I got some more with description from XComGame.upk not all tested. watch your shot in slow motion - sloMo 0.1 AIForceAIFire", "AI doesn't move; will always fire on AI's turn.") GiveAllTech", "Instantly unlock the entire tech research tree."); cursormodetoggle", "Toggle's cursor mode"); powerup", "All units invincible, unlimited ammo."); GODMODE,cant kill you killaliens", "Win mission by killing your squad."); killsquad", "Lose mission by killing your squad."); resetammo", "Resets Ammo for the selected unit"); emptyammo", "Empties Ammo for the selected unit"); resetactions", "Resets action points for entire squad"); resetUnitMovement", "Resets active unit's movement"); restartlevel", "Reload the current map and reset game state."); simcombat", "Simulates combat (quickly) until victory condition is met."); revive", "revives specified critically wounded unit."); listanimsets", "List all anim sets being used"); listdynamiclevels", "List all anim sets being used"); listskelmeshes", "List all anim sets being used"); listtextures", "List all textures being used"); disconnect", "Immediately stops the game type and reloads the default game type."); stat fps", "Toggles frames per second display"); stat gfx", "Shows the current resource use of GFX"); DisableDebugMenu", "Disable the double bumper debug menu access. MENU IS ON BY DEFAULT."); Hit the UI with a Big Hammer. Use only in case of mega state fail, as this has potential bad state consequences."); UIListScreens", "Lists all GFx screens loaded (2d, protoui, & 3d)"); UIListTactical3DPieces", "List statuses of all 3D UI pieces during the tactical game."); UIPrintInputStack", "Print the ordered stack of how input cascades."); UIPrintStateStack", "Print the presentation layer's (UI) state stack."); UIToggleAnchors", "Shows grid used for anchor points of UI elements."); UIToggleDisc", "Toggles the unit's Unreal-native selection disc on/off."); UIToggleHardHide", "Force UI to be hidden (or *attempt* to re-show after being hidden.)"); UIToggleMouseCursor", "Toggles visibility of the mouse cursor when on PC. (Will never be visible on console)"); UIToggleStatus", ""); UIToggleVisibility", "High level visibility toggling. (Turn off in engine via toggleui.)"); UITestScreen", "Bring up a UI screen to test (May be fonts, may be something else awesome."); set xcomfow bHidden true", "Will set the bHidden flag on ALL XComFOW actors in the level"); set xcomfow_0 bHidden true", "Will set the bHidden flag on just xcomfow_0"); obj print bHidden==true", "This will print all objects that have their bHidden property set to true"); obj print package=MyPackage", "This will print all objects that came from MyPackage"); obj print outer=XComFOW bHidden==false", "Find all the children of XComFOW that are currently shown"); obj print -MEMBERS outer=XComFOW", "Prints out all of the class members of XComFOW"); obj list", "This will list all classes in the level"); obj list class=interpactor", "This will list all objects of that class to the log"); obj list class=interpactor key=bHidden value=true", "This will list all objects of that class that match the key/value pair"); obj dump XComFOW_0", "This will list all member values for the XComFOW actor"); obj gc", "This will garbage collect all unreferenced objects"); stat (anim|audio|engine|fps|game|hier|draw)", "show game stats"); stat (memory|memorychurn|scenerendering)", "more show game stats"); stat (sceneupdate|streaming|unit)", "more show game stats"); show (bounds|bsp|camfrustums|collision|dynamicshadows)", "show/hide categories"); show (foliage|particles|postprocess)", "show/hide categories"); show (shadowfrustums|skelmeshes|staticmeshes)", "more show/hide categories"); show (terrain|unlittranslucency|volumes)", "more show/hide categories"); viewmode (wireframe|unlit|lightcomplexity|lightingonly|shadercomplexity|texturedensity)", "change view mode"); listtextures", "list all textures in the log "); listwaves", "list all resident sounds and their sizes, in the log "); ToggleFOW [particles|canopy|lineofsight|regeneration|truesight]", "toggles Fog of War visibility"); EnableDebugMenu", "Enable the double bumper debug menu access. MENU IS ON BY DEFAULT."); UIForceClearAllUIToHUD", "Hit the UI with a Big Hammer. Use only in case of mega state fail, as this has potential bad state consequences."); UIListScreens", "Output all loaded UI screens to the log."); UIPrintInputStack", "Print the ordered stack of how input cascades."); UIPrintStateStack", "Print the presentation layer's (UI) state stack."); UIStatus", "Show's the status of the UI"); UIToggleMouseHitDebugging", "Toggle