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About meathead013

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  1. in vanilla you can ask a follower to wait at a spot and if you retreat with enemies chasing your follower will engage them when they get close enough been using AFT for a couple months and cant figure out how to set it so that it does the same thing. currently my follower literally just stands there while enemies are beating on him, which obviously cant be the intended behavior hoping somebody has an easy answer ive overlooked
  2. for anyone else having this problem, i believe i have discovered that no the hotkeys have nothing to do with the SkyUI groups. to activate a group you have to click on that group box at the bottom of the Favorites (Q) menu and press the R key. as far as i know so far, theres no way link that group to a hotkey. maybe someone else knows that
  3. my understanding is that SkyUI is supposed to allow me to change between entire sets of weapon/armor/accessories with the press of one hotkey i tried following the instructions here but it hasnt been working http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/648812304830500302/ for example, i have assigned all the equipment related to my sword/shield setup in group 1 and my bow related setup in group 4. i can see all the proper items in the group when i click on either bottom box 1 or bottom box 4 of the Quick (Q) favorites menu my understanding is that those group boxes 1-8 at the bottom of the Quick menu are connected to the keyboard hotkey numbers 1-8. i had previously set up just my sword in hotkey 1 and my bow in hotkey 4 now with the SkyUI groups set up i manually set all my worn equipment to my sword/shield setup (via the Iventory (I)) and try pressing hotkey 4 expecting my entire bow setup to be in place, but its not. only the bow changes and all the sword/shield equipment remains the same except for the shield bc you cant hold a bow and shield at the same time. same thing happens if i change equipment to a bow setup and press 1 so what am i missing? are the SkyUI groups NOT associated with the normal hotkeys? if not, how do i assign ALL the equipment in a group box to a single key? or do i perhaps have some conflict with a mod or something preventing it from working properly? thanks
  4. well its confusing bc before playing the game i read up extensively to get an idea of the nuts and bolts of the game before starting. shouts are described like they are something that comes sometime significantly later on so i didnt even consider that as a possibility for a brand new game. further, having the shouts listed in the same list as the magic spells is something i didnt anticipate so of course i just assumed they were all magic spells i realize this might seems obvious to experienced users, but why in the world wouldnt the author indicate SOMEWHERE that this was a shout and needed to be accessed via that mechanism instead of spells? it would have only taken one short sentence and to me seems completely intuitive that you would want to include that information to make it clear to new players like me. its not like this franchise isnt very well established, we all know that things change from one game to the next, so including a simple instruction that a brand new capability (shouts) is used seems obvious but enough bitching. hopefully the next person who has this problem will immediately find their answer in this thread and not have to spend twelve frustrating hours trying to figure out how to turn the damn thing on
  5. Solution Found: Its not a magic command, its a Shout. It gets executed by pressing the Z key my god, you would think SOMEWHERE in the mod documentation this fact could have been specified at least I finally figured it out, but it didnt have to be that difficult
  6. When I press the P key the following list of magic spells pops up: Flame Fury Healing Highborn Transportation Configuration Menu When I left click on Flame, Fury, or Healing a hollow diamond pointer appears to the left of the command containing the letter R. If I right click on those items the diamond appears with a letter L in it. This indicates the hand which the spell will be executed from. And yes, I am able to execute any of those first three commands properly. When I either left or right click on the Highborn or Transportation entries, the hollow diamond remains hollow with no R or L in it, the hand remains empty, and trying to execute the command will instead just throw a punch So why isnt the Highborn entry working either? It is a Greater Power and I should be able to execute it once a day, but I haven't used it already so it should be ready to go, but I can't assign it to a hand and I thus cant execute it. Perhaps if I figured out why I can't execute Highborn I would know why I cant execute the Transportation Configuration Menu
  7. I mean, I SHOULD be able to simply select the menu from the list of magic spells like it was just another normal magic spell, correct? I'm trying to determine what the normal way to activate this mod is. If the above sentence is true, then this mod simply is not performing properly for me for some reason and I may have to experiment with the mod list order. If the above sentence is NOT true then I've obviously misunderstood and still dont know how to properly activate the mod.
