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Everything posted by RS13

  1. I'm hardly inzane. Track down my recent posts and you'll see my taking the inzane to task recently. But if there is something I expect Bethesda to ruin, it's the story and worldbuilding. I think that's warranted.
  2. Yeah, I see how could read it as just the Pack's view of things, but at the time it really sounded to me like Bethesda trying to de-evil their game. "You can be a raider! With slaves!---Psst and by slaves we mean *willing* slaves. What do you think we are, monsters?" Ohboy no, none of them are willing and they make it clear they don't like being slaves. But you do get that scene right as you enter the park where they offer to let a slave go and the slave refuses because she'd die in the wasteland. And remember they are "traders." I could easily see Beth trying to spin the set-up as less slavery and more working for overly demanding boss.
  3. So, I'm trying to learn how to do the very. f*cking. basics. of scripting. I've been trying to follow this guide: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Papyrus_Hello_World But everytime I try to create a new script I get the "The extends script does not exist, please pick one that does" error. "The guide tells you how to fix that!" Except the fix doesn't work. I've extracted the archive to both my data folder and my root folder and I've gotten the same error message. What the F***?
  4. You could also just use the profiling feature in NMM or Mod Organizer 2 to test mods on a clean game. MO2 actually allows difference profiles to have different saves which is super-handy.
  5. For instance, could I make Agility affect stealing? Charisma affect carry weight?
  6. Yeah, I see how could read it as just the Pack's view of things, but at the time it really sounded to me like Bethesda trying to de-evil their game. "You can be a raider! With slaves!---Psst and by slaves we mean *willing* slaves. What do you think we are, monsters?"
  7. ...It's cause you asked for it, Ain't no one a slave who don't wanna be." A Raider just said that to me. That may be the most absurd weaksuace BS in the whole game.
  8. I want to change both (1) the dialogue that shows up in the menu (i.e., what Full Dialogue Overhaul changes from "Yes" to "Don't worry, I'll save Timmy from supermutants and (2) what the subtitles say I've said. (I don't care about changing the voiced dialogue because I use a PC muter). Can someone help me with this?
  9. I don't know all the details, I've used both for quite a while so I'll take a stab at it. If someone contradicts me they probably know better. The big differences are: 1. ENB does more. 1A. ENB comes with it's own in-game GUI, can limit frame-rate or force vsync, force borderless window, and reduce memory usage and crashes via ENBoost. 1B. I believe that some of ENB's graphics effects are not available in Reshade. I'm thinking of things like AO, and adjustments to the amount and intensity of lighting under various conditions. Also, I do not believe that Reshade allows different settings for night and day. For Skyrim, ENB changed the water; Reshade doesn't. Similar may be or become true for Fallout. 2. Some of ENB's affects are better 2A. DOF and AA spring to mind. 3. ENB is more demanding 3A. People always mention DOF, AA and AO, but I believe that even just changing the color scheme and contrast in ENB is more demanding (even if slightly) than doing the same in Reshade. (2) and (3) are, I believe, the big reason people use ENB and Reshade together: Reshade can accomplish some of the same things with less performance impact. But since it can't do everything ENB does, they use ENB also.
  10. Ummm.... Literal LOL. As I already said, if you were really giving them an appropriate nickname it would be: BugNotGivingCreditWhereCreditIsDueThesda. Like, seriously, how is this even a debate? That's just not what theft is. It's hardly even metaphorically theft. So if you've been congratulated--and seriously, LOL--then it's not only by people with no taste, but people with no brains. Um, yes it has been. Eli her-damn-self answered your contention that Bugthefta (haha! Get it! Much funnies!) stole from her. Dazzerfong pointed out that they aren't that similar. As Cidermuffin pointed out, people asked Bugthefta (omg, I take it all back! Saying it is just too funny!) for the vault dlc. And as everyone on their mom's dog pointed out, the vault DLC was Bugthefta's (can't breathe. Too...{wheeze}...funny) idea in their iphone game thing. Good question. I'll give a hint as to what the answer's not: because we wanted the suit that WAS NEVER SHOWN OR MENTIONED IN ANY OF THE PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL FOR THAT DLC!! Seriously, literally no one bought the dlc for that reason because literally no one knew it was in there. And now we're supposed to be upset because something we already had is (surprise!) included in a version of something we already wanted? We would all have paid for the mod even without the outfit. Actually no. Read the EULA. Bugthefta (It just keeps getting funnier!) explicitly says mods authors own their mods. No it's not, pure and simple. You can't steal an idea. Pure and simple. Moreover, the idea was absolutely not Ei's. It was Bugthefta's {oh f*ck... can people realy die laughing... must finish...}. They came up with the posters, they came up with the design. Eli put that design--WHICH THEY CAME UP WITH--into the game and they independently did the same. Well, hey, people congratualted you on the IMMENSELY CLEVER AND FUNNY name. So you had better keep using it. Although... be careful. Bugthefta might steal it. {dies.}
  11. See, this is the level of ridiculous of the "Bethesda stole something from a mod" crowd. That idea is not complex or revolutionary enough to claim that a mod created said idea. My god, next thing you know people will claim they stole a specific type of tree or flower from a mod because they put it in a game. I saw someone claiming that Skyrim remastered had stolen from Skyrim modders because it added ambient occlusion and depth of field.
