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About trolcia

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  1. dont get me wrong mate its a nice tool if you need it,well I dont need it at all,I think UE explorer its a good tool,well still needs some extra tools or options : better hex viewer,working copy/paste etc.btw would be good have a build in hexeditor
  2. maybe its a nice tool at least looks everything nice but how to import file back to upk file,coz if you cant import anything so you have to use a hex editor,so its pretty usless.whats the point exporting hundreds of files if I can browse them in UE exporer :rolleyes:
  3. try this one verry funny especially if you swap sectopod.lol SwapTeamsOnNearestUnit - u can swap all teams
  4. for those who can use a Console but dont have access to Debug Menu,here we go ;ToggleDebugMenu.enjoy
  5. I don't use the UEE hex viewer at all. ;) I use HxD. Its Ok I use Hex Workshop,IDA,HxD,010Editor etc....depends which I need but the main problem with UE hex view is you have to type everything in your editor which is not good would be easer just copy to clipboard and paste. thats is all about.
  6. you can teleport alien as well : teleportAlienToCursor.
  7. lol maybe its you not your sniper,haha.think its powerful enough,I know you want one shot 2 kills lol,funny dude
  8. would be good have a search tool coz its hard to find anything I mean text string : Search -> Find -> Find Again.btw copy tool doesnt work properly its crashes to desktop have to use CTRL+C instead
  9. I got some more with description from XComGame.upk not all tested. watch your shot in slow motion - sloMo 0.1 AIForceAIFire", "AI doesn't move; will always fire on AI's turn.") GiveAllTech", "Instantly unlock the entire tech research tree."); cursormodetoggle", "Toggle's cursor mode"); powerup", "All units invincible, unlimited ammo."); GODMODE,cant kill you killaliens", "Win mission by killing your squad."); killsquad", "Lose mission by killing your squad."); resetammo", "Resets Ammo for the selected unit"); emptyammo", "Empties Ammo for the selected unit"); resetactions", "Resets action points for entire squad"); resetUnitMovement", "Resets active unit's movement"); restartlevel", "Reload the current map and reset game state."); simcombat", "Simulates combat (quickly) until victory condition is met."); revive", "revives specified critically wounded unit."); listanimsets", "List all anim sets being used"); listdynamiclevels", "List all anim sets being used"); listskelmeshes", "List all anim sets being used"); listtextures", "List all textures being used"); disconnect", "Immediately stops the game type and reloads the default game type."); stat fps", "Toggles frames per second display"); stat gfx", "Shows the current resource use of GFX"); DisableDebugMenu", "Disable the double bumper debug menu access. MENU IS ON BY DEFAULT."); Hit the UI with a Big Hammer. Use only in case of mega state fail, as this has potential bad state consequences."); UIListScreens", "Lists all GFx screens loaded (2d, protoui, & 3d)"); UIListTactical3DPieces", "List statuses of all 3D UI pieces during the tactical game."); UIPrintInputStack", "Print the ordered stack of how input cascades."); UIPrintStateStack", "Print the presentation layer's (UI) state stack."); UIToggleAnchors", "Shows grid used for anchor points of UI elements."); UIToggleDisc", "Toggles the unit's Unreal-native selection disc on/off."); UIToggleHardHide", "Force UI to be hidden (or *attempt* to re-show after being hidden.)"); UIToggleMouseCursor", "Toggles visibility of the mouse cursor when on PC. (Will never be visible on console)"); UIToggleStatus", ""); UIToggleVisibility", "High level visibility toggling. (Turn off in engine via toggleui.)"); UITestScreen", "Bring up a UI screen to test (May be fonts, may be something else awesome."); set xcomfow bHidden true", "Will set the bHidden flag on ALL XComFOW actors in the level"); set xcomfow_0 bHidden true", "Will set the bHidden flag on just xcomfow_0"); obj print bHidden==true", "This will print all objects that have their bHidden property set to true"); obj print package=MyPackage", "This will print all objects that came from MyPackage"); obj print outer=XComFOW bHidden==false", "Find all the children of XComFOW that are currently shown"); obj print -MEMBERS outer=XComFOW", "Prints out all of the class members of XComFOW"); obj list", "This will list all classes in the level"); obj list class=interpactor", "This will list all objects of that class to the log"); obj list class=interpactor key=bHidden value=true", "This will list all objects of that class that match the key/value pair"); obj dump XComFOW_0", "This will list all member values for the XComFOW actor"); obj gc", "This will garbage collect all unreferenced objects"); stat (anim|audio|engine|fps|game|hier|draw)", "show game stats"); stat (memory|memorychurn|scenerendering)", "more show game stats"); stat (sceneupdate|streaming|unit)", "more show game stats"); show (bounds|bsp|camfrustums|collision|dynamicshadows)", "show/hide categories"); show (foliage|particles|postprocess)", "show/hide categories"); show (shadowfrustums|skelmeshes|staticmeshes)", "more show/hide categories"); show (terrain|unlittranslucency|volumes)", "more show/hide categories"); viewmode (wireframe|unlit|lightcomplexity|lightingonly|shadercomplexity|texturedensity)", "change view mode"); listtextures", "list all textures in the log "); listwaves", "list all resident sounds and their sizes, in the log "); ToggleFOW [particles|canopy|lineofsight|regeneration|truesight]", "toggles Fog of War visibility"); EnableDebugMenu", "Enable the double