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Everything posted by JobVanDam

  1. I use a LE program called Skyrim Script Compiler for my scripting. It doesn't add self or anything else for that matter. I have recently had to edit a bunch of quests with aliases and such and the difference between self and no self is sometimes self would be referencing the script itself not the alias. Try removing the Subject.GetIsRace condition and adding more aliases. Also in the OnInit function add a Debug.Notification( "Name: " + GetReference.GetBaseObject().GetName()) so at least the game will try to spit out a name of what it did ultimately capture. In my experience, if something is not working as expected I messed up something somewhere or the engine is just goofy. So I start removing things or spitting out information on what the alias is pointing to until I can narrow down the problem and work from there.
  2. I think it's the self.GetReference(). Try just "ObjectReference obj_ref = GetReference()" The self is the script itself, not the Reference it's currently attached to.
  3. Thank you very much! I'll find a link for Outfit Studio and try to figure out how to do all that. Even though the original nifs appear to have a weight slider it was never implemented so I just have to change 1 boot.nif and it will affect all genders/races etc
  4. I have been given permission to use Hero Plate Armor but when I put it in my game, the boots, just the boots are slightly skewed. I've tried installing the original mod and version 1 and both have skewed boots. Im fairly familiar with meshes in Nifskope. I can edit UVs and do basic mesh editing with Nifskope. To people famailiar with mesh editing, what might be the problem? My best guess is the toes of the boots are connected to the wrong bone. Thank you for any help you can provide.
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