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Nexus Mods Profile

About Treym1996

  1. Well I've messed around for a couple of days with it and did a few tweaks and it seems to have worked itself out. One small problem left though. Ok, so I have almost no lag houses, cities, or in the open world, but when I go into a cave or dungeon I get random fps drops. (3 seconds smooth, 1 second freeze, repeat endlessly) Its more of a minor annoyance now because I am happy that most of my lag is over with but I'd like to know if there is anything I can do about it. Why not try to improve something if it can be improved? :)
  2. That does tend to be the truth but the fact of the matter is that I played for months on high and all of a sudden I'm getting complete S**t for fps. You know what I mean?
  3. Well I tried ATTK and dropped my detail level to medium, turned off FXAA, Vsync, Anti Aliasing. Anisotropic Filtering is set at 16 samples. I turned off the WICSkyCloaksPatch.esp. My fps is still very low (not like im flipping through sequence pictures, more like someone has drawn a flipbook cartoon with too much movement from page to page) and occasional stutter during combat.
  4. How does the ATTK fix lag? Just curious. I'll try it out. Another just wondering, but is it like TESVAL or better?
  5. Well maybe it is lower than 20-30 im not for sure :/ My character just bad lag ( I can tell it has very few frames) especially in fight scenes. It used to run perfectly smooth no matter what and only a slight drop in fps when loading a new zone. My mods are: Dawnguard.esm Hearthfire.esm HelmetToggleMasterFile.esm DspSob.esp 1nivWICCloaks.esp 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp Lightweight Potions and Poisons.esp Lawrens RNG Guards.esp UniqueTaverns.esp Crimson Tide -Blood.esp whiterun bug fixes.esp Whiterun Repaired Plus.esp These are the mods that are active and that is the load order. Please help :'(
  6. Hey I hate to be a bother but i'm getting really pissed with Skyrim. My quality has always been high and I've been playing for months now. All of a sudden i'm getting TERRIBLE fps 20-30. If anyone can help I'd greatly appreciate it. My saves are not bloated (badly) I've seen posts everywhere about the same issue and bloated saves have never been the cause. Nor has an answer helped me or the people who've had the problem. I'm playing on High (and always have been). I've tried TESVAL and several fps boost mods. No help. My Specs are: Toshiba Satellite A305 1280x800 64 bit Vista SP 2 Processor: IntelĀ® Core2 Duo CPU T6400 2.00 GHz Graphics Card: ATI Mobility radeon HD 3650 ( I know, I know.) with updated drives, 4gb RAM Skyrim is fully updated with Dawnguard and Hearthfire.
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