  12. Noooooope. It's not playable in first person, it's not really open world, and you're pretty much set with the writer's story. I also don't really remember any moments where you could be an evil a**hole. Also, it's just not very good.
  13. Don't you mean BugNotGivingCreditWhereCreditIsDueThesda? Or better: BugNotCreditingElianoraForBeingInspiredByTheDesignsWeCameUpWithThesda
  14. It's only a conspiracy if Bethesda makes it so. And they aren't making it so in FO4. Do you really think that FO5 will have a scene where someone says, "oh, by the way, you remember that character from two games back--who could have died at the ending of fallout 3--well sometime between her non-death in that game and start of the previous game, there was a conspiracy to murder her and install this other guy... who might have died at the ending of the last game. Anyways I just wanted to fill you in on the irrelevant things that were happening hundreds of miles from here (and also each other) several decades ago. And that's because we here at Bethesda just love long pontifications about lore that stretch back to games which may be close to 15 years old by the time you're hearing this!"
  15. I don't understand why people think she died off screen. She was plenty onscreen when I pushed her ass into the magic water cleaner of death thingy.
  16. Also: NMM doesn't decide where to extract files. It always puts them in your data directory*. (If it could put them elsewhere, there'd be no need to manually install ENBs.) So far as installation goes, NMM does almost nothing that unzipping the file to your data directory doesn't**. The real advantages of NMM have to do with keeping track of the installed mods, uninstalling mods and setting up different profiles with different mods. *I can think of one exception: UHud for FNV and FO3. In that case, NMM runs a program rather than installing anything. (It may do the same thing for the ReProccer and the like, but I can't remember.) **Obvious exceptions: Fomods.
  17. So... I'm bored af with the vanilla perks and am pretty much desperate for a perk overhaul that approximates the quality of perk overhauls we had for Skyrim. Is Nuclear Perks that? Also: Is it buggy?
  18. I don't see Skyrim SE being a huge drain, for X reasons: 1. Been there modded that. 1A. Skyrim already has a ton of mods and most of it's small issues are covered. After the initial wave of "convert all the mods!" there won't be anything to do except make (or wait for) really big mods... just like in FO4. 1B. Most of the big modders have already worked on Skyrim. How many will want to take up whole new big projects for it? 2. No MCM menu. The old MCM menu won't work and it won't be a simple fix. Modding in SSE will feel like a step back until the MCM is released and that could be a while. (Source in next comment) 3. Different crowds. Some people like Fallout more than TES. Sure more people like TES than Fallout, but let's not forget that of the top 100 files for FNV exactly 4 have not been updated since the release of Skyrim. 4. Different Projects. People start working on one game, they don't want to just up and switch. Of the top 100 mods for Fallout 3, only 13 were not updated after the release of FNV. And that's despite (I) there being almost two years--i.e. Twice the entire lifetime of FO4--between FO3 and FNV (II) FNV being newer and shinier and (III) FNV being better. So, I don't expect a mass exodus once SSE is released. Granted, I'm just speculating and wasn't this supposed to be about numbers? Have you just given up on the ostensibly objective evidence for your claim? Just wondering. Cause it seems like you're turning to speculation to save a position that doesn't actually have any evidence behind it.
  19. 1. Installers don't necessarily make things safer. In fact, they are prone to errors which can make things less safe. They only make things safer by reducing the probability of human error. But if you install it correctly, there's no extra danger. (Well at least until it comes time to uninstall.) 1A. Any mod you can download can be installed via manager. Just make sure the mod is archived (i.e. a .rar, .7z or .zip file) and drop it in NMM's download folder. NMM will then install it like any other mod. 2. Conflicts are not always detectable and are the same as problems. It's basically guaranteed that this mod will conflict with True Storms. But it's also basically guaranteed that you wouldn't notice the conflict unless you were familiar with the changes from both mods. You'd likely think "wow! look at all these cool new weathers!" Without realizing that you're missing about half of the new weathers (the ones from the overwritten mod).
  20. Hey, when were those relased? Autumn Leaves: Almost 5 years after New Vegas Project Brazil: Not Yet. Hey, how long has Fallout 4 been out? 3/4 year. OMG THE SKY IS FALLING WHERE ARE THE GOOD MODS!!! Wait... wasn't this about stats...
  21. A community doesn't become communist just because everyone's lacking in discretionary income. The whole choice between a capitalist and communist (or any other system) arises only once people are organized enough to pass laws and once there's enough wealth to have questions like "how do we distribute it (or allow it to be distributed)." These settlements never develop that far--or at least Bethesda never shows us that part of their development. In short, forget it Jack, it's game mechanics.
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