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  1. Yes there is. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41579/?
  2. I thought it was the Print Screen key and that they get put in the root folder of Skyrim.
  3. For the vast majority of object I don't think you can see the texture path in the CK. This is because the texture path is stored inside the nif. The exception is objects which use TextureSets. You can see the texture path in texture sets. The CK will tell you the path to the nif and opening the nif with NifSkope will let you see the texture path. Hope that helps a little.
  4. Just create 2 xmarkers in your house. 1 for clean objects and the other for dirty objects. Then set the "enable parent" of each object to the appropriate xmarker. That way you only have to enable/disable the 2 xmarkers and all of their associated object will get enabled/disabled automatically. This also makes it much easier to work in the ck because you can select, for example, the dirty xmarker and press CTRL+1 to hide all of the dirty objects that are linked to it so your only seeing the clean object. Etc.
  5. Please see my answer to a very similar question in this thread. I think it should help you. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2094934-lighting-tips-or-why-do-the-pretty-things-hate-each-other/?fromsearch=1
  6. Yes you can easily lock doors using a script: http://www.creationkit.com/Lock_-_ObjectReference As for what triggers the locking, that's up to your preference. You could use a switch/lever as you suggested. In my mod I just used a timer attacted to the door so that the door automatically locked itself after 10 seconds.
  7. Hi Ac3s, I don't have the answer but I've been working on black book and elder scroll displays myself. So I'll be following this thread :) It's especially tricky for me as I haven't got that far in the game yet so have not done any of the quests. I just assumed that as long as I made the displays in a way that would let the player take the items back then it would just be up to them to make sure they had the items with them when doing the related quests. Sounds like it's not that simple though if removing the items in the first place is enough to break the quest completely.
  8. Resetinterior didn't work for me either. At least not entirety. For example I moved a couple of invisible furniture markers around and even after resetting the interior they still remain at their previous locations.
  9. Is there an equivalent command for exterior cells?
  10. Your not the only modder having this problem. I've also been wrestling with it without much progress. It's especially problematic for objects which the player can enable/disable themselves. They just refuse to relocate to their new position. I've had *some* success with scripting using MoveToEditorLocation but even then it doesn't always work. What's worse is that there doesn't seem to be any obvious pattern to it. For example I had to move 11 soil planters to a new location. 10 of them moved (using scripts) but 1 of them insists on staying in its original location no matter what I did. Sorry I don't have the solution but I'll be keeping am eye on this myself. Hopefully someone will be able to provide a solution.
  11. Yes, as far as the mod you're working on goes, you should be fine. Where you might run into trouble is if you leave the mod you're working on active while you're playing the game as this will lead to various data about your "work in progress" mod being added to your saved game. If you then change, remove things from your WIP mod it might have an adverse affect on your saved game. This is particularly true for scripts that your WIP mod might the using. When it comes to testing your mod, it's generally recommended do that on a clean, un-modded skyrim.
  12. Rather than having seperate and timed day/night lights have you tried using combined lights set to use external emmittence? That way the color and brightness of the lights automatically adjusts to match the time of day. You can also use this technique as a replacement to the cells ambient light. That is, set the cells ambient light to black and add a single omni light, set to use external emmittence and scaled so that it covers the entire house. That way you effectively have a dynamic ambient light. The downside of this is that it means you can't have quite as many decorative lights around the house before you run into the max "4 lights affecting each mesh" rule.
  13. soupdragon1234 is right about the size of the meshes being the problem with lighting hearthfire homes. Whilst I haven't made the fix for the vanilla hearthfire homes myself, I have made available the carved up meshes that would be required to fix the lighting: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41645/? It would be a lot of work to swap out all the meshes so I can understand why nobody has done it.
  14. Ok. I will remove the ladder. So you just want normal/static nifs, and use a seperate furniture marker? At the moment these are proper furniture nifs so the furniture markers are built in to them, but its easy enough for me to convert them. Clever idea about filling the gaps in the rungs with tiny steps. Might have a play with that for my own mod. Getting ladders to work would open up many possibilities :)
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