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Everything posted by 0JimmytheHun0

  1. I recently installed the Blackout ENB. However, whenever I look in a south-west to north-west (exactly) location the ENB turns off. I also have a problem that when I look at my pipboy lights become very bright and the blue shift turns up massively. Whats the problem?
  2. If you could design a Vault for the game what would it be like? e.g. experiments, appearance, people, location
  3. I would really appreciate it if someone could design some armour and helmets for Fallout New Vegas that looked like the Romantically Apocalyptic series characters, the suits are awesome. (Pictures and links below) http://romanticallyapocalyptic.com/ http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/027/f/3/romantically_apocalyptic__d_by_jadeitor-d4nqw37.jpg From left to right: Sniper, Zee Captain, Pilot and Engineer
  4. I'd really like to build a new character based off a really unique build. If anyone knows any good builds please tell me?
  5. Lets just make this clear so I don't sound like a homicidal maniac. I'm not saying what the Dark Brotherhood do is good, killing people at all is the worst thing anyone can do. But I think what I should have said is that the Thieves Guild have worse morals in my opinion.
  6. I don't see how getting advised by dead people changes anything, but I just wanted to hear people's thoughts on it.
  7. This was bugging me and I'd like to know what you think, but nearly everyone I see on the internet thinks the Dark Brotherhood are the evilest guild. In my opinion it's the Thieves Guild for many reasons. 1. The Dark Brotherhood do what they do because they have been paid to do so, like any assassin organisation. Whereas the members of the Thieves Guild all put personal gain before anything else in particular. 2. Although the Dark Brotherhood don't fight very honorably, just killing the target instantly whilst they are vulnerable, the Thieves Guild simply take everything they own whilst the target isn't looking, destroy their family artifacts and beat them within an inch of their life which seems less honorable to me. 3. The Dark Brotherhood abide to a strict set of rules, yes this isn't true for a lot of the beginning of the Dark Brotherhood quest line in Skyrim. The Thieves Guild on the other hand only have one rule: Do not kill the target. 4. The Dark Brotherhood support teamwork and helping your fellow assassins. Unlike the Thieves Guild who, similarly in point 1, only help themselves. If you agree/disagree with this please tell me why.
  8. What on earth have you been sneaking into their sweet rolls?!
  9. A more detailed reason for why your horse might not appear in the city when you fast-travel, whilst it does at other times, might depend on what city you travel to. In the Major Holds - Solitude, Markarth, Whiterun, Windhelm and Riften, your horse can be found in the stable, as horses aren't allowed to pass through gates. Whereas in the Minor Holds - Morthal, Falkreath, Dawnstar and Winterhold are outside cities with no real gates. In a way the Major Holds are treated more as open dungeons, dragons can attack you, followers can follow you in to it, but horses cannot, like in many dungeons.
  10. "Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni Ni." ...Poetic...
  11. "Hail summoner, conjure me up a warm bed, won't you." Gotta love the guards of Skyrim
  12. Or even. "Be quiet, I'm doing the fishstick! It's a very delicate state of mind."
  13. After playing through both Oblivion and Skyrim, one of the things I enjoyed the most was listening to some of the hilarious quotes spoken by the wide range of characters in both games. The TES series being a very text laden game I was wondering what is everyone's favorite quote from any Elder Scrolls game? For example: "Stop right there criminal scum!" -Every guard in Oblivion.
  14. Depends how many Lydia's you have spare.
  15. I have a mod installed on my game which adds some new varieties of dragon into the game. One of which is called the Dracolich which summons powerful Draugrs when it attacks and is incredibly armoured and hard to defeat. After fast travelling to Markarth Stable I was unfortunate enough to be attacked by one but to cut a long story short, after it was defeated I noticed that nearly everyone outside of Markarth's walls were dead. This included: My dogMy horse4 guardsThe stable horseBanningCedranTorom (dog)DaighreRogatus SalviusVigdis SalviusSkaggi Scar-faceSosia TremelliaFrightened WomanNumerous cows, goats and chickensServeral of Durnehviir's Bonemen It also gave me a rather large bounty (damn Unrelentless Force). But now I feel a bit uneasy due to the large amount of casualties, and I wanted to know what I should do. Should I resurrect them all; resurrect the ones that might be important for quests; leave them dead?
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