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Lord Slyther

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Status Updates posted by Lord Slyther

  1. Got me a new card for once in a while. Decided to upgrade to Windows 7 ultimate, and appears it works with games alright.
  2. And nice to see you finally got Oblivion too, lol
  3. Welcome to the Nexus, my friend.
  4. I think I found you..

    Yep, I did.

  5. Well I can't add you under user name. I'll try through your steam name.
  6. Is that steam account name, or your username?
  7. You have valve steam, hugosoares12? It's a communication method between officers and friends of SKMC.
  8. RotHK is up and ready. Just need to make sure of a few things, lol.
    1. Lord Slyther

      Lord Slyther

      And it's finally out. Go and get it.
    2. mrspybot


      DLing it right now,some big files as i noticed ^^
    3. Lord Slyther

      Lord Slyther

      Yup. The Nexus can't handle the file by single download.
  9. lol wanna join my clan?
  10. The counter-sign is Texas, soldier!
  11. Kudos today, and countin'... I must be gettin' rich XD
  12. How ya doing, my friend?
  13. lol hey Sgt. Fizz!
  14. Nothin' much. Same crap, different day.
  15. I believe I've known you, Thor. Ran the TES Nexus bar, and had lots of fun roleplaying there, until, well I'm not gonna bring this problem up, but yeah. Good times. No need to greet me again, hehe XD
  16. Long time no see, Dunc! I was planning something for the next season of DH, maybe your role in Dante would take interest in.
  17. You've been awfully quiet lately, friend. What's up?
  18. You became a moderator I see. Congrats ;)
  19. hey sarac, I just got x-fire. My account is kingslyther234
  20. Hey Sarac, you mind leaving CC2 when you get the chance? Combinemaster's become a spammer and is bad mouthing me behind my back on Steam. I want all USFMC connections separated from CC2, thank you.
  21. lol check out my new siggy dunc

    it's fully animated gif

  22. I caught Kickasskyle's PM on here. I don't know what he will do, but I bet the moderators will be on top of it if he tries anything. I heard rumors he hacks.
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