  8. thank you for your reply, but i still dont know what to do to get the mark and recall spells yes. as i said, this 'provided menu' is the one that is on the list of spells that can be brought up by either pressing the P key or by pressing TAB and then selecting Magic. Is that correct? If so, then that's the menu that I can't get to work, it does nothing when I select it and then try to click to execute the spell. The hand remains empty, and when I click to try to execute it just throws a punch instead which is just executing a normal Hand to Hand punch command I am not aware of any hotkey for this menu. Do you know what the hotkey is? Im not sure it will make any difference since I can't seem to properly select the configuration menu directly from the magic spell list anyway, but I'm willing to try if I knew what the hotkey was
  9. EDIT: solution found. see post 5 Hi, Brand new to Skyrim, just started first play through, minutes into the game at Hod and Gerdur's House trying to prepare for some exploring and looting and accumulating stuff to sell. Installed the Teleportation Spell with Menu and Mark and Recall because I know how aggravated I will be if I don't install this capability (I despise having to micro-manage inventory and taking time to run back and forth while looting). I have experience with these kinds of mods from Oblivion, but I'm not sure how to get this one to work. It's mod configuration is listed among magic spells but when I try to active it nothing happens. I'm still new to how Skyrim magic works, but I thought I could just open the magic menu, select a spell to assign it to a hand, and then click that hand to perform the spell. Isn't that how I'm supposed to use the mod configuration too? When I click on the configuration entry an empty triangle appears next to the entry as if I equipped it, but it doesnt indicate a right or left hand like the other spells do. clicking to execute and nothing happens at all. Theres no Mark/Recall entries in the magic list, and thus I can't current use this feature at all. So what am I missing?
  10. yep, once i revisited every shrine the divine grace ability showed up
  11. well after posting i decided to just run around to the wayshrines again to see what happened and at the second one i re-visited the Nine Divines quest completed. so even tho i was keeping a list i must have somehow missed one or perhaps reloaded an old save that didnt include a wayshrine that i had on my list. but it did demonstrate that you dont have to do the whole quest over again if your infamy exceeds your fame in the middle of the quest i also see that the Divine Grace ability didnt show up, i believe bc infamy had exceeded fame during the quest, which means i actually do have to revisit every shrine to get it (at least i think this is how it works, we'll see)
  12. i thought i understood it and planned ahead but then when i went to complete the Nine Divines i couldnt - Knights of Nine installed before new game - started the Nine Divines quest when i had zero Infamy - visited all but one of the Wayshrines then held off on the last one - Joined Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild, completed most of DB and all of Thieves Guild to become Gray Wolf - getting the 10 Infamy points for becoming Gray Wolf pushed my Infamy past my Fame - went to the last Wayshrine to clear infamy but it said something about continuing my penance and nothing happened according to the uesp Infamy page it says "Infamy limits your ability to use altars to the Nine Divines. If your Infamy exceeds your Fame, trying to use any chapel altar fails, giving the message "Repent your crimes, wicked one!" To regain use of the altars, you must increase your Fame (by doing more "good" quests). Or, if you have installed Knights of the Nine, you can complete the Pilgrimage of the Nine Divines to reset your Infamy to 0." "You can continue to use wayshrines regardless of your Infamy and Fame levels (unless you have Knights of the Nine installed, in which case using wayshrines with any infamy will activate the Pilgrimage quest)." so it seems to clearly be saying that once your infamy exceeds your fame you can simply complete the Nine Divines quest to get infamy set back to 0. to complete that quest you need to use the Wayshrines (which it says you can) but then when i went to do that nothing happened except that message about continuing my penance so what am i missing? how can you possibly complete the Nine Divines quest if you cant use Wayshrines? Or does the entire Nine Divines quest start from scratch once Infamy exceeds Infamy, even tho those earlier entries of my visiting the Wayshrines still exists in the journal?
  13. well fwiw i never figured it out and was forced to change the status via the console command setstage TrainingBlock 100 thats the only time so far ive had to use the console for anything other than turning off grass so that sucks but i had no choice. funny it doesnt seem anybody else had this problem
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