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  1. There is a mod to fix this on the Nexus already.
  2. I love the vanilla iron armor but boy, those textures need some work. I've been searching on a daily basis for a good higher res retex but so far we just seem to have versions that are darker, bloodier, rustier, paladin-ized, etc. Nothing that simply adds a little higher-res lovin'. I'm not too proud to beg. If anyone with some texturing ability would like to take this on, you'll have my utmost appreciation. (or point me in the right direction if there's already a mod out there that I missed). Thanks!
  3. Try playing without NVWillow. I tried for months to solve my own crashing/freezing problems which started for me around the time of patch 1.3. The other major change I made at that time was installing Willow. After trying EVERYTHING else, I finally gave up and uninstalled Willow. Like magic, my game became stable again.
  4. @Glenstorm: *smacks head* I was trying to do it via making a small plugin; didn't think about using the console. Thanks, and kudos!
  5. I think this should be relatively simple, but it's a bit beyond me. I'd just like to get rid of Rex's Search and Mark perk. It conflicts with the Detailed Normals mod (which I use and don't want to give up) and I just want it gone. I found a grand total of one mod out there already that does this, but it replaces the perk with something else. I just want it gone. It also is based on an earlier patch version and it doesn't appear to me (in FNVEdit) that it would work with the latest patch. I also didn't have much luck searching the forums for an answer. I'm pretty handy adding/removing/tweaking elements of mods in FNVEdit, but this perk seems somewhat complicated. I'm really not sure what to change. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
  6. Trying playing without Willow for awhile and see if it improves. That's what finally fixed my game after 2 months of fiddling with everything I could think of. And I mean EVERYTHING.
  7. I noticed you have Willow in there. I spent the last 2 months trying to fix my game (ever since 1.3 patch) and finally determined that Willow was the problem. Unfortunately, because I love the mod. With Willow, I freeze randomly every 5-15 minutes. Without, it's smooth sailing again. Can't say that there's anything wrong with the mod, more likely that it was the straw that broke my load order's back. But FNV doesn't seem to handle modded companions very well (especially since the patches keep messing with AI packages) and Willow is pretty complex.
  8. Hey folks, There's a new backpack mod out by d_ivanov which is pretty interesting, located at http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39611. It's got some unique functionality (i.e. working bedroll and ability to use as a dropped container) and visually is the most Fallout-appropriate backpack mod I've seen yet. Unfortunately, the textures leave something to be desired. d_ivanov admitted that texturing wasn't his strong suit and is open to collaborating if anyone would like to take a stab at improving the textures. I'm hoping this will get some interest, because this is a great mod (that just needs some texturing help IMO). And unfortunately, I have no such skills myself. If anyone's interested, please follow the link and check it out. Thanks!
  9. @iTimmah, oh, goodie! Thanks for pointing out that thread.
  10. Oh, pretty please? I am spoiled from using DARNified in Fallout 3, and am hating the old UI in F:NV. Plus, having to tab through your pipboy to see your thirst/hunger/sleep needs in hardcore mode is just annoying.
  11. I've had a lot of mods give me CTD's in Rivet City, seems to be a buggy place. One that I had to stop using was a mod that added extra fast-travel points around Rivet City and Megaton. The latest was TumbaJamba's scavanger armor mod, which adds a crate with his armor near the Rivet City sign. That one caused my whole Rivet City entrance platform mesh to disappear when you fast travel there, or CTD if you're approaching on foot. Solved that one by moving it up in my load order. I have no idea why that area is so sensitive to other mods altering the landscape. Unfortunately, I don't recognize any of yours as ones that gave me problems. I would focus on anything that adds or changes anything in the landscape around Rivet City, and disable one by one until you find the problem. I'm not talking about simple texture replacers either.....I'm talking about mods that actually add, remove, or change objects in the landscape.
  12. Got the same thing after installing F3 on my new rig, which has a GTX 295 (single card with 2 gpu's). Never had anything like it on my old rig, which just had a single 8800 GTX. Boy, I hope I don't have to live with turning off HDR.
  13. If you're referring to Zeta...I think it probably will work with fakepatch, but there are some hurdles to jump through. If you're already playing other DLC's with the fakepatch, then you must know about getting the BSA's to load manually. And there's always the chance for some unforseen bugs and/or conflicts between Zeta and game version 1.0.015+ fakepatch. Personally, I would recommend taking the plunge and at least patch up to v1.6 (and stop using fakepatch), if you want to play Zeta. When I finally did that, I was pleased with the performance of 1.6. However, I've tried patch 1.7 since starting this thread, and I'm going back to 1.6. 1.7 gave me some new bugs that I'm not willing to live with.
  14. Oh, you didn't mean to be sarcastic and condescending? Maybe it's just me, then.
  15. OK, I'm through trying to have an adult conversation with you. I wasn't trying to pick a fight, but apparently you were looking for one. Go flame in someone else's thread. Thanks for stopping by.
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