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  1. Well, the author reuploaded it specifically since other users were having the same issue, but I was still having it, after the reupload.
  2. Whenever I try to download this mod manually, I'm getting this error: I'm not sure what's causing that. What can I do to fix this? Some details: I am a Premium Member.It occurs when I press the "manual download" button.I'm on Firefox. Kind regards Andre
  3. I recently released this mod which makes it possible to swim/fly/sail to Solstheim. A user pointed out that certain quests, scenes and packages from the Dragonborn DLC need to be set accourdingly. I'd assume DLC2Init (need to be set to 100) and Adril Arano's introduction scene needs to disabled? I was wondering whether anyone knows which other things need to be done? Thank you in advance Kind regards Andre
  4. Aside from doing the "obvious fixes" (like capping fps, using the Havok Fix mod, using the Increased AI mod), I gave your INI tweaks a try as well. I tried setting fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS to 15000.0 and uExterior Cell Buffer to 64 (ugrids at 5). I was still having the issue. I even increased fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS to 20000.0, but still was having the issue. I'm at wits end atm.
  5. After much fiddling in NifSkope, the CK and xEdit, I failed to hide beards when equipping a headpiece that covers the mouth, leaving me with a beard clipping through it. I have to conclude that any type of facial hair can only be hidden when also the other hair is hidden, so the "facial hair" face part is a child part of the 'hair" face part. I was wondering whether there's any setting to remove facial hair as a child of hair, or whether this is somehow hardcoded. Could anyone enlighten me on this? Thanks in advance Kind regards Andre
  6. I want to add certain cells to a new region, but I'm having trouble doing so. Especially the window to select the cells (in the region editor) is what I can't seem to figure out. Here's a screenshot in which I explain my problem: http://imgur.com/a/Alwgv Could anyone help me out on this? Thanks in advance Kind regards Andre Edit: Sorry, I missed to mention the part that the game I'm talking about is Oldrim (Skyrim 32bit). My bad.
  7. Thanks :smile: I'll try that :smile: Most containers won't have that many items in them anyway, as I capped them.
  8. I have been working on a script to add weight caps to containers. Thanks to the help of other modders, I got a basic script set up. I was wondering if someone can take a look at it and help me finish: Basically I will attach this script to a player alias in a quest. Could anyone help me correct this script/help me finish it? Thanks in advance Kind regards Andre
  9. I tweaked the script a bit (I'm still learning) to this: Keyword Property VendorItemArrow auto event OnItemRemoved(form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) if(akBaseItem as ammo) && UI.IsMenuOpen("BarterMenu") == 0 if(akDestContainer as actor) int arrowcount = akDestContainer.GetItemCount(VendorItemArrow) if(arrowcount > 150) ArrowCount -= 150 if(ArrowCount > aiItemCount) ArrowCount = aiItemCount endif akDestContainer.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, ArrowCount, true, GetReference()) endif endif endif endEvent Does this look okay? Could I also use this IsMenuOpen when I'm activating a container? I could be very useful to exclude merchant chests that way for my container weight cap script. So when I barter with someone, the script won't affect the merchant chest. This is escpecially useful when I'm going to use MXPF or another type of patcher to run it on every container. Or even better yet, is there a script somewhere which checks for used meshes? For instance, something like akContainer.GetModel() == "Clutter\Barrel.NIF". Is there something similar in SKSE or anywhere? Thanks in advance Kind regards Andre
  10. You're awesome! :D Thank you so much! :smile: How would I be able to check if the Vendor Interface is open? I don't mind an SKSE requirement.
  11. I'm interesting into making a script that affects the player when opening another NPCs inventory and limiting the arrows that are in the followers inventory. But I'm not really sure how I should do this.
  12. Hi there I'm working on a mod which overhauls the way containers work. So far, I have been able to give them realistic weight limits and adding weight for arrows that are stored in the container. (should be combined with an arrow weight mod). I have encountered some issues, though: The script won't work on containers in custom home mods that use autosort scripts.It also doesn't work with the Quick Loot mod. (untested, though)I need to find a way to limit the arrows added NPCs/followers.About the last one, I can't use arrow weight to NPCs. Since the game will still think they're 0 weight when I move them into the NPCs inventory, and won't block me from doing this, so I'll need to set a limit. I want to limit the amount of arrows an NPC can carry to 100-150. Since I also want maximum compatibility, I need to apply this to ALL NPCs (not only Vanilla followers), as some mods (AFT, FLP, EFF) have spells to make any NPC a follower. The script should also work with all NPCs added by mods, without needing to make a patch for every single mod. (Interesting NPCs, etc) I was thinking about doing the following: The script will only fire, when then player opens the inventory of an NPC (NOT vendors, though!), so no OnUpdate() to keep the script lightweight.If the amount of items with the keyword "VendorItemArrow" in the NPCs inventory becomes >= 100 -> return the item(s) to the player + display message: "This person's quiver is full."I need to somehow apply this script to ALL npcs. (also modded NPCs and followers) -> I'm thinking of doing this via a perk, so I can use ASIS to dsitribute the perk automatically to ALL NPCs.Anyone know how I should to give an arrow limit to an actor (NOT ONLY THE PLAYER!) via a perk. Thanks in advance Kind regards Andre
  13. But will that also work for all NPCs, or just the player? I want to add the Slingshots to the leveled lists so NPCs use them as well.
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