Well, that is actually a rather widespread and well-known problem that's also exceptionally hard to fix for good. For one, did you also copy&paste the Imperial head textures from Ozmo's over or not? I know the Moonshadow Elves have their own very distinct faces, but that doesn't change the fact that their textures need to match to even remotely remove a neck seam. I don't think that can be done, or you'd be missing out on their unique facial tattoos. What you need is a high-rez version of their own skin textures, not just another race's with remarkably different skin tones for example. But even if the head and body textures were matching, there'd still be the inherent differences around the connecting border introduced by the different EGT files for both (the files used for the configurable skin tint and coloration aspects). This part was attempted to be remedied, and admittedly remarkably successfully so, by junkacc's Seamless Equipment series of releases. But I don't know if the Moonshadow Elves have been covered already. And then there's the seam created by the vector normals inside the meshes themselves not aligning, which again was attempted to be fixed by junkacc's mods. But as a matter of fact, every equipment item you wear comes with its own body mesh included, so they will all have to be replaced, one way or the other, just as well. You see, the neck seam issue is a really wide-spread one and so far only, albeit really successfully so, partly solved. I never copy and posted the imperial head textures; I left the moonshadow head texture as it was. There isn't really a seam, it's a skin tone difference. The neck is a darker color. Would there not be a way to change the tone of the neck, without changing the tone of the rest of the body?