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I have no objection to you using the landmass/progress thus far for any personal exploration/use. I cannot honestly say when I will swing back into the gist of this. I have a multitude of other projects I am working on, RL demands, and two Beta test games I'm playing, both of which have 'imminent' releases I'm eagerly awaiting. The last time I delved into this project I spent far too much time fighting with the CK just to position town/houses (Raven Rock) and I more or less gave up struggling. The recent update may have fixed some of those things, so I might poke around a bit soon. That said, be prepared that there will eventually be changes to the mod. If you want to add/modify things, it will essentially create a design branch for you, which may not be repairable. Thank you, Tirick
I've not abandoned the project, no, I've just been working on other (non-sykrym) projects for the last few months. I have at most a few hours a day to work on things like this, and my priority of late was on some paper modeling. I do intend to make more progress soon. The windmill may need adjustment, it works fine for my testing character, although she is a short human. I'll take a look at it. Tirick
I got it to work; the trick is to include the Skyrim.esm file when generating. That said: here we go. I have rough texture sets created now for the entire island. These will get cleaned up as I complete cells, but are good for basic LOD views at the moment. Looking north (south of Fort Frostmoth) Looking north (above Fort Frostmoth) More LOD: Raven Rock (roughed in house positions) Thank you again godmademedoit for recommending the Oscape 3rd party tool! I'll be working now on the area around Raven rock in earnest. I hope to have another release late this week, although it will be hard to tell. Tirick
Damn, that looks awesome! Sorry I've not been working on this, been working instead on a paper modeling project for my site. I've only put the LOD settings on a handful of objects. There is zero official word on what amount of LOD is 'right', or what objects should or should not have the setting so I did not play too much with it. I'll have to have a look at that program though, it certainly looks like a viable alternate to the stock version of the landmass LOD. There is a separate 'Tree' LOD generation in the Creation Kit. Might have to run it after that external one. Thank you for sharing it! I hope to get on to Raven Rock in the next few days, then filling the remainder of the Hirstaang Forest. Tirick
Seglheim begins to take shape. I still have a lot to 'fill' and correct, but the layout is (I think) good, and large enough to warrant a town by TES standards. CK View CK View CK View In game In game The next release, 0.13, will be a bit yet, I want to complete the Hirstaang Forest to the west and east of Seglheim (the forest goes as far east as the river). I did 'waste' about 3 hours making basic object-generation navmeshes for the parts of the map already completed. This appears to be the 'best' first-pass navmesh for exterior areas, although the wiki is sparse on info in this area. Anywhere an object can actually be climbed or passed over unfortunately will need correction, but its a good base. Enjoy, Tirick
Alright, I think I've picked a name: Seglheim. It means Sail-home in old Norse (more than fitting for a Nordic-style town), which I think is appropriate given that I see this as a primarily fishing village. I'll probably add a boardwalk leading along the western edge of the bay to a small fishing dock. Of course this means having to change the Navmesh on the Docks, but that the price of WIP design.
Thank you! Forging ahead, I've roughed in a new settlement directly north of the Fort. For now I'm calling it Frostheim, for lack of a better name. I am imagining this to be the refuge of the few humans who fled the disaster in Vvardenfell. It is really hard to understand the scaling factors for the Skyrim (and other TES titles) population. A small village might just have a few houses, but represent several dozen individuals. I am (roughly) planning for Raven Rock, and new 'ghetto' surrounds to be the resting place of the Dunmer who fled, as well as vague plans for another settlement on the southeastern edge of the island. The southern parts, of which is mostly comprised of the Hirstaang Forest, seems to be the most viable for settlement. The greater northern parts is mostly icy wastes, although there is (historically) another few Nord (Skaal) settlements there, Thirsk and an unnamed Skaal Village. Frostheim Frostheim Bay (looking West) Enjoy, Tirick
I've updated the mod to v0.11, which adds a detail to most of the area West of Fort Frostmoth. I do not have experience enough to know if I've overdone the trees in the forest or not. It seems to run fine on my PC, but feedback would be greatly appreciated. There is an outstanding LOD issue. I do not want to play with the LOD yet, as frankly I've found little info on what objects should have the LOD flag on and which should not (and if they should, why do they not, by default?). Also, about 60% of the time I tested LOD generation it wrecked sections of the landscape, so, I'm avoiding it for now. Thank you, Tirick
Is it just me, or is the CK movement and rotation Gizmo really twitchy? Sometimes it locks to an axis, sometimes does not work at all; really really irritating times the axis selected does not rotate/move along that axis, but another one altogether! I can sometimes sortof fix it by toggling it on/off, or switching between rotate/move or hitting 'G' to switch between world/object orientation, but even that is not 100%. Sometimes dropping another object seems to release the locked axis, but not always. Ugh. Please tell me I am doing something wrong, because I can fix that. If not, well... damn.
Thank you! For now I want to tackle what I can on my own, but I am not adverse to assistance, especially when it comes to the dozens of interior worldspaces that will be required. As I start to segregate off parts of the island as 'complete' I will also need to start populating NPC's/Quests etc. But all of that requires a degree of project management/distraction that I fear will take from my progress on the basic elements and layout. Tirick
This is a new worldspace, not directly tied to the global map. I intend eventually to add LOD terrain matching the Morrowind and Skyrim coastline, but that is low priority for me. Travel between places is currently via door-teleport, but will be eventually replaced with a conversation/travel.
Let's call this some perspective: A colour-coded map of the island, marking my current progress. It seems I have a LOT to work on. Tirick
I've begun work on the Hirstaang Forest, west of the Fort, and have detailed the rocky ridge that resides about halfway between Fort Frostmoth and Raven Rock. I've tentatively slated the around north of the Fort for the expanded settlement, but I've left off detailing that area for the moment. I aim to complete the eastern shoreline up to the docks of Raven Rock, as well as the 'fill' in between with forest and better texture blending on the landscape. I've not rolled out a new version yet, I want to get the shoreline completed first. I made the exteriors to both of the barrows found here in Bloodmoon, although I may yet change the model I used for Kolbjorn. Looking at the fort through the foliage Stompfund Barrow Rocky Outcropping Tirick
Absolutely! I've not read the two Greg Keyes books, which apparently at least mention Solstheim, if not actually goes there, but do I have intentions of adding at least one settlement (around the Fort) and expanding Raven Rock, which I imagine would have had the mine reopened and expanded. I don't doubt there is a bit of a three-way struggle for power between the settled Dunmer, the Imperials (who have to face waning support with Skyrim in conflict) and the East Empire Trading Company, which if they are anything like the East India Company they were modeled after are likely complete jerks. There is also the Hircine/Werewolf problems, rising Falmer (maybe looking for the armour that was 'stolen' from their prince's tomb), and stirring hordes of Draugr. None of that will get touched on though until I have the landscape completed. I have to write up a project model for the intended story/questlines; I have a lot of ideas (and I'm not adverse to suggestions) and really need to write them down.
I spent several hours last night trying to get the distant terrain to work, to no avail. I am certain this is a setting, rather than an LOD issue (although I won't rule that out). I created and recreated the LOD about 5 times (3 of them deleted whole sections of the map) and this had 0 effect. If anyone has any idea why the land just truncates past a certain view distance, please let me know. That said, I've added a bit to Fort Frostmoth, and a cheater teleport door in Solitude (I added a new boat) to allow for easier access to Solstheim. I also painted the landscape (roughly) for the southern half of the island. I suspect this will change a great deal in the detailing, but at least its not brown. Courtyard: Oh, and I added the WIP file to the download section. Thank you, Tirick