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Everything posted by RussDodson

  1. Anyone know how to fix this? Vortex crashed when I migrated the game to a new SSD. Even reinstalling (Vortex) several times it just hangs tying to find it's files. This is just in explanation of the problem I am asking about. The following is the very first message I get with a successful load. ------------------------------------------ Transfer Settlements vl.93 F4SE 0.4.1or later detected, but your Data/Scripts/0bjectReference.pex seems to be older. Power Grid export/import features are now disabled. Make sure you copy ALL FILES AND FOLDERS from F4SE to your Fallout 4 install directory, especially Data/Scripts/F4SE.pex and Data/Scripts/ObjectReference.pex ------------------------------------------ This I have done more times than I care to admit. I have uninstalled and reinstalled F4SE and Transfer Settlements several times. Same results.
  2. The attached short video is just on example of getting dumped out of build mode when crossing an invisible boundary... Unhhhhh.... where IS the short video I attached? I don't see a link to it anywhere...
  3. Expansion mods used: Homemaker - Expanded Settlements Settlements Expanded Settlement Supplies Expanded Build High - Expanded Settlements Red Rocket Build Area Expanded and more Finch Farm - expanded and corrected Clean and simple - Warwick Startup - Clean and Simple - Warwick Startup Faster Workshop Workshop Framework Workshop Rearranged Workshop Plus Place Everywhere - Place (Fallout4 1.10.120 - latest release) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have 255 installed mods and 251 plugins, 250 active. All have been cleaned with FO4Edit. LOOT shows no errors or warnings. There appears to be (at least) four build area 'zones' , two of them quite narrow, that kick me out of build mode the second I cross a boundary - no 'timeout' warning or anything. It infuriates me no end. I have 'Out of build area' timeout disabled also. The places I have had problems with are (currently) Warwick Homestead, Croup Manor Will upload/share clunky videos if requested. NOTE: This is NOT a gameplay build. It is a Machinima Movie set piece I am building with lots of 'coloring outside the lines', so to speak. The builds are so heavy that I can't get good video with my current gear - upgrade is in the works. OK. That's one problem and complaint. The other is, sometimes getting invisible 'objects' which have no specific form or function but which block or impede movement in the build areas: Croup Manor, Warwick Homestead, Spectacle Island, uhhhh, and a couple of others. Anyone have a solution(s)? Explain to me how to use FO4Edit (or Creation Kit - which I don't really use) to make just one build area with just one set of boundaries?
  4. I am using Faster Workshop, Workshop Overhaul, Workshop Rearranged and Workshop Plus Have been having a recurring problem where I have a happy, productive build session but when I exit build mode ('Esc' key), character movement stays in build mode timescale while everything else is semi-frozen in the 0.1 timescale. If I shoot my 10MM it takes about two minutes for all the brass to hit the ground and if I shoot an exploder vehicle it takes around three to four minutes to explode. I have fast traveled away and back, saved and reloaded the game, used the menu unsticker trick of '14.moveto 14' and some other tricks I've seen. I was able to go back to an earlier save where things worked ok, but when I reloaded my current build game it was still there. I had this happen once before when I was doing a Vault 88 build (from Gopher's Blueprint). The problem persisted for a while then unexplainably went away... Now it's back. I made a couple of videos. I will post samples of them if anyone is interested... Any and all help will be appreciated. :)
  5. AdBlock now off for the domain...
  6. I NEVER _ EVER look at those ads (selective vision) when they pop up, but I do cuss at them a lot - ad-block is easier on the blood pressure - which is already elevated due to the reasons for having to be at the Nexus because of a conflict, etc. And since they have (and are going through) fixing the problem, I'm going to upgrade my membership... thx (so far, so good)
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