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Everything posted by whalecakes

  1. That's just the way some races work due to differences in how the game and CS render the faces. The easiest solution is to make the face in-game, then use bash or another utility to import it into an esp file, where you can copy it over.
  2. "ERROR FESTIVAL" is a much better name than "Endless Crashes". You can thank the FFXIV beta for that one. If you think it's a mod problem, the simplest thing to do is to just deactivate mods one by one until the problem stops.
  3. Huh? He's trying to get aoe spells to do more damage based on how close the NPCs hit are to the center the the AOE. As in, you throw a fireball, it hits 5 feet away from an NPC, so they take slightly less damage from the fireball's explosion. What are you two even talking about? None of those are remotely close, or make any sense otherwise...
  4. You're missing the point. How would it know where to position the activator?
  5. He's already mentioned that: Try reloading and attempting the quest again with the same character. If it is repeatable then something is overwriting the UOP's fix.
  6. They are incredibly secretive and clever by radiant AI standards.
  7. There's already a 'GetDistance' command, as was mentioned in the first post and the topic title. Casting spells from an activator is also entirely useless for figuring out how far something is from the point of impact. You might check out Supreme Magicka's 'Blink' spell, which teleports the player to the place it is cast at, to see how it figures out where the spell hit. Alternatively, you could just add several fire damage effects to the spell, with identical damage and decreasing areas, e.g. http://i53.tinypic.com/4jbdd.png
  8. Script effects themselves can be used as timers if you use the ScriptEffectFinish block.
  9. ...it's in the tooltip. Just hover your mouse over it for like one second.
  10. ...just load up the required files (both the esms and esps) in the construction set, make the companion, save it, then open Wrye Bash, right click the mod, and use the 'Add Master...' command to add the esp files as masters. Alternatively, you can just use the construction set extender, which will save the loaded esps as masters automatically. The construction set by itself will only save loaded esm files as masters. Converting esp files to esm files to get around this is a very bad idea.
  11. The only time I had something like this happen was when I picked up a misc. item (it was a skull) that was a persistent reference. Whenever I dropped a skull, the last one I dropped would disappear, and my plans for a ball pit were ruined Q_Q
  12. I have no idea why it did not occur to me that the game resolution could be different and feel incredibly silly now.
  13. It cannot, you'll need to extract it from the Oblivion textures bsa using OBMM or bsa commander or something; the filepath is Textures\Menus\Misc\hud_reticle.dds Easiest way to edit it would probably be to just open it in gimp/photoshop and desaturate it, brightening as needed. I am unsure if photoshop can save/load dds files natively, but gimp needs a plugin for it. I am also unsure how it should be saved, but I believe it is DTX5 w/o mipmaps.
  14. It's probably an effect shader applied by one of the mods with the 'playmagicshadervisuals' command.
  15. Just right click the mod in Wrye Bash and choose 'Details'. It'll show you the editor and form ids for everything added by the mod.
  16. I made a mod that replaces all vanilla dremoras with the adoring fan It doesn't get darker or scarier than that, yeah?
  17. I am aware of this and still not understanding what it has to do with the frequency of staggers.
  18. I'm not understanding what this has to do with the frequency of staggers. I have looked over the mod and can tell you its main purpose is to make all the female NPCs in the game look slutty for you.
  19. In order to change the way combat works, you need to modify game settings or add scripts. You cannot control game settings through animation files. You cannot add scripts through animation files. The NoMaam mod consists entirely of animation files. Thus, the NoMaam mod cannot possibly change the way combat works. I do not know how to make it any clearer than this.
  20. I am looking at it right now and the file consists entirely of animations, so it is impossible for it to have any effect on the frequency of staggers or the effects of power attacks or any other aspect of combat. It is exactly as I said, a copy of the vanilla animations with breast movement added.
  21. That only replaces the default anaimation with copies of the default animations with breast weights added. It doesn't affect the combat at all and the video is likely just to show the breast animations that were added to them.
  22. Does that means that nothing will happen if I overwrite mystic elf textures with catsuit textures nothin will happen and i will be able to play game normally That means that you're not going to be overwriting the textures in the first place. If you look at the confirmation prompt, it says "If the files in the existing folder have the same name as files in the folder you are moving or copying, they will be replaced." It's not replacing entire folders.
  23. Pretty sure the catsuit mod isn't using the same textures as your character's race.
  24. Fighter's guild is the worst. Go to Anvil! Run across the entire world to Cheydinhal! Now back to Anvil! Now back to Cheydinhal! Now to Chorrol! Now all the way across the world to Leyawiin! Now all the way back to Chorrol! NOW REPEAT 3-4 MORE TIMES HA HA HA
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