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Everything posted by RS13

  1. I ended up renaming my FO4 root directory and reinstalling a second copy of FO4 along with the creation kit. That let me generate the lip files. I guess we'll see if it holds up.
  2. For most people generating lip files is a pain: it requires loading up the 32-bit creation kit and generating files one at a time. For the extremely unlucky amongst us (read: me), it's just impossible, because the creation kit refuses to recognize that the file it uses is installed. I know asking for a whole new program is a lot, but there it is. It would save a lot of people a few headaches and for a few (just one?) it would save whole modding projects.
  3. I wound up fixing this problem by uninstalling the launcher and re-installing it. But ultimately that didn't fix the creation kit. (It still refuses to recognize that FonixData.cdf is installed in the exact place it says it should be installed.)
  4. Because it refuses to recognize that FonixData is installed in Data/Sound/Voice/Processing. And before you say it, yes I've tried it. Whatever it is I've tried it. I've just given up. So please, please tell me there's another way to do this. I've tried to use Skyrim to generate lip files, but those files crashed FO4 on startup.
  5. So, because the creation kit would not work, I decided to uninstall and then re-install it. Bethesda.net Launcher crashes everytime I try to install it. I've tried running it as admin, adding it to AVG exceptions, running it in compatibility mode. Crash. Every time. Please help.
  6. Yep, I'm using the 32-bit one. That's what makes this frustrating. When I hit a problem, I go searching high and low for the answer. That's part of the process and I'm cool with that. I'm even cool with Bethesda's CK being organized in a really unintuitive way, because hey, maybe they have their reasons for it. But when I follow the directions I find to the letter, and it still doesn't work? And when it tells me--when it tells me anything!--that it isn't working because it doesn't have a file that I can clearly see that it does have... Well, then I swear a f***ing lot.
  7. I have revalidated the CK and it still tells me I do not have this damn file. I swear to God, every. single. step. of. this. process. has. been. held. up. by. a. Bethesda. bug. I've spent hours on this one line and every single tool I've used--BAE, Audacity, Unfuzer--has worked perfectly. The CK will barely open without crashing, won't recognize files, sometimes refuses to use non-xwm files, gives no feedback on errors. I feel like this stupid program was designed by a grumpy 80-year old who learned to code with no other goal than making a program so bad that it frustrated everyone as much as email once frustrated him.
  8. How? I'm looking at my new dialogue in FO4Edit, but I can't see anything about which sound file it uses.
  9. That's what I thought, but when I open up the CK, all the files are in .xwm. (http://tinypic.com/r/so9t0p/9)
  10. This is where I lose you. Does the CK auto-generate a XWM file? My problem is that I have a WAV file that has the dialogue I want. I convert it *to* a xwm file, but I can't generate the lip files from a xwm file. (And I can't seem to generate them from the WAV file either, since the game is not pointing at the WAV file.)
  11. I'm trying--trying!--and trying and trying and f*#@ing trying to give a vanilla NPC new dialogue. Now, I've spliced together the new dialogue, created the new scene written the new dialogue and... the CK 1. Refuses to let me change the audio file. 2. Demands that the audio file be in xwm 3. Will not generate lip files from xwm files. What the damn f*#@?!
  12. Nevermind, I just redownloaded it. (The Beth.net Launcher wasn't actually letting me do that til it updated just now; I didn't just not think of that.)
  13. The 32-bit creation kit never generates lip files. Most of the time it gives no indication as to why it didn't work, but for one brief, shining moment it forgot it was a Bethesda product and told me it was missing a FonixData.cdf file. I googled for that and found that, for skyrim, verifying the CK through Steam would fix this. Obviously, that won't work here. So... what do I do?
