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  1. Zynoq

    Metal Music

    You have a point there. The classic American trash metal are good. And also my absolute favorite band are based out of Scotland. I doesn't really matter where the bands are from you just have to find the ones that matches you personal taste.
  2. Zynoq

    Metal Music

    Yeah they are, I haven't had time to listen to much of thier songs but I have to say Token of Time is a real masterpiece. Finland really do produce a lot of great heavy metal music, most of my favorite bands actually comes from Scandinavia.
  3. Zynoq

    Metal Music

    No problem, I've not listen to them very long so they're pretty new to me too. Tell me what you think, feel free to share any other viking music ;D
  4. Zynoq

    Metal Music

    Illiad86, you said you're into viking death metal? Here's two bands that I think you should give a shot: Gwydion Tough they're more folk/black they sound a little deathish i think, atleast they sing about vikings :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpQ_-ay84eA Falchion I think they used to sing about vikings and stuff but I've not listen to them so much so I might be wrong. More death here anyway. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfn5xHoQAaI I'm not sure if you call this death metal anyway, I'm more into viking, folk or black metal. Just tought I'd share.
  5. Zynoq

    Metal Music

    I remember, mainly because it wasn't very long time ago. My younger brother had suddenly decided to start listening to metalica so then I guess I tried to be heavier than him and looked up Raning Blood on youtube. I think it was the guitar hero games that got me intersted in metal, and that I'm really thankful for. From all this it's just moved on to others stuff. I wish I'd been introduced to this wonderful music genre way earlier, how awsome wouldn't it have been to be raised in a house full of heavy metal. To bad my father is an old punk rocker who despises metal :P
  6. Zynoq

    Metal Music

    I'm not really into screams either, but growls are a different thing. I don't know where you draw the line between them tough. I was just pointing out the generic view of extreme metal singers. You say you like singing, then check out som songs with ICS Vortex on vocals. He's in my opinion the best singer in heavy metal today.
  7. Zynoq

    Metal Music

    I also get a lot of poo from people because I listen to metal. They just don't understand how beautiful it really is. One thing that really pisses me of is that people don't see metal as real music. They're like: They're just screaming and abusing their instruments. I can do that too. They don't know how much skill that screaming and abusing really takes. Most people think that extreme metal vocalists are bad singers and can't sing and just scream insted, that's so wrong and makes me really angry. I just wish the could see that it isn't just random noise and and screaming singers.
  8. The ship idea sounds like a great idea to me, but maybe add an option to go to sleep when you want to end the trip? The carrige thing would be really hard to make, all the new meshes and animations that needs to be done if you need to go out and defend your self while traveling. Other than this that's some good ideas, hopefully someone might want to do this.
  9. Excuse me if offended you in any way, i wasn't trying to push you down or anything. I just wanted to make sure that you know what to you're getting into. I see lots of topics where people with great ideas are looking for help with thier projects, but they have no clue how to use the CS. If that's the case, in my opinion you're not ready such a big thing, i men i don't think i could handle something like that. But you seem to everything under control. I'd really help if i could but i'm curently working on something else, right now i don't spend so much time on that project as i think i should. But i'm sure you could make this happen if you're really motivated and belive in yourself. Sorry if you missunderstood me.
  10. Judging from the above post it seems that you need people to do almost everything, what's your role in all this? If you're going to lead a team of modders, you need to be prepared to work out most of the stuff yourself. The interior and exterior work can't be to hard to pull of, if you have a basic idea then just go from there. If you've don't have any experience in the CS you should probably check this out: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page There is pretty much all you need to make your mod dream come true. Good luck.
  11. Never mind that I forgot to parent the new pauldron to the armature. I'll see if i can get it right this time.
  12. No but the problem is that the pauldrons still is a part of the iron cuirass. In the drop down box there are the vertex groups for that cuirass. I've tried to just paste the skeleton vertex group name in there but that's when it won't follow the bone in pose mode. I've might have missed something here.
  13. I have been trying to make some armor for the skeleton creature, I took the regular iron pauldrons just beacuase they already exist and are easy to practice on. I understand I have to weight paint the pauldrons to the skeletons skeleton and the remove the boney skeleton and export it all. Then add it to the creature in the CS. Hope that made sense. But the problem is that the pauldron doesn't seem to want to move with the bone that it is wieghted with, and this seems to be because it is a diffrent object. I've looked at the boots for the dark guardian but I couldn't figure something out. Anyone got any experience with this that is willing to share and help?
  14. Yeah i didn't notice that at first, I guess you'l just have to wait and see. I thought it looked a little funny when someone asked for a new glass armor when a thread about just that thing was right under :P
  15. The ghouls are pretty scarry, mostly that sound they make when they are near you. But the thing that really scares the **** out of me is thoose creepy mutated inbred redneck freaks in Point Lookout. I mean rednecks are creppy enough when they haven't been exposed to a huge amount of radiation.
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