its always a good thing to check whats been changed in an update as well . Luckily i had an old backup of beyond on another harddrive which does help in spotting changes. northener69 - im going to try and release more mods as time goes by and attempt to keep track of my changes along with lua script if possible - if theres any that are possibly compatible with visions ( i started playing when beyond was released so i dont know what was around for visions ) let me know and i can pass you either notes on changes or lua script so you can reverse engineer for visions . Btw im trying to recall on what topic we`ve spoken to each other on before
  3. Are you wanting the same as in this https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8148753-mod-requestupdate-extend-the-base-boundary-limits/ if so let me kno in that topic - easier to follow the 1 topic instead of 2 lol
  4. Regarding the base building limits - are you wanting to extend the range or have the range removed ? I can probably do a mod to extend the range or one to remove the range - different file edit for both . There could be a possible problem but i wont know until i try which is some of the 2.16 files are unable to be de-compiled with mbindecompiler ( coremissiontable.mbin i know for a fact at this time is one - there was a few others but i didnt pay attention at the time as i was after a specific file ) . Let me know which you are after and i`ll have a try in a day or 2 as im currently working on a project to update a mod of someone elses ( i have permission ) . northerner69 - cmon bro we know you love to mess with experimentals XD ... just kidding bro lol
  5. Sorry for title but it is 100% S.O.S .. Ive attempted to deompile the coremissiontable.mbin and failed - did a version check and it comes back as not compiled with mbincompiler . Does anyone know either a fix or a work around . I have a suspession that it may not be the only file which has had its method of compiling changed . All help will be grateful as if it is the case things have changed it may end up affecting all of us modders as some stage. ** forgot to mention using nms 2.16
  6. i think it was left out due to the chance of human error by the user - imagine selling all of an item by accident which you only wanted to sell 100 of instead of 1000 . Something i would be prone to lol
  7. OOOOOO this is a damn good idea and myself being a complete newbie at modding tho i have done a few personal mods i can agree with northener69 it is a needle in a haystack - but i do enjoy when bored diving into code just to learn things so i am going to make a note and keep my eyes peeled . Also if anyone can give a point in a direction of possible locations it would speed things up . No promises but if and when ( if it is possible ) i`ll make sure i`ll get a mod made - if no1 beats me to it first .
  8. Just an update - everything is working as normal and no problems yet - even with 200 mods running
  9. For once i feel useful and able to contribute something even if its small . ok - first i did a backup of my data folder then deleted all mods ( wanted to do a clean new game with no mods and no custom content ) and then started to add the fallout patch , armor keywords and finally ske 1.56 - static ( was the last version i knew worked ) . restarted game and saw no SKE menu but i forgot the only SKE req file i used before was the cannabis of the commonwealth so i added it . Lo and behold it showed up and worked . Now some would leave it at this but im a mug for a bit of hard work when i want something to work so i wondered what else i had installed recently and one major item was the new ambush kit . Luckily i had a backup of the data folder so i added the cc content back in and guess what - ambush kit conflicted with ske static and i lost the SKE section . Reinstalled ske but switched to scripted - note still using 1.56 and TaDa !!!! had the ambush kit show and SKE . Went 1 step further and manually updated SKE 1.57 - for those who never tried manual update on a mod ( like me ) its simple ... just unzip the file and go into the folder and patches you need and drop them into the data folder ... eg 01 SettlementKeywordsExpanded v1.57 - Scripted ( for the scripted version ) . Reloaded the game and save game and it worked perfectly . Unsure if this is the 100% fix but i do know it works for with and without the ambush kit - bethedsa probably just used the same location as static SKE for the ambush kit ... im going to message Sharlikran and link him to this post so hopefully they can sort the issue out and put info on the mods page for all to see . Im still going to slowly re-add my mods and if i get any other SKE vanishes i`ll let you all know - hopefully i wont Update - cant contact him as it seems he cant use the nexus message system ... lets hope he see this post or someone he knows will see this and inform him
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