  14. The thing with building a PC (or buying a custom one) is that there are a ton of options. It can be rather overwhelming if you haven't done it before. And it also makes it difficult to provide suggestions, especially since I don't know exactly what you want or how "not great" at computers you are. So let's start with the basics: the most important parts of a gaming PC is the graphics card (or GPU) followed (at some distance) by the processor (or CPU). With most everything else the primary goal is to get stuff that's (A) compatible with what you've got and (B) good enough. While it might be tempting to cram 32 gb of the fastest DDR4 ram into your PC, you'd be better off settling for 8 gb of good enough ram and using that extra hundred bucks to buy a better graphics card. Do not, however, settle for disreputable stuff, especially where the power supply is concerned. If it dies, it can take other components with it. As for compatibility, the big thing is to make sure that your motherboard supports the CPU's socket type and whichever type of ram (DDR4 or DDR3) you go in for. The other important thing is to make sure that your power supply can provide adequate power for your system. (You should probably get a power supply that provides a little bit more than you need, but not more than, say, 100W over.) For more specific reqs, if all you want is to play Fallout 4 on high with solid fps, a GTX 1060 should be more than enough. If you want to build the absolute most powerful PC you can afford, you can probably get yourself a 1070 and still have enough left over for a pretty good CPU and good enough other parts. That will require a little bit more thrift, through. (You could also go AMD, I usually stick with NVidia because I'm used to their stuff and more games seem to play nice with Nvidia cards than AMD cards. At any rate, I don't know what to recommend on that side of the great GPU divide, so I'll stick with what I know.) I don't have any particular recommendations on CPUs, but Tom's Hardware came out with their reqs just two months ago.: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/best-cpus,3986.html.
  15. It's still best to start your own thread. I'm sorry I snapped at you, but it really is bad etiquette to hop on others threads with when you've got a distinct issue. It distracts from the OP's question and discourages people who might be able to answer him from doing so because they look at the thread and see "oh, it's already got [however many] replies," so they don't bother. Again, I am sorry for snapping at you.
  16. Get your own thread. This clearly isn't a can you help me fix my script thread. This is a all I f*#@ing want to do I learn but literally every f*#@ing thing in my computer and on the internet is fighting me thread.
  17. I want to f*#@ing script. Not hard stuff like what's in Civil War Overhaul or Perma, but f*#@ing simple stuff like what's in Perception affects energy weapons. But I either (1) can't find a guide or (2) I follow every single step and Beth's stuff breaks. Case in point: https://goo.gl/f7XAWM. Second case in point: I tried to do learn with the Hello World tutorial for FO4--if it can really be called that--and despite the fact that this "beginner's tutorial" feels free to say utterly opaque things like "Implement the OnQuestInit event by adding a debug message box. Save and compile your script" I figured I'd follow it as far as I could and see what happened. Anyone want to guess what f*#@ING HAPPENED? Bethesda happened. I fill out the forms as described and hit OK. "PapyrusAssembler.exe has stopped working." #ClassicBethesda. No error description. Just "hey, it crashed." Did I do something wrong? Hell, if I know. Can Someone help me? Can someone point me to a genuine for beginners tutorial? Can someone make one? I'm sorry if this is ranty, but it's incredibly infuriating to not even be able to get stumped by the hard stuff. I've been at this for hours with nothing to show for it, not even a learning experience.
  18. I'm sorry, when I said I was a beginner I meant a real beginner. Pretty much everything after your second sentence went right over my head. I'm sorry if this seems painfully obvious, but I've tried to find tutorials on this and I just can't. (Or they don't work: https://goo.gl/f7XAWM.)
  19. Honestly, I don't even want to mod skyrim. I want to learn how to script so I can do a few simple things in fallout 4--have message boxes pop-up during specific events, run a few console commands on specific events, add weapon scaling to perks--but I can't find any beginner's tutorial for FO4. I'm pretty sure I'd be fine trying to reverse engineer FO4 scripts if I knew even the basics, but when I can't even get the f*#@ing helloworld tutorial to work... It's rather frustrating.
  20. Ok... So I found what I thought was the problem. When I extracted the archive it gave me a folder structure Skyrim/Data/Scripts/scripts [Yes, Again.]/Source. So I moved everything up a level and went back to it. This time I got the following error: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "HelloWorldScript2"... <unknown>(0,0): Unable to find flags file: TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg <unknown>(0,0): unable to locate script HelloWorldScript2 No output generated for HelloWorldScript2, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on HelloWorldScript2
  21. I was thinking of creating a mod where you play as a synthetic version of Shaun's father/mother. You've escaped from the institute and had your "memories" wiped... but something went wrong. Now at certain crucial points, you start to "remember." Obviously, the easiest way to do this would be via message box pop-ups. I don't know how to do that. In fact, I have no scripting knowledge. If this is a simple script could someone explain how I would do it? If it's more complicated could someone point me to a good guide? Thanks.
  22. Overall, I'm really liking it. It's super-refreshing to finally have some evil dialogue options. Almost as refreshing as an Ice Cold Nuka-Cola . {gulb gulb gulb} Ah! Nuka!
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