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About gsg90

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  1. Yes, change the icons. I thought that would be some real problem that would mess w the game, but if you say that they are supposed to be like that. I got something like 175 mods (± 50 plugins). Problem is I only saw that once. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the info, but I don´t recall open them in CK. Made a couple of tweaks (like: change NPCs voices), but in TES5. Followed a few tutorials. So there is no way to change that? Thanks again.
  3. Hi! Does anyone able to help me out here? I know it might be dumb of me but: Why do I noticed that my Skyrim .esm files in (D:\Games\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data) the have the Creatin Kit icon? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi! Thanks anyway. Remove essential its easy, easier by CC. But, protected seams to be another thing. I'm not talking about NPCs that are essential for complete quests. I'm talking about some NPCs that are for me annoying due the fact they (they "assume" one must listen their frustrations), talk a lot before the game allow to kill them. Eg: DLC 2 Slitter n Mogrul (its Irritating he walks to you forcing to listen his chat). Thanks.
  5. Plz! Does someone could explain step by step how remove the protected flag in an NPC. There is a page from Bethesda, but once I'm very green in the CK just can't make any sense of it. Thanks in advance.
  6. Thank you very much. I wasn't quite sure and though that something could be wrong. Thanks again.
  7. Hi! I know that is possible this question been answered before somewhere but I didn't find it so... Is the following normal in the Skyrim saves folder? Save 16 - Ivar Riften 03.43.42.skseSave 16 - Ivar Riften 03.43.42.essSave 15 - Ivar Riften 03.38.46.skseSave 15 - Ivar Riften 03.38.46.essSave 14 - Ivar Skyrim 03.16.32.skseSave 14 - Ivar Skyrim 03.16.32.ess... and so on Don't recall noticing repeated numbers. Thank you very much.
  8. Hello Keinichn! It took me a good pair of hours but... Yes, I did it. Thanks. I couldn't figured that out without your help. That tutorial/steep by steep guide you post was actually everything (sorry but English it's not my 1st language). 1 kudos to you. Again, thank you very much.
  9. Thanks Keinichn! Finally I was able to more or less comprehend how that works. Could find the items under Inventory tab, but only in object ID, not yet in the section above. I'm going to better study that for a while until figure that out. Thanks again.
  10. Hi! Thanks for the quick reply. I'm going to that link just right away, and open the CK and try it. I mad a couple of followers according to my tastes They are essential and unique. They also work fine.
  11. Hello every one! Kind a new on nexus and I'm not sure were to found the information I'm locking for. I'm trying to mess a little bit with the CK, meaning I would like to give some customized armor (eg: Immersive armors), for some NPCs (followers as well) that I made for my own use. NOT for upload. If someone could help me by explaining or pointing a proper tutorial it would be much appreciated. I know a little about CK but I'm not able to understand how put armor in those NPCs inventory. Thank you very much in advance.
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