bumper debug menu access. MENU IS ON BY DEFAULT."); UIForceClearAllUIToHUD", "Hit the UI with a Big Hammer. Use only in case of mega state fail, as this has potential bad state consequences."); UIListScreens", "Output all loaded UI screens to the log."); UIPrintInputStack", "Print the ordered stack of how input cascades."); UIPrintStateStack", "Print the presentation layer's (UI) state stack."); UIStatus", "Show's the status of the UI"); UIToggleMouseHitDebugging", "Toggle mouse hittesting to UI logging."); UIToggleSafearea", "Turn on/off the safe area rectangle."); UIToggleAnchors", "Turn on/off the anchor points and safearea-based anchor rectangle."); UIToggleGrid", "Show ProtoUI grid overlay"); UIToggleHardHide", "Force UI to be hidden (or *attempt* to re-show after being hidden.)"); UIToggleVisibility", "Turn on/off the GFx user interface."); UIToggleMouseCursor", "Turn on/off the mouse cursor while on PC."); cursormodetoggle", "Use to switch between cursor collision, no collision, and screen pick modes"); show", "use 'help show' for more info"); stat", "use 'help stat' for more info"); set", "use 'help set' for more info"); obj list|print", "use 'help obj' for more info"); viewmode", "use 'help viewmode' for more info"); "pause", "toggle pause"); disconnect", "restart game"); sloMo t", "slow game down by t"); teleportToCursor", "move your current guy to the cursor"); PDI <class>", "Print debug info on Class"); nxvis collision", "show physics collisions volume??"); screenshot", "take a screenshot to xcomgamescreenshots"); showlog", "toggle log window"); freezeall", "freeze rendering and streaming, visibility culling"); availabletexmem", "display in the log how much texture mem is available"); listtextures", "list all textures in the log "); listsounds", "list all resident sounds and their sizes, in the log "); showhotkismet", "list top 10 kismet sequenceops to the log"); killall *class*", "ex: killall class=trigger, kill all objects of that class"); set classname property value", "ex: set actor bHidden 1"); ToggleFOW", "toggles Fog of War visibility"); SpawnWeather", "spawn weather actor"); ToggleCascadeRestriction", "Toggle rendering selective cascade frustums"); ParticleInfo", "lists all particle systems count"); ToggleLightDebug", "places debug shapes around all lights"); TogglePostProcess [optional index]", "toggles one/all post process effects"); SetMLAAMode index", "Sets MLAA Mode [0=Normal, 1=Force Off, 2=Vis. X Distance, 3=Vis. Y Distance, 4=Vis. Weight]"); ToggleRain", "toggles rain effect"); TriggerFlash", "triggerlightingflashdebug"); RainRateScale x", "toggles rain scale"); Changelist", "Outputs the build changelist to the console command window"); dptrans x y z, dprot x y z", "sets the translation/rotation of the decal projector (for debugging)"); dpfrustum w h", "sets the total width and total height of the projector's frustum (for debugging)"); geoscapept u v", "prints the country id at the uv coordinates"); killsquad", "kills entire squad"); WhatsOnMyFloors [floor=0 e.g. all floors] [actorclass=class'Actor']", "dump what actors are touching in the cursor's building"); WhatsAreMyFloors", "output all floor volumes in the current floor"); SetGlamCam [on, off]", "turns glam cam on or off. call with no arguments to toggle"); SetStrategyFacilitiesSuperSpree [on, off]", "allows player to build all the facilities from the start, free, and they are constructed immediately. call with no arguments to toggle"); SetStrategyFacilitiesUnlockAll [on, off]", "allows player to build all the facilities available. call with no arguments to toggle"); SetStrategyFacilitiesFree [on, off]", "allows player to build facilities for free. call with no arguments to toggle"); SetStrategyFacilitiesInstantBuild [on, off]", "facilities are finished instantly. call with no arguments to toggle"); SetNoWeaponsClass [on, off]", "Soldiers can try on weapons, armor, and items regardless of class. No promises for what happens in tactical mode"); SetNoWeaponsTech [on, off]", "Soldiers can try on weapons, armor, and items regardless of if the tech is researched. No promises for what happens in tactical mode"); Drop n Sectoids"); AddUnits(n)", "Drop n Units"); AddTime", "Max out current unit's time points"); AIMarkers", "show hidden AI units"); teleportAlienToCursor", "move an Alien to the cursor position"); AISkipAI", "Disable/Enable AI's turn"); AIWatchAI", "Set camera over AI units on their turn, hidden or not."); AbortCurrentAction", "Abort currently active unit's action"); TakeNoDamage", "Bypass any SetHitPoint calls, rendering all units invincible."); GODMODE PowerUp", "All units invincible, unlimited ammo."); GODMODE TogglePathUpdate", "Toggle whether to update the cursor path while the cursor is moving"); PsiLevel(n)", "0 = normal, 1 = All Psi All the Time, 2 = Psi Off"); KillNearestAlien", "Kills the nearest alien relative to the cursor"); UIToggleDisc", "Toggles the unit's Unreal-native selection disc on/off."); UIEnableEnemyArrows", "Turns the enemy arrow hover indicators on/off.");
  10. try unlimitedmoves its realy funny no more turn just chasing trolls ,lol.
  11. think its working but dont try it online or you get f***ed,lol have fun again lol
  12. I didnt notice before but I got checksum error maybe thats why I go crashes is it a steam version patch coz I got a steam game.btw its working but crash http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/trolcia2/Untitl.jpg
  13. no more fun have to reinstall game,lol would be good get it working,bloody crashes but funny though I like console ,lol but your patch screwed my game lol.get it sorted man.
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