I've had a lot of mods give me CTD's in Rivet City, seems to be a buggy place. One that I had to stop using was a mod that added extra fast-travel points around Rivet City and Megaton. The latest was TumbaJamba's scavanger armor mod, which adds a crate with his armor near the Rivet City sign. That one caused my whole Rivet City entrance platform mesh to disappear when you fast travel there, or CTD if you're approaching on foot. Solved that one by moving it up in my load order. I have no idea why that area is so sensitive to other mods altering the landscape. Unfortunately, I don't recognize any of yours as ones that gave me problems. I would focus on anything that adds or changes anything in the landscape around Rivet City, and disable one by one until you find the problem. I'm not talking about simple texture replacers either.....I'm talking about mods that actually add, remove, or change objects in the landscape.