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Everything posted by Skotte

  1. try using the console code "set timescale to 30" without the quotes (this is for the default timescale speed) :ninja: ninja'd by csb :ninja:
  2. >FO3Edit< is a invaluable program to have for someone running a modded FO3
  3. >The Groovatron< does let you play your own mp3s
  4. I tend to use the soundtrack of Starsiege (Tharsis cache & Cybrids!)
  5. Package Manager: the actual .fomod file goes to the "fomm\mods" folder of Fallout3's install directory, but all the usual files (esm, esp, dds, and so on) do go to the "data" folder so there is some chance of overwrite, you will get a warning & different options to handle the situation as it arrises. Hope that helps BTW Welcome to the Nexus
  6. Sounds like >Darnified UI (Bethsoft forums thread)<
  7. When I absolutely need to get to the desktop I use alt-tab, though mileage may vary since I use >MaximizedWindow< BTW, I never heard of using "alt+SPACE+N"
  8. >Groovy followers< is another good option IMO.
  9. What I'd do is load the whole modlist in >FO3Edit< so that that it would be easy to see at a glance what mod or mods are changing Charon, then I would use the GECK knowing which mods to look at.
  10. What on earth is aggressive playing? after much thought I've up with a couple of ideas 1) moving fast, spamming with grenades, missile launcher & maybe a few nukes at close range, to get max visual effect (used fallout3 for example) 2) every time the player character dies, kick or punch the console hard one time & shout phrases like "I should've won, you piece of junk!" or "You cheated!" That my take on "aggressive playing"
  11. It happened to me once, I was trying out one of the "essential" (unkillable) dogmeat mods. I can't remember which one it was though.
  12. the jumpsuit is part of Backsteppo's >Micro Bikini for Type3< Hope that helps on the character looks, it could be a custom head, custom texture or sheer luck or a little of each. I've had some luck making a good looking character but it's not easy edit Ninja'd by the TheOutlander :ninja:
  13. As another who will get the GOTY. I suspect that it will have the current 1.7 patch, To me The GOTY represents the end of their work on Fallout 3 & it's patches. I do agree that it would be great if they did a final (1.8?) patch but I think their minds are elsewhere at this point.
  14. the "Fallout_default.ini" is not the one to change, search your computer for "Fallout.ini". it should be in your user documents.
  15. Do you use a light colored wallpaper? you may want to try out >MaximizedWindow<
  16. Actually this is the reason for one of the Bethesda vs Interplay lawsuits. I really like this set, got mine from newegg.
  17. I have noo idea, what board did you find that?
  18. one thing you might consider checking the control settings to see if Fallout didn't change those on you. my Fallout sometimes forgets that I use a mouse button for forward. Doesn't happen often but I never known another game to do that.
  19. I don't think that "aggressive playing and/or carelessness" can really account for why the Xbox has such a high attrition rate when compared with other consoles. & and even tho I agree that things usually last longer if cared for, a lemon is a lemon no matter how you slice it.
  20. Sounds like you didn't have an NPC set as a "Chargen face preset" for the new race & Fallout3 requires it. Easy way to do that is to open an existing NPC change the Id, checkmark the "Chargen face preset" box & change to the new race & save it as a new form. you may want to do this for both genders.
  21. One thing I do see as a possible side benefit if this tech is brought into common life, it could bring added ability to those who are paralyzed. I imagine a situation let's say in 2024, 15 years from now someone a soldier is wounded in battle & is paralyzed & is brought back home, I could imagine that one getting fitted for an powerchair with a cranial control device (CCD) & a robot arm. To me the CCD should only work in one direction (from brain to chair, arm & whatever device that may be "slaved" to it like tv the computer or home). Sorry to bring up something serious but to me this tech is invaluable to some & if bringing it to entertainment first speeds up development I say bring it on. I debated with myself about posting this.
  22. Skotte

    Girl Gamers

    I don't mean to question your sincerity, my friend, but I find it difficult to believe that you're indifferent about winning or losing. Personally, I hate to lose! But thank you for your support. I'm sure my fellow girl gamers (fellow, lol) appreciate having an ally in their corner. I've been raised to accept outcomes - I accept whether I win or lose. :) And there aren't many men who would admit to being feminist - not in the sense of hating men, but more about equality of the sexes and standing up for women's rights to the same freedoms that men enjoy. So you can rest assured I'll be there to stand up for women and girls. Same here, it's not that I enjoy losing, I do my best but if I lose if given a chance I'll congratulate the Victor. & I believe in equality as well, I would gladly stand in that corner.
  23. that would depend on the design of the "headgear" if it's made to only receive brainwaves or to receive & transmit synthetic brainwave info, I could be wrong but IMO it should be about 30 years before we have to worry about garbage-men uploading cyber viruses to get back at non-existent ex-wives because of false memories.
  24. The part I've bolded made me think of a possible game dynamic. What if the the spell strength was dependent on how hard the player concentrated on the spell?
  25. DxtirVoxx, Would the fact that the "Weight" variable is broken hamper this project or would a short stocky character be possible? Shouldn't this really be in the mod request section?
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