mouse hittesting to UI logging."); UIToggleSafearea", "Turn on/off the safe area rectangle."); UIToggleAnchors", "Turn on/off the anchor points and safearea-based anchor rectangle."); UIToggleGrid", "Show ProtoUI grid overlay"); UIToggleHardHide", "Force UI to be hidden (or *attempt* to re-show after being hidden.)"); UIToggleVisibility", "Turn on/off the GFx user interface."); UIToggleMouseCursor", "Turn on/off the mouse cursor while on PC."); cursormodetoggle", "Use to switch between cursor collision, no collision, and screen pick modes"); show", "use 'help show' for more info"); stat", "use 'help stat' for more info"); set", "use 'help set' for more info"); obj list|print", "use 'help obj' for more info"); viewmode", "use 'help viewmode' for more info"); "pause", "toggle pause"); disconnect", "restart game"); sloMo t", "slow game down by t"); teleportToCursor", "move your current guy to the cursor"); PDI <class>", "Print debug info on Class"); nxvis collision", "show physics collisions volume??"); screenshot", "take a screenshot to xcomgamescreenshots"); showlog", "toggle log window"); freezeall", "freeze rendering and streaming, visibility culling"); availabletexmem", "display in the log how much texture mem is available"); listtextures", "list all textures in the log "); listsounds", "list all resident sounds and their sizes, in the log "); showhotkismet", "list top 10 kismet sequenceops to the log"); killall *class*", "ex: killall class=trigger, kill all objects of that class"); set classname property value", "ex: set actor bHidden 1"); ToggleFOW", "toggles Fog of War visibility"); SpawnWeather", "spawn weather actor"); ToggleCascadeRestriction", "Toggle rendering selective cascade frustums"); ParticleInfo", "lists all particle systems count"); ToggleLightDebug", "places debug shapes around all lights"); TogglePostProcess [optional index]", "toggles one/all post process effects"); SetMLAAMode index", "Sets MLAA Mode [0=Normal, 1=Force Off, 2=Vis. X Distance, 3=Vis. Y Distance, 4=Vis. Weight]"); ToggleRain", "toggles rain effect"); TriggerFlash", "triggerlightingflashdebug"); RainRateScale x", "toggles rain scale"); Changelist", "Outputs the build changelist to the console command window"); dptrans x y z, dprot x y z", "sets the translation/rotation of the decal projector (for debugging)"); dpfrustum w h", "sets the total width and total height of the projector's frustum (for debugging)"); geoscapept u v", "prints the country id at the uv coordinates"); killsquad", "kills entire squad"); WhatsOnMyFloors [floor=0 e.g. all floors] [actorclass=class'Actor']", "dump what actors are touching in the cursor's building"); WhatsAreMyFloors", "output all floor volumes in the current floor"); SetGlamCam [on, off]", "turns glam cam on or off. call with no arguments to toggle"); SetStrategyFacilitiesSuperSpree [on, off]", "allows player to build all the facilities from the start, free, and they are constructed immediately. call with no arguments to toggle"); SetStrategyFacilitiesUnlockAll [on, off]", "allows player to build all the facilities available. call with no arguments to toggle"); SetStrategyFacilitiesFree [on, off]", "allows player to build facilities for free. call with no arguments to toggle"); SetStrategyFacilitiesInstantBuild [on, off]", "facilities are finished instantly. call with no arguments to toggle"); SetNoWeaponsClass [on, off]", "Soldiers can try on weapons, armor, and items regardless of class. No promises for what happens in tactical mode"); SetNoWeaponsTech [on, off]", "Soldiers can try on weapons, armor, and items regardless of if the tech is researched. No promises for what happens in tactical mode"); Drop n Sectoids"); AddUnits(n)", "Drop n Units"); AddTime", "Max out current unit's time points"); AIMarkers", "show hidden AI units"); teleportAlienToCursor", "move an Alien to the cursor position"); AISkipAI", "Disable/Enable AI's turn"); AIWatchAI", "Set camera over AI units on their turn, hidden or not."); AbortCurrentAction", "Abort currently active unit's action"); TakeNoDamage", "Bypass any SetHitPoint calls, rendering all units invincible."); GODMODE PowerUp", "All units invincible, unlimited ammo."); GODMODE TogglePathUpdate", "Toggle whether to update the cursor path while the cursor is moving"); PsiLevel(n)", "0 = normal, 1 = All Psi All the Time, 2 = Psi Off"); KillNearestAlien", "Kills the nearest alien relative to the cursor"); UIToggleDisc", "Toggles the unit's Unreal-native selection disc on/off."); UIEnableEnemyArrows", "Turns the enemy arrow hover indicators on/off.");